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How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?

You are interested in How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam? so let's go check out the following article!

With the development of science and technology, network security becomes more and more important as smartphones, computers and tablets are an integral part of our daily work and personal lives. Along with that is the degree of dependence on online tools, besides it also requires regulations on security and safety when using the network of each individual. To answer the question “How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?”, you can refer to our article below as follows:

Legal grounds

  • Law on Cybersecurity 2018

What is cyber security?

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of the 2018 Cybersecurity Law, cyber security is defined as follows:

“1. Cybersecurity is the assurance that operations in cyberspace do not cause harm to national security, social order and safety, and legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Law on Cybersecurity 2018 stipulates the principles of cybersecurity protection as follows:

– Comply with the Constitution and laws; ensure the interests of the State, the lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

– Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the unified management of the State; mobilize the synergy of the political system and the whole nation; promote the core role of the force dedicated to protecting network security.

– Closely combine the task of protecting network security, protecting information systems important to national security with the task of socio-economic development, ensuring human and citizen rights, creating favorable conditions for the development of the country. conditions for agencies, organizations and individuals operating in cyberspace.

– Actively prevent, detect, block, fight, and frustrate all activities using cyberspace to infringe upon national security, social order and safety, and lawful rights and interests of agencies. , organizations or individuals; ready to prevent threats to network security.

– Deploying cybersecurity protection activities for the national cyber infrastructure; apply measures to protect information systems important to national security.

– An information system important to national security shall be assessed and certified to meet all conditions for network security before being put into operation and use; regularly check and supervise network security in the process of using and promptly respond to and overcome network security incidents.

All acts of violating the law on network security must be handled promptly and strictly.

Thus, the protection of network security is based on 7 basic principles, you can refer to the above content.

What behaviors are prohibited in terms of network security?

In Article 8 of the 2018 Cybersecurity Law, the following acts are prohibited in terms of network security:

– Use cyberspace to perform the following acts:

a) Acts specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of this Law;

b) Organizing, operating, colluding, instigating, bribing, deceiving, enticing, training and training people against the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

c) Distorting history, denying revolutionary achievements, undermining the great unity bloc of the whole nation, insulting religion, discriminating against gender and race;

d) Untruthful information causes confusion among the people, causes damage to socio-economic activities, causes difficulties for the operation of state agencies or official duty performers, infringes upon the rights and interests of the public. lawful authority of other agencies, organizations and individuals;

dd) Prostitution, social evils, human trafficking; posting lewd, depraved, criminal information; undermining the nation’s fine customs and traditions, social morality and the health of the community;

e) Instigating, enticing or inciting others to commit crimes.

– Performing cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, cybercrime; causing incidents, attacks, intrusions, hijacking, falsifying, interrupting, stalling, crippling or destroying information systems important to national security.

Producing, putting into use tools, means, software or obstructing or disrupting the operation of telecommunications networks, the Internet, computer networks, information systems, processing systems and control information, electronic means; spreading informatics programs that harm the operation of telecommunications networks, the Internet, computer networks, information systems, information processing and control systems, and electronic means; illegally infiltrating telecommunications networks, computer networks, information systems, information processing and control systems, databases and electronic means of others.

– Opposing or obstructing the operation of the network security force; illegally attacking or disabling the network security protection measures.

Taking advantage of or abusing cybersecurity protection activities to infringe upon the sovereignty, interests, national security, social order and safety, and lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals or for profit.

– Other acts that violate the provisions of this Law.

Cybersecurity protection measures

The Law provides detailed and specific measures to protect network security. These are general administrative and technical measures, both to protect national security, social order and safety, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals in cyberspace. According to the 2018 Law on Cybersecurity, measures to protect network security include:

Network security assessment;

Assess network security conditions;

Network security check;

Network security monitoring;

Respond and troubleshoot network security incidents;

Fight and protect network security;

Use cryptography to protect network information;

Prevent, request to suspend or stop providing network information; suspend, temporarily suspend activities of establishing, providing and using telecommunications networks, the internet, manufacturing and using radio transmitters and receivers in accordance with law;

Request the deletion, access and deletion of illegal information or information about the country, social order and safety, and lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals in cyberspace;

  Blocking and restricting the operation of the information system; suspend, temporarily suspend or request to stop the operation of the information system, revoke the domain name in accordance with the law;

To prosecute, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate according to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code; Other measures as prescribed by the law on national security and the law on handling of administrative violations. In addition, the Law assigns the Government to stipulate the order and procedures for applying cybersecurity protection measures, except for prosecution, investigation, prosecution and adjudication in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, other measures in accordance with the law on national security and the law on handling of administrative violations.

Prohibited acts on network security
Inciting riots, disrupting security or disrupting public order; information containing content that humiliates or slanders others; information with content that infringes upon the economic management order; Appropriation of property; organizing gambling, gambling on the internet,.

Organizing, operating, colluding, instigating, bribing, deceiving, enticing, training and training people against the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Acts of organizing, operating, colluding, instigating, bribing, deceiving, enticing, training, and training people against the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; distorting history, denying revolutionary achievements, undermining the great unity bloc of the whole nation, insulting religion, discriminating against gender and racism;

False information causes confusion among the people, causes damage to socio-economic activities, causes difficulties for the operation of state agencies or official duty performers, and infringes upon legitimate rights and interests. of other agencies, organizations and individuals….will be strictly handled.

Prostitution, social evils, human trafficking; posting lewd, depraved, criminal information; undermining the nation’s fine customs and traditions, social morality and the health of the community;

Instigating, enticing or inciting others to commit crimes.

Performing cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, cybercrime; causing incidents, attacks, intrusions, hijacking, falsifying, interrupting, stalling, crippling or destroying information systems important to national security.

Producing, putting into use tools, means, software or obstructing or disrupting the operation of telecommunications networks, the Internet, computer networks, information systems, processing and control systems. control information, electronic means; spreading informatics programs that harm the operation of telecommunications networks, the Internet, computer networks, information systems, information processing and control systems, and electronic means; illegally infiltrating telecommunications networks, computer networks, information systems, information processing and control systems, databases and electronic means of others.

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Cost: Besides, LSX’s service costs are highly competitive; depending on the nature of the particular case. So, we want our guests to have the best possible service experience. Therefore, costs which guaranteed to be the most suitable and economical for customers.

Confidentiality of client information: Finally, all brand information of client LSX will be 100% confidential.

Please contact us immediately if you have any questions about “How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?”

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Above is the advice of LSX Law firm on the issue of “How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?”. We hope that with the above answer, you can apply the above knowledge to use in work and life. Any questions about related legal procedures or unanswered questions such as: re-registration of birth registration, electronic invoice form… Please contact us via hotline: +84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

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Frequently asked questions

What is the National Security Critical Information System?

An important information system for national security is an information system
When there is a breakdown, intrusion, hijacking, falsification, interruption, disruption, paralysis, attack or sabotage, it will seriously infringe on network security.

How is international cooperation on cybersecurity?

International cooperation on cybersecurity is carried out on the basis of respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit.

How to protect national cyberspace?

The State applies measures to protect national cyberspace; prevent and handle acts infringing upon national security, social order and safety, and lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals in cyberspace.

Conclusion: So the above is How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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