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How much does it cost to apply for an event permit in Vietnam?

You are interested in How much does it cost to apply for an event permit in Vietnam? so let's go check out the following article!

In order to organize an event, it is not simply a matter of organizing whatever you want, but the individuals and organizations that organize the event always need to apply for an event permit in accordance with Vietnamese law. South present. No matter how large, medium or small any event is, a license is required to operate. Although this is quite time-consuming from categorizing the event to drafting and presenting the documents in accordance with the event regulations and submitting the application to the correct unit pending approval and licensing, it will avoid the situation of being sanctioned if not licensed but still organize the event. What are the conditions for being granted an event license? To answer the above question, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “How much does it cost to apply for an event permit in Vietnam?“, as follows

  • Decree 144/2020/ND-CP

Conditions for being granted an event license

According to the provisions of Article 3 of Decree 144/2020/ND-CP in order to be granted an event license, the organization of an event must not contain the following contents:

Firstly, Against the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Secondly, Distorting the history, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; infringing upon national security; denying revolutionary achievements; insulting leaders, national heroes, and celebrities; undermining the great national unity bloc; offending beliefs or religions; racial discrimination; infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals.
Thirdly, Inciting violence, propagating wars of aggression, causing hatred between nations and peoples, and adversely affecting foreign relations.
Finally, Using costumes, words, sounds, images, movements, means of expression, and forms of performing acts contrary to the nation’s fine customs and traditions, negatively affects morality and public health. community and social psychology.

In addition, in order to apply for a permit quickly, it is necessary to specify which of the following 3 types of events you want to organize:

Large events, programs, and conferences (i.e. with the participation of many people including foreigners) must be licensed by the Minister of the equivalent unit (or a larger position).
Domestic events, programs, and conferences without the participation of foreigners will be licensed by the Provincial People’s Committee or relevant Departments.
Interprovincial events, programs, and conferences (held at the same time with the scale of many provinces) need to apply for a license to organize events in the relevant provinces and cities.

Procedures and documents to apply for an event permit

Step 1: Draft and prepare documents at the request of the licensing agency or unit. Note, the application must submitted at least 10 days before the event.

Step 2: Submit the application, there are currently 3 ways to submit the application according to the regulations, including:

Direct submission,
Send by post and
Submit online through the agency portal, the unit needs to apply for permission.
Step 3: Wait for the competent agency or unit to consider the dossier. Depending on the type of event and the regulations on organizing the event, this time may last from 1-7 days.

Step 4: Get the result.

Dossier to apply for an event permit

Documents to prepared to apply for an event permit include the following documents:

  • The application form for an event permits officially prepared by the licensing agency or unit. This is the most important part of the document, you need to fill in all the information in the application completely and in detail. Specify a non-profit program or ticketing program (attach the ticketing program, Marquette).
  • Certified copy of business license (for events launched by a business) or certified copy of establishment license (for events launched by an organization).
  • A copy of the content of the event that will take place, including everything from the script to the guests, the time, the detailed venue, the name of the MC, the host, etc. Especially for a fashion event, it should sent. sketch at least 30 days before the event.
  • If the company organizes an event for a customer, a copy of the contract signed to organize the event with the customers required.
  • For the event venue, it is necessary to make 4 copies of the relevant documents to submit to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Copyright Office, the event organizer, and the venue unit. out event.


In addition, depending on the type of event, it is necessary to add a few related documents, specifically as follows:

  • Press conference: Supplementing the application for press conference permission, and other related documents such as product launch press conferences need to have content about products, and promotions, … similar to press conferences with other purposes.
  • Fashion show: As mentioned above, it is necessary to submit a sketch of the costumes that will shown and add an application for permission to perform a fashion show and a list of models. In addition, a review meeting should held at least 5 days before the event.
  • Music show: Need to add an application for permission to organize a music event and time to hold a review.
  • Exhibition: When conducting an exhibition event, in addition to the basic contents mentioned above, it is necessary to obtain a permit to organize an exhibition with full details, and a list of all products and works on display. exhibition (specify the shape, size, and material) and invitation to attend the exhibition.

Where can I apply for an event permit?

According to regulations, organizing events based on the type of event that the licensing unit will also vary, including the Prime Minister; Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Copyright Office; Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Information and Communications; Information and communication facilities.

When organizing an event, it is necessary to carefully consider which category to contact for appropriate permission. Specifically, international seminars and conferences need to obtain permission from the highest authority, which is the Prime Minister. For big music shows, many famous artists performing need to get permission from the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

For events of an international nature, the authorizing authority belongs to the following agencies:

The Prime Minister allows the organization of high-level international conferences and seminars. Attendees are heads or ministerial officials. Or equivalent or more of the countries. Conferences and events with content related to politics, security, and defense. Religion, human rights, or state secrets.
Heads of central and local agencies shall decide the organization of international conferences and events for their respective agencies and localities. Not in the cases requiring the Prime Minister’s permission.
Central organs of people’s organizations organize events and conferences according to the regulations of the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee.

For events without foreign elements, the authorized authority is:

Provincial People’s Committee and relevant Departments. Depending on the content and nature of the event and the guiding document of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Note that the event organizers may be discontinued in the following cases:

The competent state agency requests to stop the event organization in writing because the event violates the regulations on banning the appearance of the content contained in the event.
Failing to notify or not yet approved by a competent state agency in accordance with current law
For reasons of national defense, security, natural disasters, epidemics, or emergencies.
In addition, the state agency competent to stop performing arts activities is the agency that receives the notice or the agency competent to approve the provisions of current law. A written request to stop performing art activities must clearly state the reason and time for stopping.

In addition, organizations and individuals must stop the organization of events at the request of competent state agencies and promptly remedy the consequences.

In case of continuing the event organization, the organization or individual shall make a written proposal for the plan to continue organizing and send it to a competent state agency for consideration and decision.
Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of the written proposal, the competent state agency shall consider, decide and notify the results in writing to relevant organizations and individuals to know and implement the proposal.
Organizations and individuals that stopped from organizing events must publicly announce on the mass media the cessation of event organization and are responsible for ensuring the interests of related organizations and individuals in accordance with regulations. under the law.

Cost of applying for an event permit

Depending on the size and duration of the event, the cost of applying for an event permit will vary.

If you apply for a license to organize an event at an individual or a licensed state agency, the cost will be lower, but the order, procedure, and time to receive the permit will be longer.

If you use the service of applying for an event license, the procedure and time will be shorter, but the cost of using this service will be higher than applying for an organization license. events at individuals and state agencies have the authority to issue licenses to organize events.

Consulting service of LSX Lawfirm

Above is LSX Lawfirm’s advice on the content of the problem “How much does it cost to apply for an event permit in Vietnam?”. And all the above knowledge to use in work and life. If you have any questions and need more advice and help, please contact the hotline for reception. Lawyer X is a place that provides reputable and fast business services at reasonable prices. Customers will be extremely satisfied when using our services.

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Finally, hope this article is useful for you; answer the question: “ How much does it cost to apply for an event permit in Vietnam? “. If you need more information, please contact  LSX Law firm: at +84846175333 or Email: [email protected].

Related article

How long does it take to apply for an event permit?

The application for an event permit must submitted at least 10 days before the event. However, for modeling shows, fashion shows, fashion shows, and shows related to images and costumes that need to be in accordance with Vietnamese fine customs and traditions, it is necessary to apply for a permit at least in advance 30 days.

How many licenses are there for non-international events?

There are currently two types of event permits:
– Firstly, License from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism: Organizing 2 or more locations in 2 different cities, or national events.
– Secondly, License to organize events at the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism: Including press conference license, roadshow organization license, advertising license at the venue, product advertising license, etc. Except for the organization license, Organizing scientific conferences does not require permission.

Which agency issues licenses to organize events in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of the law on licensing for each specific event and seminar organization under the following agencies:
Firstly, Prime Minister;
Secondly, Relevant departments, and ministries: Department of Performing Arts; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Information and Communications…;
Thirdly, the Provincial People’s Committee and relevant departments (Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism or/and Department of Information and Communication…).

Conclusion: So the above is How much does it cost to apply for an event permit in Vietnam?. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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