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  • Legal servicePolicy on the salary of employees by the law of Vietnam

    Policy on the salary of employees by the law of Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer, I am an employee working in a small factory. I know that the Labor Code in 2019 has come into effect, there are many regulations that have been changed. One of the changes is the regulation on salary policy for employees. Therefore, I would like to ask a lawyer about the policy on wages of employees in accordance with the law? Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Decree 145/2020/ND-CP Consulting content The promulgation of the…

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  • Legal servicePaying less than the regional minimum in Vietnam, will the company be fined?

    Paying less than the regional minimum in Vietnam, will the company be fined?

    According to the recent Decree 38/2022/ND-CP of the Government, from July 1, 2022, the minimum wage will be officially increased for employees working under labor contracts. So, in case the salary is lower than the regional minimum, will the company be fined or not? Being paid less than the minimum wage, what to do to claim benefits? Let’s find out the content of the above provisions in the following article of Lawyer X. Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceHow is the law on intellectual property on images in Vietnam regulated

    How is the law on intellectual property on images in Vietnam regulated?

    Hello Lawyer, Can you give me more information about how the Intellectual Property Law on images regulates? I would like to thank you very much for answering my questions. Thank you for sending us your question. Images especially those that go into business today are among the most vulnerable. Many people are ready to take pictures of other people’s products created for a long time and attach them to their own products to sell for…

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  • Legal serviceHow much is the administrative penalty for failure to fulfill the child-rearing obligation according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    How much is the administrative penalty for failure to fulfill the child-rearing obligation according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    “Hello, Lawyer. My husband and I have been married for 3 years. Family feelings have been turbulent, lately, he often does not come home, and does not care about the children. Money for living expenses for the family is good. I would like to ask that in this case, how much is the administrative penalty for not fulfilling the child support obligation?”. Thank you for your question. For more clarification on this, today, LSX Lawfirm…

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  • Legal knowledgeWhat are the legal regulations on protecting Vietnamese currency?

    Contracts for loan of property under Vietnam Civil Code

    Contracts for loan or property are popular to many people. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are contracts for loan of property? What are rights and obligations of lenders and borrowers to this kind of contract? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Civil Code What are contracts for loan of property? Contract for the loan of property means an agreement…

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  • Legal serviceHusband and wife checking each other's messages is domestic violence according to Vietnamese law?

    Husband and wife checking each other’s messages is domestic violence according to Vietnamese law?

    “Hello Lawyer, lately my husband is stressed at work, so he gets angry at me. My husband is skeptical all day, saying I’m having an affair. He always wants to control and see the messages on my phone. Husband and wife check each other’s messages is it domestic violence? What should I do about this situation I have also explained and told him many times but he doesn’t care about me In this case I…

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  • Legal knowledgeSale contracts of property according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Sale contracts of property according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Sale contracts of property are very popular contracts. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through th following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what does sale contract mean under Vietnam law? What are legal regulations on this kind of contract in Vietnam? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Civil Code What is sale contract of property? Sale contract means an agreement between parties whereby a seller is obligated to transfer…

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  • Legal knowledgePerformance of contracts according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Performance of contracts according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Performance of contracts is really important to realize rights and obligations of parties to contracts. Let’s find out this isse through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on per. Performance of unilateral contracts and Performance of bilateral contracts in Vietnam? How are agreements on fines against violations regulated in Vietnam? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Civil Code Performance of unilateral contracts With respect to a unilateral…

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  • Legal serviceBidding in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Bidding in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Bidding is a special transaction method, the person who wants to build a work (the caller) announces in advance the requirements and conditions for the construction of the work, etc. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Bidding in accordance with Vietnamese law”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Bidding 2013 Bidding overview in Vietnam So, Bidding is a special transaction method, the person who wants to build a work (the caller) announces in…

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  • Legal serviceManagement of individual houses in Vietnam construction investment projects

    Management of individual houses in Vietnam construction investment projects

    How is the management of separate housing areas in housing construction investment projects regulated by law? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Management of individual houses in Vietnam construction investment projects”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on house 2014Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Management of individual houses in Vietnam construction investment projects Pursuant to Article 17 of Decree 99/2015/ND-Cp guiding the Law on Housing 2014, there are regulations on management of separate housing areas in…

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