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  • Legal serviceDomestic violence hotline in Vietnam

    Domestic violence hotline in Vietnam

    Domestic violence is a serious matter not only physically but also mentally for the person being abused, for the family members who have witnessed it. Therefore, we need to reflect on the acts of domestic violence so that they are properly punished and also need to protect and heal those who suffer from domestic violence. So what is the “domestic violence hotline phone number”? Let’s find out about the problem with Lawyer X! Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceCrime of manipulating the stock market in Vietnam

    Crime of manipulating the stock market in Vietnam

    Society is increasingly developed and modern. Subjects are very interested in earning extra income online. And stock investment is now no stranger to individuals and organizations. However, because the stock market is interested by many people, it is common for individuals and organizations to manipulate the stock market. So to learn about the issue of “How is the crime of manipulating the stock market handled?” Let’s refer to Lawyer X’s article below! Legal grounds Securities…

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  • Legal serviceRights and obligations of capital contributors in a partnership in Vietnam

    Rights and obligations of capital contributors in a partnership in Vietnam

    Partnership is one of the most popular types of businesses in our country. The appearance of the partnership is extremely important; contribute to the diversification of business methods of enterprises. The law of our country has specific provisions on the conditions for the establishment of a partnership; as well as property regulations; liability of the partnership for its business. Another issue, which is the rights and obligations of capital contributors in a partnership, are also…

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  • Legal serviceVAT refund for foreigners on exit according to Vietnam regulations

    VAT refund for foreigners on exit according to Vietnam regulations

    What is the VAT refund procedure for foreigners on exit? Are there any difficulties in the invoicing process? To answer the above questions, let’s work with Lawyer X to find out the above problem through the article “VAT refund for foreigners on exit” below by Lawyer X to solve! Legal grounds Circular 92/2019/TT-BTCLaw on Value Added Tax 2008Circular 219/2013/TT-BTC What is Value Added Tax? Article 2 of the Law on Value Added Tax 2008 stipulates:…

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  • Legal servicePenalties for violations of regulations in the real estate business  in Vietnam

    Penalties for violations of regulations in the real estate business  in Vietnam

    Organizations and individuals doing real estate business must establish enterprises by the law on enterprises or cooperatives by the law on cooperatives. The real estate business is a conditional business line. So how will violations of regulations in the real estate business be punished? Through the following article, Lawyer X will answer the question “The penalty for violation of regulations on real estate business” Legal grounds Housing Law 2014;Real estate business lawDecree 139/2017/ND-CP. What is…

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  • Legal servicePenalties for violations of regulations in the real estate business  in Vietnam

    Procedures for setting up a real estate brokerage company in Vietnam

    Real estate is always an area that many investors are interested in and choose to do business in. There are many approaches and businesses in this field, one of which must be the development of the real estate brokerage service business. In the article presented, Lawyer X will help customers have the most comprehensive view of the procedures for establishing a real estate brokerage company in 2022. Hopefully, the article will bring many useful things…

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  • Legal serviceNew policies affecting the real estate market 2022 in Vietnam

    New policies affecting the real estate market in Vietnam

    Right from the beginning of 2022, the Government has issued several new Decrees with many changes related to real estate policies. How will these policies affect the real estate market? What regulations do real estate investors need to pay attention to? Let’s find out with Lawyer X the article “New policies affecting the real estate market in 2022”. So, we invite you to read along. Legal grounds Construction Law 2014Construction Law Amendment 2020Decree 02/2022/ND-CPDecree 16/2022/ND-CP…

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  • Legal serviceDisclosure of real estate information put into a business in Vietnam

    Disclosure of real estate information put into a business in Vietnam

    Hello lawyer. My company deals in real estate and sells apartments. However, because I want to compete with other sellers, my company does not publicly post real estate information on the company’s homepage as well as give verbal advice and send some general information about the project to the company. client. So, do businesses have to publicize real estate information to put into business? Is non-disclosure illegal? Ask your lawyer to answer. Real estate disclosure…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for granting nursing practice certificate in Vietnam

    Conditions for granting nursing practice certificate in Vietnam

    Workers must currently meet state requirements to participate in certain occupations (if any). To work in some professions, including nurses as well as medical workers, employees must have a practicing certificate issued by a competent authority, according to the government. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to provide information about: “Conditions for granting nursing practice certificate in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2009Circular 41/2015/TT-BYTCircular 41/2011/TT-BYT Conditions for granting…

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  • BusinessCertificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam

    Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam

    Currently, to participate in certain occupations, workers must satisfy the requirements of the state (if any). The government stipulates that employees must have a practicing certificate issued by a competent authority to work in a number of professions, including the profession of auditing. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to inform you: “Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Accounting 2015Circular 202/2012/TT-BTC Certificate of registration for audit…

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