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  • BusinessEntry into labor contracts in accordance with Viet Nam legal regulations

    Entry into labor contracts in accordance with Viet Nam legal regulations

    Entry into labor contracts is a primary step for both employees and employers in getting their own targets. Viet Nam Labor Law has regulations on entry into labor contracts. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask about how are labor contracts defined in Viet Nam? What are forms, contents of  labor contracts? What I should notice when I entry into labor contracts in Viet…

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  • Legal knowledgeHow many times does the law of Vietnam allow to sign a labor contract

    How many times does the law of Vietnam allow to sign a labor contract?

    Currently, when signing a labor contract, the law has regulations on the number of times and the number of times the contract is signed. How long does it take to re-sign the labor contract? How many times does the law allow signing a labor contract? Please refer to the article below to understand the regulations on the number of times of signing labor contracts. Legal grounds Labor Code 2019 Is it possible to sign a…

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  • Legal knowledgeDo seasonal contracts of less than 1 month in Vietnam have to pay social insurance?

    Do seasonal contracts of less than 1 month in Vietnam have to pay social insurance?

    Hello lawyer. I plan to work as a temporary employee of a company for less than 1 month. I want to know if I work for a short time, will I be able to pay all kinds of insurance? Can I pay social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance? Do seasonal contracts of less than 1 month have to pay social insurance? According to current legislation, how is this issue regulated? Looking forward to having…

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  • Legal serviceShould register for logo protection as trademark or copyright in Vietnam

    Should register for logo protection as trademark or copyright in Vietnam

    If you do not register for trademark protection, your business will not be fully and completely protected. This leads to the risk of not being able to own your brand. Once the brand value is higher and higher, not owning the brand becomes extremely dangerous, and when the consequences of a dispute occur, the risk of losing or infringing the brand is very potential. However, many businesses still wonder. Should they register for logo protection…

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  • Legal knowledgeInstructions for registering the latest exclusive copyright logo in Vietnam

    Instructions for registering the latest exclusive copyright logo in Vietnam

    To protect the logo they design, individuals and organizations need to register an exclusive copyright logo. Besides, this is essential for individuals and organizations who are building their brand. So, how to register an exclusive copyright logo? Please follow the article How to register the latest exclusive copyright logo below Legal grounds  Intellectual Property Law What is Copyright Logo Registration? Copyright logo registration means the procedure for copyright registration of a designed logo. Although, according…

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  • Legal knowledgeWhat are rights and obligations of employees and employers under Viet Nam Labor Law?

    What are rights and obligations of employees and employers under Viet Nam Labor Law?

    Labor relationships are essential to the economic development of every countries. Two main subjects in labor relationships are employees and employers. Viet Nam Labor Law has regulations  on rights and obligations of employees and employers. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask if Viet Nam State has any significant policies on labor or not? How are rights and obligations of employees and employers regulated…

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  • Legal serviceCan Koreans living in Vietnam buy a house?

    Can Koreans living in Vietnam buy a house?

    My boyfriend is a Korean who is currently working and living in Vietnam, so he intends to buy an apartment to live in. So, can foreigners buy houses in Vietnam? What are the conditions for foreigners to buy houses in Vietnam? What is the procedure for buying and selling apartments with foreigners? I hope a lawyer can help me. With low cost of living and also an interesting tourist destination; Therefore, the demand for foreigners…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on protective forest land in Vietnam

    Regulations on protective forest land in Vietnam

    The land is a precious resource of the nation, over many generations our people have spent a lot of effort and blood to create and protect the land capital as it is today. Therefore, the Land Law over the period stipulates the form of land use, the principles of land use, and the classification of land into specific categories for convenience in the process of using and managing this resource. In the following article, let’s…

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  • Legal knowledgerocedures for transferring production forest land in Vietnam

    Procedures for transferring production forest land in Vietnam

    Currently, many people are wishing to transfer the right to use production forest land. But they do not know the documents, order and procedures for transferring the right to use production forest land. Here, let’s find out with Lawyer X about “What is the procedure for transferring production forest land?” Check out the following post! Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Decree 43/2014/ND-CP What is the production of forest land? According to the provisions of Article…

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  • BusinessCan a wife authorize her husband to sell land in Vietnam?

    Can a wife authorize her husband to sell land in Vietnam?

    In many cases, for various reasons, property owners can not exercise their rights to the property themselves. So, the property owner may have to ask someone else to act on his/her behalf (authorization). However, many people do not have an insight into the regulations of the law regarding authorization. In particular cases, they do not know if they can authorize another person to sell property such as land or not. Therefore, in this article LSX…

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