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  • BusinessCases of not being able to mortgage land use rights in Vietnam

    Cases of not being able to mortgage land use rights in Vietnam

    The holder of a land use right certificate, or in other words a red book, has the right to mortgage the land use right. However, not all cases can mortgage land use rights due to the specific situation of the land. In this article, LSX legal firm will provides information regarding: “Cases of not being able to mortgage land use rights in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Land 2013Civil Code 2015Decree 21/2020/ND-CP Overview of mortgage…

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  • BusinessHow to buy land without papers fast and simple in Vietnam?

    How to buy land without papers fast and simple in Vietnam?

    Currently, the certificate of land use right, also known as the red book, plays an important role to transfer land use rights. However, many land owners nowadays still do not have the red book of their land due to various reasons in the past. It may confuse people who want to buy and sell such land. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will give you guidance on: “How to buy land without papers fast…

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  • BusinessViet Nam legal regulations on issuance of work permits

    Viet Nam legal regulations on issuance of work permits

    The work permit is a necessary legal document for foreign workers to work in Viet Nam. Decree 152/2020/ND-CP has detailed regulations on work permits. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask about procedures for issuance work permits in Viet Nam as well as other relevant regulations. Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Decree 152/2020/ND-CP on foreign workers working in vietnam and recruitment and management…

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  • Legal serviceRegister the ownership of the logo by the laws of Vietnam

    Register the ownership of the logo by the laws of Vietnam

    When the owner of a logo designs a logo for himself or his company, he needs to quickly register the ownership of that logo. When registering for exclusive ownership of a logo, you will automatically have exclusive rights to that logo and have the right to prohibit other entities from using your logo. So, how do register the ownership of the logo according to the regulations? Let’s find out with Lawyer X. Legal grounds Intellectual…

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  • Legal serviceHow to register a foreign logo in Vietnam

    How to register a foreign logo in Vietnam?

    Hello lawyer, me and Vietnamese American. Currently, in the US I have a fast food restaurant business. I want to develop my restaurant in the country, and want to register to protect the logo of my restaurant. But I do not know the order of procedures, or how to prepare documents? Can a lawyer advise me on how to register a foreign logo in Vietnam? Seek the advice of a lawyer.Thank you for sending us…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for logo registration in accordance with the provisions of the law of Vietnam 2022

    Conditions for logo registration in accordance with Vietnamese law 2022

    Currently, individuals and organizations have consciously actively registered their logos to avoid unnecessary risks. However, in order for a logo to be registered with the competent authority, it must meet the prescribed conditions. So, what are the conditions for logo registration? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Conditions for logo registration in accordance with Vietnamese law 2022”, as follows: Legal grounds Intellectual property law Logo registration forms According to the provisions of…

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  • BusinessViet Nam legal regulations on acceptance of demand for foreign workers

    Viet Nam legal regulations on acceptance of demand for foreign workers

    Employers wishing to employ foreign workers in Viet Nam shall obtain acceptance of demand for foreigner workers from the competent state agency. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask current regulations on dertermination of demand for foreign workers. When shall the competent state agency issue a written approval for demand for foreigner workers? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Decree 152/2020/ND-CP on foreign workers…

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  • BusinessLegal regulations on conditions satisfied by foreign labourers to work in Viet Nam

    Legal regulations on conditions satisfied by foreign workers in Viet Nam

    Foreign workers are allowed to work in Viet Nam when they comply with certain conditions prescribed by Law. Let’s find out these conditions with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask can a foreign national under 18 years old work in Viet Nam? What are requirements that foreign national wishing to work in Viet Nam should pay attention? Thanks for answering me!” To clarify these questions, Lawyer X would like to…

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  • Legal serviceHow to register logo copyright online

    How to register logo copyright online?

    The digital age is increasingly developing, the administrative procedures are being carried out more and more quickly through online registration forms. Currently, Registering logo copyright online will help logo owners quickly register their logo. So, how to register logo copyright online? Please follow the article below of Lawyer X. Legal grounds Intellectual property law What is online logo copyright registration? Logo copyright registration means the logo owner carrying out legal procedures for the competent state…

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  • Legal knowledgeHow are civil cases without mediation handled in Vietnam?

    How are civil cases without mediation handled in Vietnam?

    Recently, LSX legal firm has received a question: “I am the defendant in a civil case. I have been summoned by the Court for the second time, but I do not want to participate in the mediation, is it illegal? Will the trial continue without my participation? Will my case be considered a civil case that cannot be mediated?”In this article, LSX legal firm will inform you the regulations to answer the question: “How are…

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