Block Title

  • BusinessConversion of enterprises according to Viet Nam Law on Enterprises

    Conversion of enterprises according to Viet Nam Law on Enterprises

    The conversion of enterprises is allowed according to Viet Nam Law on Enterprises. Let’s find out with Lawyer X about legal regulations on the conversion of enterprises using the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask how many forms of conversion of enterprises are there in Viet Nam? How shall the conversion of enterprises be conducted? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Law on Enterprises Types of Enterprises in Viet Nam Enterprise means an…

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  • BusinessThe legal status of partnerships under Viet Nam Law on Enterprises

    The legal status of partnerships under Viet Nam Law on Enterprises

    The partnership is a typical form of enterprise in business markets. Viet Nam Law on Enterprises has clear regulations on the legal status of partnerships. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask what are characteristics of the partnership according Viet Nam law? What are rights and obligations of this form of enterprises? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Enterprises…

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  • Legal serviceShould you register marriage before wedding in Vietnam?

    Should you register marriage before wedding in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, many couples last for years and want to go into marriage but live far away from their homeland. So, they intend to register their marriage first, then come back and have a wedding in the homeland later. However, many do not know if the law regulates about this problem or not. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Should you register marriage before wedding in Vietnam?” Legal ground Law on…

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  • Legal serviceWho takes responsibility when the company evades tax in Vietnam?

    Who takes responsibility when the company evades tax in Vietnam?

    Tax, a source of revenue for the state budget, plays an important role in the life of citizens. Tax evasion means an act of infringing on the tax policy of the State through the failure of the subject to fulfill or incompletely fulfill the tax payment obligation. In this article, LSX legal firm provides: “Who takes responsibility when the company evades tax in Vietnam?” Legal ground Law on Tax Administration 2019 Tax evasion Tax evasion…

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  • Legal serviceCan you have a child but not get married in Vietnam?

    Can you have a child but not get married in Vietnam?

    Recently, LSX legal firm has received a question: “I and my boyfriend have lived together for 3 years. During this time I realized we had many things in conflict. If we go into marriage, sooner or later we will break up. I’m 5 months pregnant but he still doesn’t consider getting married. So, I wonder if it is possible to have children together but not register for marriage. If I do not register my marriage,…

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  • Legal serviceActs of infringing copyright on musical works in Vietnam

    Acts of infringing copyright on musical works in Vietnam

    Intellectual property rights mean the rights of organizations and individuals to intellectual property, including copyright and rights related to copyright, industrial property rights, and rights to plant varieties. Copyright is the right of an organization or individual to a work they create or own. Thus, acts of infringing upon the copyright of musical works are also illegal acts. So, let’s go with Lawyer X to find out this issue! Legal grounds – Luật Sở hữu…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on converting land for perennial crops to residential land in Vietnam

    Regulations on converting land for perennial crops to residential land in Vietnam

    My family has a plot of land in perennials; Now due to the need to build a house, the family wants to move more to residential land. However, when asking for permission; The Department of Natural Resources and Environment replied, that my family’s land belongs to the category of traffic land according to the construction zoning planning project approved by the City People’s Committee in 2020, so there is no land for conversion. Can I…

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  • Legal serviceCurrent organizational structure of Vietnamese enterprises

    Current organizational structure of Vietnamese enterprises

    State-owned enterprises are an important subject in the economy, through which the State can partially express its economic policies in certain industries and fields. The Law on Enterprises now has clear regulations on the organizational structure of SOEs. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Hello, Lawyer! I would like to ask, how much charter capital or more does a state-owned enterprise own by the state? What are the main…

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  • Legal serviceOrganizational structure of a joint-stock company under Vietnamese law

    Organizational structure of a joint-stock company under Vietnamese law

    A joint-stock company is a very popular type of business in our country. The Law on Enterprises has clear provisions on the organizational structure of joint-stock companies. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Hello, Lawyer! I would like to ask, what are the main agencies and departments of a Joint Stock Company? What is the legal status of these agencies in a joint-stock company? Thanks for the reply Lawyer!”…

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  • Legal serviceExclusive trademark registration service in Vietnam

    Exclusive trademark registration service in Vietnam

    How to register an exclusive trademark is very important to establish the ownership rights of individuals and organizations over their own brands. Attorney X’s exclusive trademark registration service will help you do so quickly and efficiently. For more service information, please refer to the article below. What does a trademark registration file include? The owner can directly apply or authorize the representative organization to register the exclusive trademark on behalf of the owner to file…

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