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  • Legal serviceApplication of electronic invoices and vouchers in tax management

    Application of electronic invoices and vouchers in tax management in Vietnam

    Currently, the application of electronic invoices and vouchers is becoming more and more popular, which partly helps tax management activities to be more effective. Let’s find out the legal regulations on this matter with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Hello Lawyer! I want to ask if the invoice, an electronic voucher is an invoice, and the document is presented in the form of electronic data, correct? How is the management and use of electronic…

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  • BusinessTax enforcement measures according to Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration

    Tax enforcement measures according to Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration

    Tax enforcement is a specific activity that can be carried out by many different measures depending on each circumstance. Let’s find out with Lawyer X these coercive measures through the following situation: “Hello, Lawyer! I want to ask when is the enforcement by extraction of money from the taxpayer’s account applied? In addition, are there other measures to enforce tax decisions? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration Enforcement by…

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  • BusinessHow is the tax audit regulated under current law?

    How is the tax audit regulated under current law?

    The tax audit is extremely important to ensure the correctness of tax administration. The Law on Tax Administration now has explicit provisions for the tax audit. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Hello, Lawyer! I want to ask when is the tax audit carried out? What are the rights and obligations of the subjects involved in tax audit activities? Thank you for your answer!” Legal grounds Law on Tax…

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  • BusinessHow is tax inspection performed according to current legal regulations?

    How is tax inspection performed according to current legal regulations?

    Tax inspection is an important activity to help ensure the correctness of tax administration. Let’s find out with Lawyer X the legal provisions on tax inspection through the following situation: “Hello, Lawyer! I would like to ask How is tax inspection performed according to current legal regulations?. Does the competent authority issue the tax inspection decision? What are the rights and obligations of subjects related to tax inspection?Thanks for your answer.” Legal grounds Viet Nam…

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  • Legal serviceHow to check a business for tax evasion in Vietnam?

    How to check a business for tax evasion in Vietnam?

    In recent times, the situation of enterprises taking advantage of loopholes in the law, circumventing the law to evade taxes for the purpose of personal gain, and loss of revenue for the state budget happens in a wide range. Therefore, the competent State agencies try to detect these tax evasion enterprises to penalize violations of enterprises. So, how do individuals determine if an enterprise has evaded taxes before entering into a labor contract? In this…

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  • BusinessHow many personal tax numbers does a person have in Vietnam?

    How many personal tax numbers does a person have in Vietnam?

    Recently, LSX legal firm has received a question: “I have just quit my job at my old company and now I have applied for a job at a new company. Can I carry out the procedure of creating a new personal tax number? How many personal tax identification numbers can I have? According to current legal regulations, how many personal tax identification numbers can a person have? Looking forward to having a lawyer answer my…

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  • BusinessDo you need a permit to build a restroom in Vietnam?

    Do you need a permit to build a restroom in Vietnam?

    In terms of construction work, you have to get a permit from the competent authority for certain types of buildings. However, not everyone understands clearly the related regulations prescribed by the law regarding construction. In some cases, it may confuse people when they want to build kinds of construction work on their land. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to provide information regarding: “Do I need a permit to build a restroom…

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  • Legal serviceConsulting on brand protection in Vietnam

    Consulting on brand protection in Vietnam in 2022

    The brand is the name of a product/service line of an organization or business, a feature that helps consumers distinguish the products/services of other organizations or businesses. Organizations and businesses all pay attention to building and developing because a strong and famous brand can help the company improve the value of its products and services and increase profits. Brands can also transfer and bring great profits if it is a potential brands. However, before thinking…

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  • Legal serviceRegister the ownership of the logo by the laws of Vietnam

    Look up trademark registration in Vietnam in 2022

    Trademark registration search means that the owner or organization authorized by the trademark owner searches for a registered trademark to assess the possibility of trademark protection before submitting an official application. The trademark registration process does not require prior research before applying. Trademark search is an important step in the registration process for industrial property rights protection according to Vietnamese law to avoid the situation of trademark protection applications being returned due to duplicate or…

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  • BusinessDissolution of enterprises according to Viet Nam Law on Enterprises

    Dissolution of enterprises according to Viet Nam Law on Enterprises

    Enterprises can be dissolved in the certain cases prescribed by law. The dissolution of enterprises shall comply with relevant regulations. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask in what cases shall an enterprises be dissolved? What is the procedure for dissolution of enterprises? Thanks for your answer!” Legal grounds Law on Enterprises Cases of and conditions for dissolution of enterprises – An enterprise…

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