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  • Legal serviceForms of real estate business in Vietnam

    Forms of real estate business in Vietnam

    What is real estate business? What forms and activities are included? Features of real estate business. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Forms of real estate business in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Real estate business law 2014 Law on land 2013 Real estate business concept So, Real estate business means the investment of capital to carry out activities of construction, purchase, receipt of transfer for sale, transfer, lease, sublease or lease purchase…

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  • Legal serviceReal estate business in Vietnam

    Real estate business in Vietnam

    The real estate market has many favorable conditions for development and expansion across the country. Many people change their lives by doing real estate business. So do you really understand what business is and how to do it effectively? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Real estate business in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Real estate business law 2014 Law on land 2013 Real estate business concept Real estate business is investing your…

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  • BusinessGeneral legal regulations on investment guarantees in Viet Nam 2022

    General legal regulations on investment guarantees in Viet Nam 2022

    Business investment activities play an important role in the overall development of the economy. Viet Nam has certain policies to attract domestic investors as well as foreign investors, including regulations on investment guarantee measures. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear lawyer! I and my foreign friend intend to invest together in the garment industry in Viet Nam. My friend and I are very concerned about the risks of…

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  • BusinessWhat accountants need to do in a newly established company in Vietnam?

    What accountants need to do in a newly established company in Vietnam?

    Establishing a company now becoming a trend, so a lot of start-ups appear in the market. On the other hand, the establishment of a company of any type must comply with the order and procedures prescribed by the Law on Enterprise 2020. Accordingly, when newly established, there are certain tasks that the accounting department needs to perform. So what should accountants do for a new company? To answer this question, LSX legal firm would like…

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  • BusinessEstablish company or business household in Vietnam?

    Establish company or business household in Vietnam?

    “Should I establish a company or a business household?”, a question that makes many people confuse when they want to start a business. Most people still do not know the advantages and disadvantages of each type on the business operations. So, establishing a business household or a company is more profitable? To answer the question, LSX legal firm would like to provide you this article: “Establish company or business household in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law…

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  • BusinessHow to establish import-export company in Vietnam?

    How to establish import-export company in Vietnam?

    Currently, import and export activities are one of the leading business fields that are being interested in and prioritized by the Vietnamese state. This activity aims to help circulate goods, expand markets and develop the economy. Therefore, businesses establish more and more import and export companies these days. However, to establish an import-export company, owners have to satisfy certain conditions and procedures. So, in this article LSX legal firm would like to answer the question:…

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  • Legal serviceDo I need a degree to establish a company in Vietnam?

    Do I need a degree to establish a company in Vietnam?

    Unlike the previous generations, the young generation in Vietnam today has more and more independent will to establish a company. Currently, with an open mechanism, setting up a company to start a business is no longer as difficult as before. But many of you, when starting a business, wonder if setting up a company requires a degree? To answer this question, LSX legal firm gives you this article: “Do I need a degree to establish…

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  • Business3 misconceptions about charter capital when establishing a company in VN

    3 misconceptions about charter capital when establishing a company in VN

    In recent years, the startup movement in Vietnam grows stronger than ever, shown in statistics when an average of 300 businesses established every day. The ideas and business solutions are rich and diverse. However, in addition to the products and services provided to customers, these days business owners also very concerned about legal issues for their businesses. One of the issues business owners care about as well as many concerns and questions-the charter capital when…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for establishing a real estate brokerage company in Vietnam

    Conditions for establishing a real estate brokerage company in Vietnam

    But in recent years, Vietnam’s real estate market has developed rapidly in both quantity and quality, so the need to connect home sellers and buyers is very necessary, so environmental service companies The real estate industry also develops and increases rapidly. So what are the conditions to set up a real estate brokerage company? and what are the procedures to set up a real estate brokerage company with a competent authority? If you have problems,…

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  • Legal serviceAccommodation service in Vietnam

    Accommodation service in Vietnam

    Currently, accommodation services are not only an attractive business field, but they are also extremely necessary and important. So what is the accommodation service industry? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Accommodation service in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 What is accommodation service? The accommodation service is a business that provides short -term accommodation facilities for those in need (work, tourism,etc). In addition, accommodation services also include long -term…

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