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  • Legal service

    Procedures to establish music production company in Vietnam

    The industry of music production, a new industry appears when the demand for social life increases. Listening to and using copyrighted music is getting more and more important. This market brings a promising future and attracts a lot of investment from entrepreneurs. However, to establish any business, you will have to go through certain procedures and conditions. So, in this article, LSX legal firm provides: “Procedures to establish music production company in Vietnam” Legal ground…

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  • Business

    Procedures to establish management consulting firm with foreign capital in Vietnam

    In modern society, the economy grows day by day, resulting in the increase in demand to establish a company as well as the need for the quantity and quality of products by consumers. The types of companies diversified from the form of business cooperation to the form of ownership and use of capital, typically companies with foreign capital. So what is the procedure for establishing an international company, in particular, a management consulting firm with…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of smuggling

    Regulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of smuggling

    Smuggling is understood in the simplest way as bringing goods into consumption in the Vietnamese market across the border; not through the official route is to import through the customs border gate in accordance with the provisions of the law. Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Regulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of smuggling“, as follows: Legal grounds Penal Code 2015, amendments and supplements in 2017 What is smuggling? Smuggling is…

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  • Legal serviceHow to divide overdue debt?

    How much bank debt can be sued according to Vietnamese law?

    When a customer borrows money, the bank has to fulfill the debt repayment obligation according to the signed contract. If you do not pay, the bank will sue you in court. So how much is the bank’s debt to be sued and for how long? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “How much bank debt can be sued according to Vietnamese law?”, as follows: Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 What is a…

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  • Legal serviceWhy is the price of gasoline in Vietnam so high?

    Why is the price of gasoline in Vietnam so high?

    In Vietnam in recent months, gasoline prices have always caused people a headache. The continuous increase in the price of gasoline causes a great impact on the financial problems of each person because currently, the number of vehicles using petrol in our country accounts for the majority. From here, many people ask the question “Why is gasoline so expensive?” Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Why is the price of gasoline in…

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  • Legal serviceDecoding the meaning of C, R, TM in trademark protection registration in Vietnam

    Decoding the meaning of C, R, TM in trademark protection registration in Vietnam

    “Dear lawyer, when shopping for household appliances and goods for daily use, I often encounter the symbols C (©), R (®), TM (™) written very small on the product. I heard they are used in trademark registration. So what is the meaning of those symbols? Which symbol product will have better quality? Please have a lawyer decode the meaning C, R, TM so that I can buy safe products for my family with peace of…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations of the Government of Vietnam on stopping the production of single-use plastic products

    Regulations of the Government of Vietnam on stopping the production of single-use plastic products

    According to Decree 08/2022/ND-CP guiding the Law on Environmental Protection 2020; The Government requires that after December 31, 2030, stop producing single-use plastic products. So, how is the law to stop the production of single-use plastic products? What should business households, businesses, and consumers pay attention to when this decree takes effect? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Regulations of the Government of Vietnam on stopping the production of single-use plastic products“,…

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  • Legal serviceContents of National Treatment related to Vietnamese law

    Contents of National Treatment related to Vietnamese law

    Currently, the need to develop the world market is being interested in many countries. Therefore, the construction of treatment regimes for countries, especially Vietnam, is a necessary issue. This is considered a very important factor to attract more foreign investors to pour capital into Vietnam. So what are the national treatment regimes that workers need to pay attention to, as well as the national treatment principles, which are important contents to pay attention to? Today,…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for business in tourist accommodation establishments according to Vietnamese law

    Conditions for business in tourist accommodation establishments according to Vietnamese law

    “Hello, Lawyer LSX Lawfirm, I have the following questions. I want to open a motel to serve tourists. However, I do not know the conditions for doing business in this type of service. Hope you can help me quickly answer. Thank you, Lawyer.“. Thanks for your question. As we can see, the epidemic makes many economic sectors difficult. But in recent times, the tourism industry is having the opportunity to develop again. One of the…

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  • Legal serviceChange the type of labor contract in Vietnam

    Change the type of labor contract in Vietnam

    Previously, the Labor Code 2012 stipulates that there are 03 types of labor contracts: definite-term labor contracts, indefinite-term labor contracts and seasonal labor contracts or for a certain job with a term of less than 12 months. The Labor Code in 2019 no longer has seasonal labor contracts as before. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Change the type of labor contract in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Labor Code 2019 The latest…

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