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  • Legal serviceViolations on providing information about goods and services to consumers in Vietnam

    Violations on providing information about goods and services to consumers in Vietnam

    The purchase and sale of goods is one of the commercial activities, which is an indispensable process for the business needs of the seller; and the demand for the use of goods by the consumer. In the process of buying; and selling goods for consumers, the seller must provide accurate information about goods and services to consumers. If the seller violates the provision of information about goods and services to consumers in certain cases; it…

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  • Legal serviceContributing capital with intellectual property rights to establish a business

    Contributing capital with intellectual property rights to establish a business in Vietnam

    Is it possible to contribute capital with intellectual property rights to establish a business? This is probably the concern of many people who are intending to invest; establish a business. Having intellectual property can create competitive advantages that not all businesses have. However, due to the intangible nature of the property; Can consider an asset to contribute capital when establishing a business? Let’s find out about this issue with Lawyer X through the article below.…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for doing business in the labor export industry in Vietnam

    Conditions for doing business in the labor export industry in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer. Currently, I have a legal problem that needs to be answered as follows: I plan to do business in labor export. So what are the conditions for doing business in labor export? When doing this business, what issues should I pay attention to? So, ope to receive an answer from the Lawyer. Thank you! Thank you for sending us your question. Lawyer X would like to answer your questions as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceMaximum coverage of health insurance in Vietnam

    Maximum coverage of health insurance in Vietnam

    Health insurance (HI) partially supports the cost of medical examination and treatment; but not everyone understands the issues related to the payment of health insurance and how much the health insurance pays? The following article of Lawyer X will share with readers the legal regulations on the maximum payment of health insurance. Hope this article brings a lot of useful things to you Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance Amended 2014 How much does health…

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  • Legal serviceWhere to register for a personal tax code in Vietnam?

    Where to register for a personal tax code in Vietnam?

    Normally, when you work at agencies and companies, the agency or company will help you register for a personal income tax number. But if you work outside of these facilities, you’ll have to register yourself. So, have many questions that were to registering for a personal tax number? The following article by Lawyer X will answer the above question for you. Therefore, we hope the article brings many useful things to readers Legal grounds Circular…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions to register for a personal tax code in Ho Chi Minh City

    Instructions to register for a personal tax code in Ho Chi Minh City

    The personal tax code is a tool to help taxpayers make tax payments quickly and conveniently. In big cities like Ho Chi Minh City; The percentage of people using the personal tax code tool tends to grow. So, how to proceed with the registration of a personal tax code. Let’s find out with Lawyer X how to register for a personal tax number in Ho Chi Minh City through the article below. Legal grounds –…

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  • Legal serviceImport and export tax by the law of Vietnam

    Import and export tax by the law of Vietnam

    Import and export tax is one of the familiar taxes. Determining whether it is a direct or indirect tax depends on the particular situation. Import and export taxes that associated with foreign trade activities. Currently, foreign trade activities are expanding. Foreign sales contracts are very common. The tariff pressure also clearly shows the will of the state. Many merchants want to import goods to sell. However, they do not know the regulations on the calculation…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures to establish house cleaning company in Vietnam

    Business registration means a tool for macroeconomic management of the state. And at the same time, a procedure to exercise citizens’ freedom of business rights. In fact, there are more and more types of businesses and business lines with simple, quick, and low-cost establishment procedures. Does setting up a house cleaning company included? In this article, LSX legal firm will give you information regarding: “Procedures to establish house cleaning company in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures to establish toy manufacturing company in Vietnam

    Information about Chinese toys carrying many harmful substances harmful to children increases appearing on the market. So, consumers tend to buy Vietnamese toy products for their kids. Therefore, the toy manufacturing market in Vietnam is currently developing stably, setting up a toy manufacturing company is a very attractive investment. When it comes to business, the issue of establishing a company may confuse people with the complicated procedures. So, what are the specific conditions to establish…

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  • Business

    Procedures to establish company manufacturing household appliances in Vietnam

    The household appliances business is no longer a new concept for entrepreneurs because of the potential market, with specific characteristics aimed at the needs of customers who always want to optimize their family’s life. When it comes to business, the issue of establishing a company may confuse people with the complicated procedures. So, what are the specific conditions for establishing a household appliance manufacturing company and its establishment procedure? In this article, LSX legal firm…

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