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  • Legal serviceProcedures for refusing to receive an inheritance in Vietnam

    Procedures for refusing to receive an inheritance in Vietnam

    My grandmother’s family has 04 children including her mother, 02 aunts, 01 uncle (he is mentally ill). My grandmother died without leaving a will, now the two aunts want to leave the inheritance to my mother and let her take care of him. May I ask: Is the property left by my two aunts my mother’s property or is it the common property of my parents? So, what is the procedure if my two aunts…

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  • Legal serviceMediation is a unilateral divorce case

    Mediation is a unilateral divorce case

    What is the procedure for conciliation in a unilateral divorce case? Is mediation required? To better understand this issue, hereafter Lawyer X would like to introduce the article “Conciliation in the unilateral divorce case”. We invite you to read along. Legal grounds – Civil Procedure Code 2015 – Law on Marriage and Family 2014 What is conciliation? Mediation is the process of third-party persuasion, and assists the parties to reach an agreement and negotiate for…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the penalty for causing environmental pollution?

    What is the penalty for causing environmental pollution?

    Currently, environmental pollution is an alarming problem in society. Many companies and businesses discharge waste into the environment without any treatment;… Behaviors like these cause great impacts on the environment, causing climate change. This behavior needs to be dealt with appropriately. So what is the penalty for the act of causing environmental pollution? Then, let’s find out with Lawyer X about the issue of how to be penalized for causing environmental pollution? Legal grounds Law…

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  • Legal serviceActs of polluting the surrounding environment and penalties in Vietnam

    Acts of polluting the surrounding environment and penalties in Vietnam

    In everyday life, there are seemingly simple acts that cause environmental pollution. Let’s find out with Lawyer X about the acts that pollute the surrounding environment and the level of punishment, to avoid being fined for the following unnecessary errors: Legal grounds – Decree 167/2013/ND-CP – Regulation 155/2016/ND-CP – Decree 90/2017/ND-CP The first group of acts that pollute the surrounding environment and the level of punishment The first group is the acts of causing environmental…

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  • Legal serviceProperty division in divorce: What to know so as not to lose?

    Property division in divorce: What to know so as not to lose?

    When divorcing, one of the things couples care about is the division of marital property. So according to the law, how does the division of property upon divorce regulate? What do you need to know in order not to lose money when dividing assets during a divorce? Let’s find out with Lawyer X in the article below! Legal grounds – Law on Marriage and Family 2014 – Joint Circular 01/2016/TTLT-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BTP Time to require to divide…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for temporary suspension of private enterprises in Vietnam

    Procedures for temporary suspension of private enterprises in Vietnam

    The procedure to suspend the operation of a private enterprise is not difficult, but if the business does not understand the procedures and documents; it will face many difficulties and take time. The following article will provide detailed instructions on the procedure to suspend the operation of a private enterprise in the correct order, and the most economical manner according to the new provisions of the Enterprise Law. Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Circular 65/2020/TT-BTC…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for project land allocation and land lease application in Vietnam

    Procedures for project land allocation and land lease application in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Procedures for project land allocation and land lease application in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Dossier of application for land allocation or land lease for project implementation hen carrying out the procedures for applying for land allocation or land lease for project implementation; the investor needs to prepare a full set of documents including the following documents: Documents in one of the following…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for project land allocation and project land lease

    Procedures for project land allocation and project land lease

    Procedures for land allocation and land lease for project implementation are always interested by investors. However, at present, many investors do not really understand this procedure. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Procedures for project land allocation and project land lease”, as follows: Legal grounds Land Law 2013. Conditions for carrying out procedures for project land allocation To determine the conditions for being allocated land by the State to implement an investment project,…

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  • Legal serviceHow to transfer land for foreigners to buy Vietnamese land?

    How to transfer land for foreigners to buy Vietnamese land?

    “Hello, lawyer! I became a Taiwanese citizen 11 years ago in Vietnam, I bought land and fields; now my mother’s name is in my name; I want to return to Vietnam to change my name; is it possible, sir? Thanks!“. Thanks for your question. Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “How to transfer land for foreigners to buy Vietnamese land?“, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Vietnamese nationality in 2008 Land Law…

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  • Legal serviceNot paying credit card debt is going to jail according to Vietnamese law?

    Not paying credit card debt is going to jail according to Vietnamese law?

    “Hi Lawyer, my son has opened a credit card. Recently, I saw the bank call my son several times asking to pay off his credit card. But my son deliberately did not pay. I have advised him many times to pay the debt to the bank, but he did not listen. and I am very worried. I wonder if my son won’t go to jail if he doesn’t pay his credit card debt? Ask a…

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