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  • Legal serviceOverstatement of charter capital in Vietnam

    Overstatement of charter capital in Vietnam

    One of the issues of establishing a business that we are concerned about is often charter capital, there are many businesses that often declare incorrect charter capital, also known as “overstatement of charter capital”. Is it illegal to overstate charter capital and what are the legal consequences? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Overstatement of charter capital in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 What is charter capital? According to…

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  • Legal serviceReasons to increase the company's charter capital in Vietnam

    Reasons to increase the company’s charter capital in Vietnam

    Charter capital – the total value of assets contributed or committed to contribute by members when establishing a limited liability company or partnership; the total par value of shares sold or registered for purchase when establishing a business for a joint-stock company. Increasing charter capital is the process of restructuring the company’s charter capital. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Reasons to increase the company’s charter capital in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceThe relationship between the parent company and its subsidiaries in Vietnam

    The relationship between the parent company and its subsidiaries in Vietnam

    The model of parent company – a subsidiary in a group of companies is a popular model in the business market. The association between companies in the same group creates certain advantages such as capital concentration, capital flow, coordination in all stages of production and business, etc. to help the group of companies survive and develop. Stable growth in a competitive business environment. So in a group of companies, which company is considered the parent…

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  • Legal serviceDebt restructuring and customer support of Asset Management company

    Can teachers set up a company under Vietnamese legislation?

    The economic development of Vietnam currently growing stronger and stronger in the modern world. Nowadays, business is very simple; all you need is a little capital, passion, experience, and capacity, then you can start a business. Establishing and managing a business is a legal right of citizens. However, some special subjects not allowed to register a business, including teachers in particular and government officials in general. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to…

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  • Legal service

    Establish a Multi-member LLC under Vietnamese Law on Enterprise 2020

    Currently, the epidemic situation is complicated all over the world. However, the need to establish a business increases day by day. Establishing a company – bringing your business idea into reality is a very important decision. However, to succeed in setting up a business, entrepreneurs need to prepare certain steps. Choosing a type for your company is among the decisive procedure. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to give you the information about:…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures to set up a Single-member LLC in Vietnam

    Nowadays, the model of a single-member limited liability company (LLC) attracts entrepreneurs who start to open their own businesses. However, not everyone clearly understands the type of single-member limited liability company. Therefore, considering a legal consulting company, in this case, is very necessary. LSX law firm provides you with comprehensive and quick advice on the most effective ways and procedures for establishing a Single-member limited liability company. In this article, we would like to give…

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  • Business

    What are the conditions to set up a securities company in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, the need to establish a business increases day by day as the start-up trend started and grew strongly. On the other hand, securities and related business lines appeared to people and brought a promising future to entrepreneurs. A securities company is a type of conditional business company with specific and separate characteristics that only when it meets the conditions of the law can it conduct business. So, how do people set up a securities…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for business suspension for businesses facing difficulties due to Covid-19 in Vietnam

    Procedures for business suspension for businesses facing difficulties due to Covid-19 in Vietnam

    Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the economy had many fluctuations, making it more difficult for businesses to do business. In that context, instead of choosing to dissolve or continue to “hold out”, many businesses choose to suspend business. So what is the current business suspension procedure? Is it easy to do? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Decree 01/2021/ND-CP Consulting content Should businesses…

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  • Legal serviceHow to extend the business suspension?

    How to extend the business suspension?

    The law stipulates that an enterprise may suspend its business for 1 year. At the end of this period, the business will return to business or continue to suspend business again. How to extend the business suspension? Please immediately refer to Lawyer X’s article on this issue. Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Decree 01/2021/ND-CP Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT Consulting content Is it possible to extend the suspension of business? “Suspension of business” means the legal status of…

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  • Legal serviceForm of a private placement of shares in Vietnam

    Form of a private placement of shares in Vietnam

    How does the current Vietnamese law regulate the form of a private placement of shares? What are the order and procedure? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the article below. Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020 What are shares? Shares are essentially property rights expressed in shares, which are the smallest division of the company’s charter capital. Charter capital is divided into equal parts called shares. Individuals or organizations that own shares are called…

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