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  • Legal serviceWhat is non-traditional security in Vietnam?

    What is non-traditional security in Vietnam?

    Non-traditional security is a new phrase, that started to be talked about in the 80s of the twentieth century, used a lot in the first decade of the twenty-first century, non-traditional security has become a popular term in the international community. regional and international conferences, forums, bilateral and multilateral cooperation among countries, organizations as well as other subjects in contemporary international relations. So what is non-communication security? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article…

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  • Legal serviceLife insurance foreigners can learn in Vietnam

    Life insurance foreigners can learn in Vietnam

    In the current trend of integration and development, many life insurance companies have formed. With the purpose of protecting people from risks and assisting in unnecessary circumstances, many people are aware of the benefits and risks of participating in this life insurance package. Because, many companies established forged or during bankruptcy, affecting the assets, the amount of money that the insurance buyer pays; but it is impossible not to mention reputable and reputable companies. bring…

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  • Legal servicePenalties for violation of the working time of enterprises in Vietnam

    Penalties for violation of the working time of enterprises in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer! Currently, I am working as a worker at a garment company. However, the company often forces overtime. Our workers are very tired. So, how are enterprises that violate working time be penalized? Hope the lawyer can answer for us. Thank you! LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Penalties for violation of the working time of enterprises in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Decree 145/2020/ND-CPLabor Code 2019Decree 28/2020/ND-CP Regulations on non-working time…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for offering shares to the public of a joint-stock company in Vietnam

    Procedures for offering shares to the public of a joint-stock company in Vietnam

    Offering shares to the public must go through a certain order and procedures. So how does the law of Vietnam regulate the procedure for offering shares to the public? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the article below. Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020 – Securities Law 2019 What are shares? Before learning about the procedure for offering shares to the public. Let’s find out with Lawyer X: What are shares? Shares are essentially…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the difference between shares and stocks?

    What is the difference between shares and stocks?

    Stocks and stocks are two words that we often talk about in life. However, many people confused and cannot distinguish these two words. So what is the difference between shares and stocks? The following article will answer this problem for you. Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020 Consulting content Today, many people still confuse and misunderstand shares and stocks, but these two words are legally different, specifically different in the following points: Concept Share means…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for leasing land for 50 years in Vietnam

    Procedures for leasing land for 50 years in Vietnam

    The government has revised the land use rights on the red book from “permanent” to have a land-use term of 50 years. This has caused a wave of confusion and apprehension when transacting in the real estate market about land, most of them are worried that their land will not only depreciate but also have a high probability that when the term expires. will be withdrawn at the end of 50 years. Frequently asked questions…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations of Vietnamese law on disciplining

    Regulations of Vietnamese law on disciplining

    The form of sanction in enterprises and public units is one of the issues that many employees are concerned about. Currently, in order to ensure the interests of employees and business owners, our country’s law stipulates quite diverse forms of disciplinary action and is suitable for each level of violation of employees. However, many people still do not know what discipline is? Time to remove discipline for employees, civil servants, and public employees? Today, LSX…

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  • Legal serviceDoes business suspension have to pay wages to employees?

    Does business suspension have to pay wages to employees?

    In certain cases, the company is forced to suspend business for some time. The business suspension for 1 calendar year is not subject to corporate income tax if no revenue is generated. However, at present, there are still many questions related to whether to pay wages when suspending business? Find out with Lawyer X about “Does business suspension have to pay employees?” through the following articles: Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020. Consulting content Does…

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  • BusinessIs it possible to get a certificate when the land in master plan?

    Is it possible to get a certificate when the land in master plan in Vietnam?

    “I have a land parcel which I am submitting application to get certificate of land use rights. The commune-level People’s Committee received and responded that according to the reply of planning institute, my land parcel is on the master plan on land use and there has been a land recovery decision. The problem here is citizens in the neighborhood do not know about the decision, the commune-level People’s Committee also said that they did not…

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  • Legal serviceThe risks when choosing the type of private enterprise in Vietnam

    The risks when choosing the type of private enterprise in Vietnam

    Depending on financial conditions, human resources, … as well as the needs of each person, the choice of which type to establish a business; and operate it is also an important and complex matter. Each type of business has its advantages and disadvantages. For a private enterprise, what are the risks when choosing this type of business? Refer to the following article of Lawyer X. Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020 -Land Law 2013 Consulting…

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