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  • Legal serviceProcedures for transferring motorbike name in Vietnam

    Procedures for transferring motorbike name in Vietnam

    Vietnam, is considered the kingdom of motorbikes. Where every adult individual will almost certainly own a car that is considered primarily a personal vehicle. Buying, selling, transferring and gifting cars is one of the regular transactions. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Procedures for transferring motorbike name in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA Tax rates when buying and selling motorbikes in Vietnam Pursuant to Article 11 of Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA Procedures and…

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  • Legal service

    Dossier of licensing of insurance LLC establishment in Vietnam

    The insurance business services with a promising future to become a profitable business, now gaining the interest of the market. However, the law stipulates the conditions for the insurance business services very complicated. In which, the dossiers needed to prepare to establish this kind of company differ from other types of services in some points. So, LSX legal firm would like to inform you of this article: “Dossier of licensing of insurance LLC establishment in…

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  • Legal serviceDo you need a business registration to sell on Shopee in Vietnam?

    Do you need a business registration to sell on Shopee in Vietnam?

    Shopee is an e-commerce website that allows buyers and sellers to exchange goods. Unlike traditional buying and selling, where the purchase is made directly, at Shopee, whether in two different provinces or two different countries, the purchase can also take place with the payment of shipping costs. So does selling on Shopee need to register a business? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Do you need a business registration to sell on…

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  • Legal serviceMinimum charter capital when setting up a company in Vietnam

    Minimum charter capital when setting up a company in Vietnam

    Many startups want to set up a company to do business with questions such as “How much capital does it take to establish a company?”, “Does the establishment of a company need to follow the minimum or maximum capital?”. In the article In this writing, Lawyer X would like to advise you on how much is the minimum charter capital when establishing a company? Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020. Decree 01/2021/ND-CP on business registration. What…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the procedure to establish a Logistics company in Vietnam?

    What is the procedure to establish a Logistics company in Vietnam?

    Logistics is a field with a limited capital contribution ratio for some business lines. Therefore, to determine the investment method in the field of Logistics, foreign investors need to identify specific registered business lines. Below is the advice of Lawyer X on how to set up a Logistics company in Vietnam for readers. Legal grounds – Civil Code 2015. – Enterprise Code 2020 – Decree 163/2017/ND-CP regulating the business of logistics services. What is a…

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  • Legal serviceSetting up a company, fast business package in Vietnam

    Setting up a company, fast business package in Vietnam

    Problems in the establishment procedure are common problems. Because not everyone is familiar with this type of procedure. Because of understanding the difficulties of our clients, Lawyer X would like to send you the following article to read. Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 What types of companies are there? One member limited liability company: this is a type of business owned by an organization or an individual. Limited liability company with two or more members:…

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  • Legal serviceService for setting up branches and representative offices in Vietnam

    Service for setting up branches and representative offices in Vietnam

    Here, Lawyer X would like to introduce to customers the fast and efficient service of establishing a branch/representative office. Invite customers, readers to follow. Legal grounds: Enterprise Law 2020 Regulations on branches and representative offices Branch A branch is a dependent unit of the enterprise; have the task of implementing the whole; or part of an enterprise function; including the function of authorized representative. Moreover, the branch’s line of business must be consistent with the…

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  • Legal serviceRights and obligations of members of the Supervisory Board as per Vietnamese law

    Rights and obligations of members of the Supervisory Board as per Vietnamese law

    According to the current law, for joint-stock companies with more than 11 individual shareholders or organizational shareholders owning more than 50% of the total shares of the company, there must be a Control Board. So, what are the rights and obligations of members of the Supervisory Board? Let’s find out with Lawyer X. Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Powers and duties of the Supervisory Board – Control the entire financial system and the implementation of…

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  • Legal serviceAuthority and scope of work of bailiffs in Vietnam

    Authority and scope of work of bailiffs in Vietnam

    A bailiff is a qualified person appointed by the State to serve, make a license, verify conditions for civil judgment enforcement, and organize civil judgment enforcement in accordance with law. So how is the authority and scope of work of the bailiff regulated by law? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Authority and scope of work of bailiffs in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds – Decree 08/2020/ND-CP on organization and operation of bailiffs…

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  • Legal serviceAdministrative fines for violations against regulations on payment intermediaries

    Bailiff real estate in Vietnam

    Recently, more and more transactions of buying and selling real estate in the form of evictions have appeared. In fact, many people mistakenly believe that the mortgage issued by the bailiff is a house sale and purchase contract, leading to many consequences and the risk of losing everything in the event of a dispute. So what exactly is equals? How is the real estate license? What is their legal value? For more clarification on this…

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