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  • Legal form

    Trademark registration under Vietnamese legislation

    Trademark protection is an administrative procedure; in order to establish the trademark rights of the applicant, the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP) grants a protection title for that trademark. To have a better understanding of the regulations related to trademark protection procedures, follow this articles of LSX about “Trademark registration under Vietnamese legislation”. Legal grounds Consolidated text 07/VBHN-VPQH of the Law on Intellectual Property Decree 105/2006/ND-CP Why Register a trademark protection? Trademark…

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  • Legal serviceFinalization and refund of personal income tax in Vietnam

    Procedures to register for the latest personal tax code in Vietnam

    Personal income tax represents part of the obligations of citizens to the country. Citizens enjoy the fruits of the country; they are also obliged to contribute a small part of their income through tax payment. Tax rates vary from person to person, depending on the income and conditions of each person. However; In order to facilitate the process of tax collection and payment as well as to ensure the interests of the payer, each person…

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  • Legal serviceChange of business registration to increase charter capital of the company

    Change of business registration to increase charter capital of the company in Vietnam

    Depending on the purpose and financial situation, when operating, enterprises can adjust the charter capital of the company; in two forms increase or decrease of charter capital. Compared with the reduction of charter capital is somewhat more complicated and difficult; because enterprises want to reduce capital need to prove that there are no outstanding debts and fees; registration to increase charter capital is much simpler. To better understand the process and procedures for changing the…

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  • Legal serviceThe Corporate seal of the company according to Vietnamese law

    The benefits of registering a personal tax number in Vietnam

    The personal tax code has long been unfamiliar to many people. With the value and benefits that the personal tax code brings; We will help you better understand the personal tax code and the benefits of applying for a personal tax number. What are the benefits? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “The benefits of registering a personal tax number in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Circular No. 111/2013/TT-BTC The benefits of registering…

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  • Legal servicePenalties for the scope of regulations on real estate business

    Penalties for the scope of regulations on real estate business in Vietnam

    Organizations and individuals doing real estate business must establish enterprises in accordance with the law on enterprises or cooperatives in accordance with the law on cooperatives. The real estate business is a conditional business line. So, how will violations of regulations on real estate business be penalized? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Penalties for the scope of regulations on real estate business in Vietnam “, as follows: Legal grounds Law on…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions to convert a Private Enterprise into a Partnership Company in Vietnam

    Instructions to convert a Private Enterprise into a Partnership Company in Vietnam

    “Previously, the Enterprise Law 2014 stipulated that private enterprises (SOEs) could only be converted into limited liability companies. However, from January 1, 2021, the  Enterprise Law 2020  takes effect; leading to many changes related to businesses and companies. In particular, there are new regulations on private enterprises that can convert into partnerships. Therefore, in recent times, there have been many private enterprises carrying out procedures to convert the type of business, from private enterprise to partnership.…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions for carrying out consular legalization procedures in Da Nang-Vietnam

    Instructions for carrying out consular legalization procedures in Da Nang-Vietnam

    Da Nang is one of the leading provinces not only in terms of economy but also in areas such as tourism as well as the brand of a safe and civilized city. Therefore, this can consider one of the most livable places in Vietnam. Da Nang also attracts many people to live here, including foreigners. In the process of living in Vietnam, there will inevitably arise the need for consular legalization of the necessary documents.…

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  • Legal serviceCan the chief accountant concurrently be a member of the Directory in Vietnam?

    Cases needing to register for a personal tax number in Vietnam

    Mã số thuế cá nhân từ lâu đPersonal tax code has long been no stranger to many people. With the values and benefits that a personal tax code brings, we will help you better understand your personal tax code and the cases in which you must register for a personal tax number. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Instances where you need to register for a personal tax code in Vietnam”, specifically as…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for registration of the latest car park business license in 2021

    Procedures for registration of the latest car park business license in 2021 in Vietnam

    In recent years, in Vietnam, urbanization is taking place very strongly in big cities. Rapid population growth in big cities is overloading infrastructure, including parking lots. The scarcity of parking spaces is becoming more and more common, especially in high-rise buildings, offices, restaurants, offices… places where a large number of people live and work. That’s why the parking lot business has also become very hot. So what is the current procedure for registering a parking…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions for carrying out consular legalization procedures in Binh Dinh - Vietnam

    Instructions for carrying out consular legalization procedures in Binh Dinh – Vietnam

    Binh Dinh is a land with a long history with the Sa Huynh culture, once the ancient capital of the Champa kingdom, the legacy of which is the Do Ban citadel and the Cham towers with unique architectural art. Not only about tourism, with its location bordering many countries such as Cambodia and Laos, Binh Dinh also has cultural exchanges and has many foreigners living. If there are foreigners, it is obvious that there is…

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