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  • Legal serviceHandle assets when the cooperative is dissolved in Vietnam

    Handle assets when the cooperative is dissolved in Vietnam

    In the market economy, under the influence of economic laws; The withdrawal of enterprises from the market is an inevitable phenomenon. Currently, Vietnamese law recognizes many ways that businesses can withdraw from the market. Dissolution is one of the ways that businesses use. However, it can that the dissolution of the enterprise not only affects the owner of the enterprise but also affects the interests of many other entities related to the enterprise and may…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for dissolution of cooperatives in Vietnam

    Procedures for dissolution of cooperatives in Vietnam

    Cooperatives are collective economic organizations; As a co-owner and has a profound social character, the dissolution procedures of a cooperative are quite different from those of an enterprise. Therefore, to properly implement the dissolution of the cooperative in accordance with the law. Let’s learn about: “Procedures for dissolution of cooperatives in Vietnam” with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Cooperative Law 2012 Reasons for dissolution of cooperatives in Vietnam A cooperative can be dissolved for two reasons:…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for business cessation in accordance with the law

    Procedures for business cessation in accordance with the law in Vietnam

    Suspension of business means that an enterprise will suspend its business operations for a certain period of time due to various reasons such as having difficulties in business operations and not being able to resume business operations or needing time. to reschedule. So what is the procedure for a business stoppage in accordance with current law? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Procedures for business cessation in accordance with the law in…

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  • Legal serviceDistinguish between dissolution and bankruptcy of enterprises in Vietnam

    Distinguish between dissolution and bankruptcy of enterprises in Vietnam

    The current; The number of established enterprises is increasing, making the competition of the market increasingly fierce; requires businesses to always strive to develop. However; in the context of the raging Covid-19 epidemic; It not only claimed many lives, but also resulted in the termination of many businesses. Many businesses had to suspend for a long time to prevent epidemics; now no longer have enough capital to maintain operations or no longer have the capacity…

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  • Legal serviceTermination of branches and representative offices and business locations

    Termination of branches and representative offices and business locations in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Termination of branches and representative offices and business locations in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprise 2020 Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP Register for dissolution of an enterprise in case of revocation of the enterprise registration certificate or under a court decision So within 01 working day from the day on which the decision to revoke the Certificate of Business Registration is issued or the court’s…

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  • Legal serviceService to confirm marital status in Hai Duong - Vietnam cheap package in 2022

    Service to confirm marital status in Hai Duong – Vietnam cheap package in 2022

    Confirm marital status for many different purposes. Therefore, it has now become an important and extremely important and necessary document. The procedure for applying for a certificate of marital status is relatively simple, easy, and fast. But, it will be troublesome and difficult for many people who still do not fully understand the regulations on this issue. So how is the service to confirm marital status? To learn more about this issue, Lawyer X invites…

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  • Legal serviceImportant issues to know when drafting a contract in Vietnam

    Register for business dissolution in Vietnam

    “Sir, I have a question. I am a business in the market. My company has been in business for about 10 years. However, during the complicated situation of the Covid epidemic, my company made a loss. Although I tried to shoulder the debt. Up to now, I feel that I can no longer operate this machine. Therefore, I want to dissolve the business. But I do not know the provisions of the law on dissolution…

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  • Legal serviceLimitations of the law on conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam

    Limitations of the law on conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Limitations of the law on conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprise 2020 Limitations of the law on conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam Firstly So; whether it is a case of voluntary dissolution or forced dissolution, the enterprise must also meet these conditions dissolved; otherwise the enterprise will not be able to terminate its operation by dissolution procedure. In…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for establishing an insurance business

    Conditions for establishing an insurance business in Vietnam

    Insurance is a very important field, one of the effective capital mobilization channels for the economy. So what are the specific conditions for establishing an insurance business? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Conditions for establishing an insurance business in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Consolidated document No. 06/VBHN-BTC in 2019 – Law on insurance business. Consolidated document No. 12/VBHN-BTC in 2020 – Decree guiding the Law on insurance business. Circular 47/2019/TT-BTC.…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures for company dissolution in Vietnam

    Dissolving a Company: What Does it Mean?Dissolving a company refers to the process of removing or “striking it off” the Companies House register. Once a company has been dissolved, it becomes illegal for it to continue trading. In addition to ceasing business operations, the dissolution process involves various other formalities. So, LSX law firm provides this article to inform the “Procedures for company dissolution”. Legal ground Law on enterprise 2020 Procedures needed for company dissolution…

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