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  • Legal service

    Architectural practice for foreigners in Vietnam

    What are the conditions for practicing architecture for foreigners in Vietnam? Can foreigners with practice certificates issued by foreign agencies be accepted? Let’s find out this issue “Architectural practice for foreigners in Vietnam” with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Law on Architecture 2019 Conditions for practicing in Vietnam Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 31 of the Law on Architecture 2019 , foreigners may practice architecture in Vietnam when meeting the following conditions: –…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Is it possible to make a written authorization while abroad?

    There are many cases where individuals abroad want to authorize acquaintances at home to carry out some legal procedures. So what does the law say about the case of making a power of attorney while abroad? Is it possible to make a written authorization while abroad? Let’s find out with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Civil law 2015 Decree No. 23/2015/ND-CP Law on Notarization 2014 Forms of authorization according to law Currently, authorization exists in two…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Do foreigners need a permit to teach English in Viet Nam?

    Currently, there are many foreigners coming to Vietnam to live and teach English. So do foreigners need a permit when they want to teach English? Let;s find out with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Labour Law 2019 Decree 152/2020/ND-CP Working conditions of foreigners Foreign workers working in Vietnam must meet the conditions under Article 151 of the Labor Code 2019 as follows: – Being 18 years or older and having full civil act capacity; – Having…

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  • Legal service

    Can FDI enterprises do real estate business in Viet Nam

    In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese market in general and the real estate market in particular are still interested by many foreign investors. So, accordingly regulations, can FDI enterprises do real estate business? Let’s find out with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Law on Real Estate Business 2014 Investment law 2020 Can FDI enterprises do real estate business? Accordingly the provisions of Clause 3, Article 11 of the Law on Real Estate Business…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Transfer of trademark protection titles with foreign elements

    The trademark transfer registration procedure is a matter of increasing interest to customers due to the increasing demand for trademark transfer . Article below our presentation on cases of transfer marks and procedures transfer the trademark as well as the conditions to be protective about the brand . Interested readers can refer to this article. So how to transfer of trademark protection titles with foreign elements, let’s find out with LSX lawfirm Legal grounds Vietnam…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Reporting regime on investment activities of foreign-invested companies

    During the implementation of an investment project, a foreign-invested company grant an investment registration certificate must comply with the prescribed reporting regime to the competent authority as prescribed. LSX Lawfirm has a number of legal opinions related to the implementation of the Reporting regime on investment activities of foreign-invested companies as follows. Legal grounds Investment Law 2020. Decree 31/2021/ND-CP dated March 26, 2021. Circular 03/2021/TT-BKHDT dated April 9, 2021 Objects of reporting on investment activities…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Dossier for licensing retail distribution of foreign capital companies

    Commercial services are goods exchange activities, including export, import; wholesale and retail services. This is one of the basic services of the economy, retail is one of the commercial activities that investors are very attentive, especially foreign investors who want to expand the consumption market products in Vietnam. Foreign investors who want to do retail business in Vietnam must apply for a business license before retailing goods. In this article, LSX Lawfirm gives some legal…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Representative office of foreign advertising company in Vietnam

    Foreign advertising companies can set up representative offices in Vietnam to carry out advertising promotion activities; (but cannot directly trade in advertising services). This issue is specified in the Law on Advertising 2012 and Decree 181/2013/ND-CP; detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Advertising. Let’s find out the issue about representative office of foreign advertising company in Vietnam with LSX lawfirm. Legal grounds Dossier of application for a license to…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for changing the head of a representative office of a foreign trader

    A representative office is a dependent unit of the enterprise, which has the task of representing by authorization for the interests of the enterprise and protecting those interests. The head of the representative office is the person who manages and directs the operations of the representative office of the company and is responsible for the operation of the office before the company’s board of directors. The company will decide and appoint head of the representative…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Does a foreign-invested company have to audit its financial statements?

    Auditing financial statements in order to evaluate the truthfulness and reasonableness of financial statements in accordance with accounting standards and accounting regimes promulgated by competent agencies and organizations; increase users’ confidence in financial statements. Does a foreign-invested company have to audit its financial statements? Let’s find out with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds Law on Independent Audit  Decree No. 17/2012/ND-CP Does a foreign-invested company have to audit its financial statements? Clause 1, Article 15 of Decree…

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