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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 Fees and charges for patent/utility solution registration – First of all, Official charge for filing application: VND 150,000/ 01 application; – Secondly, Fee for formality assessment: VND 180,000/ 01 independent point; – Thirdly, Fee for formality assessment from page 7 of the description onward: VND 8,000/ 01 page; – Fourthly, Fee for publication of valid application: VND 120,000/…

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  • Legal knowledgeHow much is the work permit fee for foreigners?

    Foreign investors contribute capital to investment consulting companies

    Investment activity is the process of using financial resources, labor, raw materials, etc. for production and business purposes in order to obtain products, profits or other economic benefits. The investment process takes place under the influence of many factors affecting the market, socio-economic conditions, laws… Therefore, investors often look to investment consulting service providers. investment to have an overview; consider the possibility of success, anticipate difficulties … before making an investment. Currently, some foreign investors…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Conditions for investment in distribution services for foreign investors

    Distribution services are activities of wholesale and retail of goods and products on the market. Therefore, distribution activities are very attractive by investors; especially foreign investors who want to expand product consumption markets. However, the establishment of a company for foreign investors in the field of product distribution in Vietnam must meet certain conditions. LSX Law Firm advises on conditions for investment in distribution services for foreign investors. Legal grounds WTO, FTAs, VKFTA; Investment Law…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Investment conditions for foreign investors in the petroleum business sector

    Currently, with the trend of integration and in line with Vietnam’s open mechanism, foreign investors have an increasing need to invest and do business in the gasoline field. However, this is a conditional business line for foreign investors. Foreign investors who want to operate in this field must first meet the conditions required by law. LSX Law Firm would like to advise investors on Investment conditions for foreign investors in the petroleum business sector. Legal…

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  • Legal service

    Conditions for investment in basic telecommunications services

    Other Telecommunications Service in general or Virtual Private Network Service is a customer private network based on shared public network infrastructure. This service is used a lot in daily life, so the market for this service is huge. Therefore, foreign investors investing in virtual private network services in Vietnam are increasing. However, this is a conditional business line. In order for investors to determine whether they are eligible to invest in this service, LSX Law…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Foreign investors do business in construction services in Viet Nam

    Construction work is a profession that many companies choose to do business. However, in order to do business in this industry, companies must meet the legal conditions for certificates and practice licenses because this is a conditional business line. Foreign investors do business in construction services in Viet Nam must meet the following conditions. Legal grounds WTO, FTAs, AFAs, VKFTA Construction Law 2014; Investment Law 2014; Decree No. 59/2015/ND-CP on construction investment project management. Circular…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Foreign investors establish tax agents in Vietnam

    Tax agent means an enterprise or branch of an enterprise that fully satisfies the conditions for providing tax service business according to the provisions of the Law on Tax Administration and other relevant laws. Accordingly, foreign investors who want to do business as tax agents in Vietnam must meet the conditions and carry out business registration procedures with competent state agencies, LSX Lawfirm wil guide you the order and procedures for foreign investors establish tax…

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  • Legal service

    Conditions for foreign investors to establish securities companies

    Securities trading is a conditional business, especially for foreign investors who want to do securities business in Vietnam. Accordingly current regulations, the state may expand the scope of securities business to foreign investors, but basically foreign investors; who want to establish a securities company must be granted an establishment license; and activities of securities companies in Vietnam. So, what is conditions for foreign investors to establish securities companies, let’s find out with LSX Law firm.…

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  • Legal service

    Foreign investors set up furniture manufacturing enterprises

    Furniture manufacturing is a good business because almost every home or office you walk into requires furniture to use and decorate. Besides the large consumption source, Vietnamese law does not limit or regulate business conditions for this industry. Therefore, foreign investors often choose to do this business. However, in order for foreign investors set up furniture manufacturing enterprises, they must follow the following process that LSX Lawfirm guide you. Legal grounds Investment law 2020 Enterprise…

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  • Legal serviceEntities eligible for the homeownership recognition in Vietnam

    Entities eligible for the homeownership recognition in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Entities eligible for the homeownership recognition in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Housing 2014 Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Necessary and sufficient conditions to buy a house in Vietnam Conditions for foreign individuals and organizations to buy and own houses in Vietnam are specified by law in the Law on Housing 2014. Specifically in Article 5, Decree 99/2015/ND-CP stipulates that conditions for foreigners to buy houses…

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