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  • Legal serviceProcedure for IPO under Vietnamese Law

    Procedure for IPO under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, most enterprises in developed countries, before going into operation or after the operation, will conduct to IPO. However, in Vietnam, IPO is still an ongoing trend as the impact of this process becomes visible. So, what is the procedure for IPO under Vietnamese Law? Let’s find out in this article. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise Law2019 Securities LawDecree 155/2020/ND-CPDecree 71/2017/ND-CPCircular 69/2020/TT-BTC What is IPO? Thus, IPO stands for the English phrase Initial Public Offering, which…

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  • Legal service

    An overview of industrial design in Vietnam

    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Definition In a legal sense, an industrial design means a specific appearance of a  product embodied by three-dimensional configurations, shapes, colors, or a combination of these elements.Accordingly, Products may consist of objects, tools, equipment, vehicles, or parts used to assemble or combine those products, manufactured by industrial or manual methods, with a clear structure, function, and independent circulation.…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for IPO under Vietnamese Law

    Conditions for IPO under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, Vietnam’s stock market today is an effective capital mobilization channel for the country’s economy; as a result, IPO became popular among enterprises that operate in Vietnam. However, in order to carry out IPO, businesses must fulfill the conditions as the law. So, what are the conditions for IPO under Vietnamese Law? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise Law2019 Securities LawDecree 155/2020/ND-CPDecree 71/2017/ND-CPCircular 69/2020/TT-BTC What is IPO? Thus, IPO stands for the…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on IPO under Vietnamese Law

    Regulations on IPO under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, Vietnam’s stock market today is an effective capital mobilization channel for the country’s economy. Yet, to be on the stock exchange, businesses, specifically joint-stock companies, have to go through the IPO process. So, what are the regulations on IPO? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal grounds Consolidation document of Law on Securities 2008 amended and supplemented in 2010, 2018Consolidation document No. 20/VBHN-BTC merging Decree 58/2012/ND-CP and Decree 60/2015/ND-CP guiding the securities law What is…

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  • Legal knowledge

    An overview of Intellectual Property in Vietnam

    Let learn the most basic and fundamental issues of Intellectual Property in Vietnam with LSX. Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 Understanding overally Intellectual property in Vietnam From a legal perspective, intellectual property rights are a group of rights of individuals and organizations, including three basic groups: copyright and related rights, industrial property rights, and plant variety rights. Generally, every business operating in the…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on foreign currency exchange in Vietnam

    Regulations on foreign currency exchange in Vietnam

    Accordingly, exchanging currency is one of the relatively common transactions in recent times. However, people might not familiar with how the law regulates this issue; while it is important to pay attention to it. So, what are the regulations on foreign currency exchange in Vietnam? Let’s find out with LSX in this article. Legal grounds Ordinance on Foreign Exchange 2005, amended and supplemented in 2013Decree 96/2014/ND-CPDecree 89/2016/ND-CPCircular 07/2012/TT-NHNNCircular 32/2018/TT-NHNN What is foreign currency exchange? Hence…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for establishing foreign bank branches in Vietnam

    Conditions for establishing foreign bank branches in Vietnam

    What is a foreign bank branch? What are the conditions for establishing a foreign bank branch according to current regulations? So, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Conditions for establishing foreign bank branches in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on credit institutions 2010 What is a foreign bank branch? Accordingly, Foreign bank branch is a dependent unit of a foreign bank, has no legal status, foreign bank guaranteed bank to be responsible…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Changing industries of foreign-invested companies in Viet Nam

    According to the current new regulations, the business/investment line is an information displayed on the Investment Registration Certificate as well as on the Business Registration Certificate (old form)/Certificate of change of information business registration information. Therefore, when changing business lines, enterprises can proceed to procedures to change both investment registration and business registration. LSX Law Firm summarizes regulations related to changing industries of foreign-invested companies. Legal grounds Investment Law Decree 118/2015/ND-CP guiding the 2014 Investment…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Legal representative of companies with foreign capital in Vietnam

    When operating in Vietnam, many companies with foreign capital in Vietnam will have the need to appoint foreigners as legal representatives of the company. Appointing a foreigner as the legal representative of the company in Vietnam will help the foreign side better control the management; administration and day-to-day business decisions in Vietnam. However, recently, the regulations on foreign workers working in Vietnam are somewhat stricter; so the appointment of foreigners as Legal representative of companies…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Foreigners sue foreigners in Viet Nam for money?

    Whether the lawsuit against foreigners in Vietnam is handled by Vietnamese law; while the foreigners commit illegal acts taking place in the Vietnamese territory. Can foreigners sue foreigners in Viet Nam for money? The following article, LSX Law firm will answer questions for readers. Legal grounds Criminal Law 2015 Civil Law 2015 Legal provisions on civil transactions involving foreign elements Demanding money from foreigners in Vietnam is a dispute that occurs related to civil relations…

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