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  • Legal serviceProving property before marriage under Vietnam law

    Proving separate property before marriage under Vietnam law

    The establishment of a marriage relationship between a man and a woman must be for the purpose of living together for a long time and building a happy family together. In addition, the property issue is one of the sensitive issues, prone to conflicts for couples before, during and after marriage. So about the matter “Proving separate property before marriage under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law…

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  • Legal serviceRegain custody of children after divorce under Vietnam law

    Regain custody of children after divorce under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX, my ex-husband and I have been living together for nearly ten years and have two children together. We are currently divorced but cannot agree on issues related to child support and daily living, so I want to take back custody of the children on my side. So about the matter “Regain custody of children after divorce under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Marriage…

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  • Legal serviceHow to punish marriage fraud in Vietnam?

    How to punish marriage fraud in Vietnam?

    Hello LSX. Marriage is the establishment of the husband and wife relationship of two parties after making marriage registration at a competent agency. I know that the law always upholds the voluntariness of the parties when participating in the establishment of a marriage relationship for the purpose of building a happy family together, however, cases of marriage fraud cannot be avoided. . There is a case near my house where two men and women get…

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  • Legal serviceDecree on collection of land use fees in Vietnam

    Decree on collection of land use fees in Vietnam

    Land use fee payment is one of the obligations of land users that must be fulfilled. Land law stipulates that in some cases land users must pay land use levy, except for cases where they are not required to pay or are exempted. Currently, regulations on land use levy are implemented according to Decree 45/2014/ND-CP on collection of land use levy. So about the matter “Decree on collection of land use fees in Vietnam”. Let’s…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is an extract of land under Vietnam law?

    What is an extract of land under Vietnam law?

    Land is a sensitive and controversial issue. In fact, there are many land disputes that occur, from land disputes to other violations of the law, even being criminally handled. In some cases, to be able to carry out legal procedures with the land under our use right, we need to request an extract of the land plot. So about the matter “What is an extract of land under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX…

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  • Legal serviceWhat are valid land documents in Vietnam?

    What are valid land documents in Vietnam?

    Hello LSX. I have found a satisfactory piece of land to open a business, but the owner said that currently only have “valid documents” but no land use right certificate, the owner told me that Submitting an application for a certificate and receiving a response from the competent national authority is certain to be granted. So about the matter “What are valid land documents in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for changing the address on the business license in Vietnam

    Procedures for changing the address on the business license in Vietnam

    Business registration office is one of the mandatory information in the business registration certificate, this is related to the implementation procedures and other information for the business. Therefore, the law stipulates that when changing the address of the head office of the enterprise, the enterprise must carry out procedures to change the content of the enterprise registration certificate. What is the procedure for changing the address on the business license in Vietnam? What are the…

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  • Legal serviceStandards of facilities for kindergartens in Vietnam

    Standards of facilities for kindergartens in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer X, my house is near the industrial zone, there are many workers with small children living. Grasping the above situation, I want to open a kindergarten that both teaches children and allows parents to send their children in. So, to build a school, what is the current standards of facilities for kindergartens in Vietnam? Please advise.Hello friends, on May 26, 2020, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Circular No. 13/2020/TT-BGDDT on Regulations…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on establishing kindergartens in Vietnam

    Regulations on establishing kindergartens in Vietnam

    “Hello, Lawyer X. I am planning to open a private preschool. I have a question about the current regulations on establishing kindergartens in Vietnam. I hope you will reply soon to answer my questions”. Thank you for sending your question to Lawyer X. To be able to provide you with information on how to set up a preschool in Vietnam. We will answer your questions through the following article: Legal grounds Decree 46/2017/ND-CPDecree 135/2018/ND-CPCircular 13/2015/TT-BGDĐT…

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  • Legal serviceCorrect wrong information in marriage certificate in Vietnam

    Correct wrong information in marriage certificate in Vietnam

    Hello LSX. My wife and I just got married, the time of marriage registration was 2 months ago. Now, when my husband and I carry out the procedures for buying and selling land, there is a request to provide a marriage registration certificate, my wife and I have checked the paper and found that we have wrong information. I was born in 1996, but in my marriage registration certificate, I was born in 1995, I…

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