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  • Legal knowledgeProcedures for registration of a representative office in Vietnam by NGOs

    Notes when setting up a representative office of foreign company

    Currently, the strong development and continuous integration of the Vietnamese economy is increasingly attracting business investment from foreign investors. Therefore, if foreign investors want to set up an office in Vietnam, it is very important and necessary to learn the provisions of Vietnamese law on business investment. So, LSX Law firm will help you know more about notes when setting up a representative office of foreign company in Viet Nam. Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Cases banned from exiting according to Vietnamese law

    Today, with the trend of development and world integration, people not only live and work in the country but also go abroad to travel, study, work or travel. Going abroad is not only a way to help people exchange cultures but also a way to promote economic development, domestic and foreign investment. However, the exit to a foreign country is not too easy; and must meet many requirements as prescribed by law. So, LSX Law…

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  • Legal service

    Service of establishing a foreign-invested company in Vietnam

    Currently, the Vietnamese Government has many preferential policies for foreign investors doing business in Vietnam in order to attract foreign investment Therefore, more and more foreign-invested companies are being established. However, when conducting the establishment of a foreign-invested company in Vietnam, investors need to learn and grasp the provisions of current laws to ensure the most optimal conditions when investing. Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm how Vietnamese law regulates the establishment…

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  • Legal service

    Regulations on information that JSCs must disclose in Vietnam

    When establishing a JSC in Vietnam, enterprises must notice the regulations around its operation. Regulations on information that JSCs must disclose are in fact vital principles. In this article, LSX will give you details of the regulations. Legal ground 2020 Enterprise Law What is a JSC? A joint-stock company (JSC) is an enterprise in which the charter capital is divided into equal parts called shares; hence the regulation of Enterprise Law 2020. The company has…

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  • Legal service

    Registration of branches, representative offices of enterprises in Vietnam

    Hence the regulation in 2020 Enterprise Law; enterprises have the right to establish branches and representative offices in the country and abroad. Yet, they could only enjoy their legal right if only they fulfill the legal procedure. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you a brief on the registration of branches, representative offices of enterprises in Vietnam. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise Law Dossier for registration of branches, representative offices Accordingly, enterprises apply for branches,…

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  • Legal serviceEstablishing a representative office of a limited liability company in Vietnam

    Registration to change members of multi-member LLC in Vietnam

    During the actual operation of a company, there will be many circumstances leading to the change of members of the multi-member LLC. In these cases, the enterprise law requires the company to carry out the necessary procedures. In this article, LSX will provide the necessary information on the registration to change members of multi-member LLC in Vietnam. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise LawDecree 01/2021/ND-CP Dossier for registration to change members of multi-member LLC In case of…

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  • Legal service

    Change business registration contents after separation, merger in Vietnam

    Hence the provisions of Vietnamese law, after conducting a merger or separation, companies will have to carry out the procedure of registering changes to the contents of business registration. So how exactly will this procedure proceed? What do businesses need to prepare? LSX will answer in the article “Change business registration contents after separation, merger in Vietnam”. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise LawDecree 01/2021/ND-CP Executing subject Accordingly, the legal subject that must carry on this procedure…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for the announcement of changing business lines in Vietnam

    In Vietnam, in case the enterprises wish to change their business lines; they shall carry on the procedure following the Enterprise Law. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you details on the procedures for the announcement of changing business lines in Vietnam. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise LawDecree 01/2021/ND-CP Dossier for the announcement of changing business lines Accordingly, the enterprise must prepare a dossier for the procedure; which contain the following documents: Notice of change…

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  • Legal service

    Registration to change of owner in single-member LLC in Vietnam

    Accordingly, single-member limited liability companies, after changing owners due to transfer or inheritance; will have to carry out the procedures prescribed by law. This article will cover the necessary information around the registration to change of owner in single-member Limited liability companies in Vietnam. Legal grounds 2020 Enterprise LawDecree 01/2021/ND-CP Cases of change of owner in single-member Limited liability companies Hence Article 53, Decree 01/2021/ND-CP; there are 05 cases of change of owner in single-member…

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  • Legal service

    Do foreigners working in Vietnam have to participate in health insurance?

    Do foreigners working in Vietnam have to participate in health insurance? The level of payment and responsibility for insurance payment, insurance premium salary of foreigners working in Vietnam. Salaries, wages, and allowances as the basis for paying health insurance premiums of foreigners in Vietnam. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance 2008 amended and supplemented 2014 Do foreigners working in Vietnam have to participate in…

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