Block Title

  • Legal serviceProcedures for opening a private pharmacy in Vietnam

    Procedures for opening a private pharmacy in Vietnam

    The pharmaceutical industry is a specific industry that has a direct impact on human health. Therefore, individuals and organizations that intend to open drugstores need to understand the conditions and procedures prescribed by law to be able to do it themselves. If you are looking to open a private pharmacy but have no experience and are worried about the procedure to open a private pharmacy in Vietnam? Please refer to the following article of Lawyer…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for licensing a traditional medicine clinic in Vietnam

    Procedures for licensing a traditional medicine clinic in Vietnam

    Treatment of diseases by traditional medicine methods is increasingly important. Because people’s medical needs are increasing day by day. Especially, there is a demand for traditional medicine examination and treatment with the advantage of being preferred by the people because the remedies are traditional male remedies of the nation. However, the number of Traditional Medicine clinics is limited. Currently, many people want to open a clinic for treatment to meet the needs of patients, but…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions for opening a dental clinic in Vietnam

    Instructions for opening a dental clinic in Vietnam

    As life is increasingly improved, now the need to edit and restore beauty is more and more. Especially the requirements for cosmetic dentistry. What documents do I need to prepare to apply for a license to operate a dental clinic? What is the actual procedure for opening a dental clinic and what should be kept in mind when applying for a license to operate? In the article below, Lawyer X will guide you through the…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on household husbandry under Vietnam law

    Regulations on household husbandry under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX. My family belongs to the local economic difficulties. Currently, my family has accumulated for a long time and finally has enough money to buy a herd of 7 cows and wants to raise them on a household scale. But we don’t know clearly about the regulations of the law. So about the matter “Regulations on household husbandry under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on…

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  • Legal serviceWhat conditions does a bar business need in Vietnam?

    What conditions does a bar business need in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, the type of bar beverage service is no longer strange to us, but over time, they have many changes to suit the needs and customers’ needs in Vietnam. My family has a piece of land in a pretty location, densely populated, so my family is planning to open a bar. So about the matter “What conditions does a bar business need in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceThe investor is slow to hand over the apartment in Vietnam

    The investor is slow to hand over the apartment in Vietnam

    Hello LSX. I have bought an apartment in Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi, but it has been 14 months since the contract, but the investor has not yet handed over the house to me, many times using the excuse that the impact of the epidemic, In the case of A house sale contract is formed in the future, between the two parties there is a contract that will compensate 12% per year if the contract is…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for opening a traditional medicine clinic in Vietnam

    Conditions for opening a traditional medicine clinic in Vietnam

    Currently, the people’s demand for medical examination and treatment is increasing; especially the demand for medical examination and treatment of traditional medicine with the advantage of being preferred by the people because the remedies are the traditional male remedies of the nation. Treatment of diseases by traditional medicine methods is increasingly valued; but the number of traditional medicine clinics is limited. Currently, many people want to open a clinic for treatment to meet the needs…

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  • Legal serviceOrder of settlement of collective labor disputes over rights in Vietnam

    Order of settlement of collective labor disputes over rights in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer, I am a worker at a textile factory in the province of T. Recently we have been asked to work overtime, but the overtime pay is meager. A few of us have raised our opinion with the manager but have not been resolved. Manager told us he has no authority to deal with this matter. All of us workers feel extremely dissatisfied. I want to ask a lawyer about the authority to resolve…

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  • Legal serviceLaw on crimes against traffic safety in Vietnam

    Law on crimes against traffic safety in Vietnam

    Hello LSX. Currently, the level of road accidents is becoming higher and higher. Also, tthe situation of driving after using drugs, alcohol, speeding or going in the opposite direction, running red lights is increasing, which leads to danger to themselves and others. around participating in traffic. So about the matter “Law on crimes against traffic safety in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Penal Code 2015 amended and supplemented…

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  • Legal serviceTypes of economic crimes under Vietnamese criminal law

    Types of economic crimes under Vietnam criminal law

    Hello LSX. Recently, many economic criminal cases have been investigated, which has received great attention from the public. I see that from the reality of economic criminal cases, the defendants, before being prosecuted, have certain positions and powers. And I have a question that the regulation of crime on position economy would like to be explained. So about the matter “Types of economic crimes under Vietnam criminal law” Let’s find out with LSX in the…

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