Block Title

  • Legal serviceAre braces in Vietnam covered by health insurance?

    Are braces in Vietnam covered by health insurance?

    “Hello, Lawyer. Since childhood, my teeth have been uneven and misaligned, making me very self-conscious. Now I have a desire to have beautiful braces. I have a question braces are covered by health insurance? What item does oral and maxillofacial health insurance cover? Looking forward to being answered by a lawyer, I sincerely thank you!”. Thank you for sending us your question. To answer this question, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about…

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  • Legal serviceHow long does it take to get a citizen identification card in Vietnam?

    How long does it take to get a citizen identification card in Vietnam?

    During the process of applying for, changing or re-granting a citizen identification card, the last stage is the waiting time for the card, which always confuses many people. This affects individuals with busy schedules or difficulty arranging work to receive cards. So about the matter “How long does it take to get a citizen identification card in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Citizen Identification 2014;Decree 144/2021/ND-CP.…

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  • Legal serviceHow long for a citizen identification card to expire in Vietnam?

    How long for a citizen identification card to expire in Vietnam?

    Currently, the state and civil status management agencies or specialized competent agencies actively mobilize citizens to change their citizen identity cards with chips. At the same time, there are many innovations in the process of completing the first citizenship identification procedures for 14-year-old children, many of whom have not yet caught up. So about the matter “How long for a citizen identification card to expire in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article…

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  • Legal service3 age milestones for citizen identification card in Vietnam

    3 age milestones for citizen identification card in Vietnam

    Compared with the people’s identity card, the citizen identity has some basic and specific differences, for example, a citizen’s identity is a type of personal document that must be changed according to a certain age as prescribed by law, the new card has legal effect. So about the matter “3 age milestones for citizen identification card in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds: Law on Citizenship Identity 2014 Content…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is hindering marriage under Vietnam law?

    What is hindering marriage under Vietnam law?

    Hello LSX, I am 30 years old this year, I love a man and really want to marry him, but my family forbade me and him from getting married. So about the matter “What is hindering marriage under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds: Law on Marriage and Family 2014.Criminal Code 2015. What is marriage? Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 3 of the Law on Marriage and Family…

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  • Legal knowledgeRegulations on construction survey and construction design in Vietnam

    Regulations on construction survey and construction design in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on construction survey and construction design. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are types of construction survey in Vietnam? What are Requirements on construction survey? What are major contents of a report on construction survey results? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2014 Vietnam Construction Law Regulations on Types of construction survey – Topographic survey. – Engineering…

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  • Legal knowledgeManagement of implementation of construction investment projects in Vietnam

    Management of implementation of construction investment projects in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on management of implementation of construction investment projects. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on organizational forms of construction investment project management in Vietnam? What are regulations on single-project construction investment project management units? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2014 Vietnam Construction Law Organizational forms of construction investment project management Based on the sizes, characteristics,…

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  • Legal knowledgeRegulations on construction investment projects in Vietnam

    Regulations on construction investment projects in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on construction investment projects. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on classification of construction investment projects? What are regulations on Order of construction investment? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2014 Vietnam Construction Law Classification of construction investment projects – Construction investment projects shall be classified by size, characteristic and type of construction work and…

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  • Legal knowledgeOrganization of implementation of construction planning in Vietnam

    Organization of implementation of construction planning in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on organization of implementation of construction planning. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on publicization of construction planning? Who has Responsibility to publicize construction planning? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2014 Vietnam Construction Law Publicization of construction planning – A construction plan shall be publicized within 30 days after it is approved. – The to…

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  • Legal serviceWhen to apply for a Certificate of food safety eligibility in Vietnam

    When to apply for a Certificate of food safety eligibility in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, the issue of food hygiene and safety is the top concern of everyone. There are many cases of food poisoning whose consequences are extremely large. Therefore, people when using food are always interested in the quality of the goods as well as the reputation of the store where they buy it. Store owners often create a reputation for themselves by “giving” “evidence” to prove that their establishments produce and trade food to ensure food…

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