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  • Legal serviceMain content of labor subleasing contract in Vietnam

    Main content of labor subleasing contract in Vietnam

    Recently, the labor subleasing is very popularly used by businesses. Therefore, enterprises need to understand the provisions of the law related to labor subleasing contracts to avoid unnecessary penalties. Specifically, what are the main contents of a labor sublease contract? What work is performed for labor sublease? The following article of Lawyer X will help readers answer questions about these issues, please follow along. Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Decree 12/2022/ND-CP What is labor sublease? According…

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  • Legal serviceAllocation of forestry land to individual households in Vietnam

    Allocation of forestry land to individual households in Vietnam

    Today, the development of forestry land cultivation is always an issue that receives much attention from all levels of government. The problem related to both economic development and forest protection and development has become an urgent problem. Therefore, the regulations related to the allocation of forestry land to households and individuals are very important. So about the matter “Allocation of forestry land to individual households in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article…

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  • Legal serviceIs handwritten paper for land donation in Vietnam valid?

    Is handwritten paper for land donation in Vietnam valid?

    Hello Lawyer, I have some questions that I would like to consult a lawyer. My grandmother is now old and weak, no longer lucid. Before that, she wrote a land donation letter for me, but I don’t know if the handwritten land donation paper has legal value. So, I want to ask if the handwritten land donation paper is valid? Looking forward to a response from you, thank you Lawyer. Thank you for sending your…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for registration of a personal tax code in Vietnam

    Procedures for registration of a personal tax code in Vietnam

    A question often asked when an employee or a business registers a personal tax number for an employee is to return the registration result. Many people are still confused in how to receive the results of their personal tax code registration? So, what Procedures for registration of a personal tax code in Vietnam? Follow the article below to know more. Legal grounds Personal income tax LawResolution 954/2020/UBTVQH14Circular 105/2020/TTBTC Cases where you need to register for…

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  • Legal serviceNumber of times employees try jobs in Vietnam

    Number of times employees try jobs in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Number of times employees try jobs in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Labor Code 2019 Regulations on labor contracts in Vietnam According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 13 of the Labor Code 2019, the labor contract is stipulated as follows: Labor contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer on paid jobs, wages, working conditions, rights and obligations of each…

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  • Legal serviceCan a car enter the truck lane in Vietnam?

    Can a car enter the truck lane in Vietnam?

    Currently, many people participate in traffic but do not understand clearly about lanes. For example, cars allowed to enter the truck lanes? This leads to many consequences such as: traffic jams, traffic accidents, etc. Together with LSX Lawfirm find out the problem: “Can a car enter the truck lane in Vietnam?” Read the article below to update more legal knowledge. Legal grounds Road Traffic Law 2008 Can a car enter the truck lane? When traveling…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on special-use forest land in Vietnam

    Regulations on special-use forest land in Vietnam

    Many people today still do not fully understand the role and meaning of forests in general and special-use forests in particular. Forests for use play a very important role for the country, for scientists. So about the matter “Regulations on special-use forest land in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is special-use forest land? According to APPENDIX NO. 01- Explaining how to determine the type…

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  • Legal serviceLeasing production forest land according to Vietnam law

    Leasing production forest land according to Vietnam law

    Today, forests are a matter of great concern to many people. Forest area is shrinking due to human needs. So about the matter,“Leasing production forest land according to Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013Decree 01/2017/ND-CP What is production forest land? Forest is known as a huge biome including soil environment, climate and forest organisms that create a unified and mutually supportive population. Because of this,…

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  • Legal serviceGeneral rules when participating in traffic in Vietnam

    General rules when participating in traffic in Vietnam

    Rapid population growth puts a heavy burden on many areas, one of which is transportation. Traffic on the street cannot be based solely on the consciousness of individual road users, but there should be general rules and regulations. So about the matter “General rules when participating in traffic in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Road Traffic Law 2008 What is the rule? Rules are rules, standards or general…

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  • Legal serviceIs it illegal to perform a marriage contract in Vietnam?

    Is it illegal to perform a marriage contract in Vietnam?

    From the movie “Going home to children” on VTV3, the phrase “marriage contract” became popular. However, in Vietnam, is this type of contract legal? What is a marriage contract? Is it illegal to perform a marriage contract? Is it a fake marriage? How to perform a marriage contract to be considered legal? Lawyer X’s legal consulting room would like to inform readers. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015;Law on Marriage and Family 2014Consulting content What is…

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