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  • Legal serviceTruck lanes in Vietnam

    Truck lanes in Vietnam

    Currently, vehicles when traveling on the road must follow the prescribed lane. In case you want to turn to another direction, you must signal and be safe enough to change lanes to follow the route you want. If you go in the wrong lane, do not comply with the law on traffic safety, you will be severely handled. So which lane does the truck go? Follow the article below of LSX Lawfirm for more information!…

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  • Legal serviceEmployer's management rights in Vietnam

    Employer’s management rights in Vietnam

    A worker, employee, employee, craftsman or worker who is salaried, who contributes labor and expertise in an effort to produce a product for an employer (employer) and are often hired with a contract of work (agreement) to perform specific tasks that are encapsulated into a job or function. Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Employer’s management rights in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Labor Code 2019 The concept of labor management rights…

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  • Legal knowledgeRenewal adjustment of environmental license in Vietnam

    Renewal, adjustment of environmental license in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on renewal, adjustment, re-issuance, suspension and revocation of environmental license. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask how can a person renew, adjust environmental license? How much are fees for issuance of environmental license in Vietnam? Thanks for answering my questions” Legal grounds Vietnam law on environmental protection Renewal, adjustment, re-issuance, suspension and revocation of environmental license – An environmental…

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  • Legal serviceTime to establish a notary office in Vietnam

    Time to establish a notary office in Vietnam

    Nowadays, notary activities are a matter of concern to everyone. All registration documents that you want to bring to the transaction must be notarized. So about the matter “Time to establish a notary office in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Notarization 2014 What is a notary office? 1. Notary offices are organized and operate according to the provisions of this Law and other relevant legal documents…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on notarized documents in Vietnam

    Regulations on notarized documents in Vietnam

    Today, all documents related to registration must be notarized and authenticated. Otherwise, it will violate the provisions of the law and have no legal value. So about the matter “Regulations on notarized documents in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Notarization Law 2014Decree 23/2015/ND-CP What is a notarized document? Notarization means that a notary of a notarial practice organization certifying the authenticity and lawfulness of a written contract or…

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  • Legal serviceMinimum amount of fire insurance in 2022 in Vietnam

    Minimum amount of fire insurance in 2022 in Vietnam

    Fire and explosion insurance is a type of insurance that compensates customers and businesses for loss or damage caused by fire and explosion. When participating in this type of insurance, participants insured for protection of people and property, support for construction and repair costs. In addition, customers participating in compulsory fire and explosion insurance can also protect their property and neighbors, the insurance company will support costs in case of fire and explosion, making customers…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for personal income tax finalization in Vietnam

    Procedures for personal income tax finalization in Vietnam

    Tax issues are one of the subjects governed by Vietnamese law. In which the individual is the taxpayer’s declaration to determine the payable tax amount of the previous year, thereby determining the outstanding or overpaid tax amount as a basis for tax refund, which is called tax finalization. So, how is the personal income tax finalization procedure done? Let’s find out with Lawyer X in detail the legal regulations on tax finalization. What is personal…

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  • Legal serviceSchedule for submission of financial statements as per Vietnamese law

    Schedule for submission of financial statements as per Vietnamese law

    Every year at a certain period, the accountants of the business will have to submit tax returns, financial statements or tax reports according to regulations. However, at present, many legal documents such as circulars and tax documents change constantly, which leads to mistakes and omissions when declaring taxes. So Through the following article, Lawyer X will share with readers the article: Schedule for submission of financial statements as per Vietnamese law Legal grounds Accounting Law…

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  • Legal knowledgeRegulations on environmental license in Vietnam

    Regulations on environmental license in Vietnam

    Environmental license is an important legal document in Vietnam. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to know what are obliged applicants for environmental license? What are contents of environmental license? Who has the power to issue environmental license? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds Vietnam law on environmental protection Obliged applicants for environmental license – Group I, II and III projects that generate wastewater,…

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  • Legal knowledgeRegulations on environmental impact assessment in Vietnam

    Regulations on environmental impact assessment in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on environmental impact assessment. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are projects subject to EIA? What are contents of environmental impact assessment report? What are regulations on appraisal of EIAR? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds Vietnam law on Environmental protection What are projects subject to EIA? –  Projects subject to EIA include: + Group I investment…

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