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  • Legal serviceLand valuation income method in Vietnam

    Land valuation income method in Vietnam

    Land is the priceless asset of every citizen. In some cases, because of many different requirements, people have to sell their land. So about the matter “Land valuation income method in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 44/2014/ND-CPCircular 36/2014/TT-BTNMT Land valuation income method in Vietnam According to Clause 3, Article 4 of Decree 44/2014/ND-CP, regulations on land valuation income methods are as follows: “The income method is a…

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  • Legal serviceSequence of recovering encroached land in Vietnam

    Sequence of recovering encroached land in Vietnam

    Land is an extremely valuable asset of every citizen. However, in some cases the State will recover the land. So about the matter “Sequence of recovering encroached land in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013Decree 91/2019/ND-CP What is land encroachment? The act of encroaching on land is specified in Decree 91/2019/ND-CP on administrative sanctions in the land field. Accordingly, the act of encroaching on land is…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is a land database in Vietnam

    What is a land database in Vietnam?

    Land is a precious resource of every country. Land management is also a very important job to protect the independence and sovereignty of the territory. So about the matter ‘What is a land database in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013Circular No. 34/2014/TT-BTNMTCircular 05/2017/TT-BTNMT What is a land database in Vietnam? According to the provisions of Clause 23, Article 3 of the Land Law 2013: A…

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  • Legal servicePenalty for late submission of financial statements in Vietnam

    Penalty for late submission of financial statements in Vietnam

    Financial statements are a very important part of a business’s books. It can be said that it is related to settlements and data; revenue and debt of the company. Therefore, the financial statements must also be accurate; even have to declare clearly. However, in some cases, late payment still occurs; late submission of these financial statements; lead to a number of other effects. Because of this, it is imperative to have a separate regulation; about…

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  • Legal serviceDoes street vendor business have to register business in Vietnam?

    Does street vendor business have to register business in Vietnam?

    Shark Tank Vietnam season 5 – episode 8 begins with Má Hải Bread as the first Startup coming to the program. Founded by Ho Duc Hai and co-founder Doan Van Minh Nhat, the business came to call for the capital of 5 billion VND in exchange for 10% of the company. In the end, the startup decided to agree to an offer of 5 billion for 36% with the companionship of 3 sharks. This startup…

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  • Legal serviceWhy-cant-Sole-Proprietorship-contribute-capital-in-Vietnam

    Why can’t Sole Proprietorship contribute capital in Vietnam?

    Recently, LSX legal firm has received a question from our customer: “I have a plan to set up a Sole Proprietorship to provide shipping service. However, I did a research and find out that I can not contribute capital to establish a Sole Proprietorship. I do not understand and would like you to give me an insight into this problem.” So, in this article, we will help you answer the question: “Why can’t you contribute…

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  • Legal serviceHow to handle disorder behavior in residential areas in Vietnam

    How to handle disorder behavior in residential areas in Vietnam?

    Vietnam is a highly urbanized developing country. Each residential area is usually quite crowded, so it is always full of noise. The press has spent a lot of ink and paper to raise their voice about this situation, especially the problem of karaoke and street vendors that affect and cause disorder in residential areas. And so the law also has provisions on this issue. So about the matter “How to handle disorderly behavior in residential…

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  • Legal serviceHow long is a car authorization contract in Vietnam?

    How long is a car authorization contract in Vietnam

    Currently, there are many reasons why the owner does not exercise his rights and obligations himself, so the owner can authorize someone else to do it on his behalf. When performing authorization, the two parties must form a contract to enter into, so how long is the term of the contract? We invite you to read through the article of Lawyer X to understand and understand the provisions on “How long is the car authorization…

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  • Legal serviceCases that cannot be arranged for resettlement in Vietnam

    Cases that cannot be arranged for resettlement in Vietnam

    LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Cases that cannot arrange for resettlement in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Decree 47/2014/ND-CP Resettlement So, Resettlement is a form of State compensation for land when land recovered to help people have a stable and long life. Resettlement is a form of support, helping people partly when their current jobs changed, or their family’s living and working process changes when the State recovers land.…

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  • Legal serviceTemporary residence card for foreigners married to Vietnamese

    Temporary residence card for foreigners married to Vietnamese

    Currently, the number of foreigners marrying Vietnamese citizens is increasing day by day. Therefore, the demand for temporary residence cards for them to stay long and legally in our country is also increasing. What are the conditions and procedures for applying for a temporary residence card for a foreigner to marry a Vietnamese? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Temporary residence card for foreigners married to Vietnamese”, as follows: Legal grounds Find out…

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