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  • Legal serviceHow much is the registration fee for motorbikes in Vietnam?

    How much is the registration fee for motorbikes in Vietnam?

    When registering property ownership, people need to pay the state agency a fee called registration fee. So who bears the registration fee? Do I have to pay a registration fee to buy a motorbike? So about the matter “How much is the registration fee for motorbikes in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 10/2022/ND-CP What is the registration fee? Registration fee is a fee that the owner of…

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  • Legal serviceThe case of tax-free land donation in Vietnam

    The case of tax-free land donation in Vietnam

    Donating land is one of the issues worthy of attention, especially with the custom of parents giving land to their children in Vietnam. Land is an asset owned by the entire people and managed on behalf of the state. Therefore, the procedures related to land donation must strictly meet the provisions of the law. So about the matter “The case of tax-free land donation in Vietnam”. Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.…

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  • Legal serviceRights and obligations of a tour guide in Vietnam

    Rights and obligations of a tour guide in Vietnam

    Tour guide is becoming a very popular profession in today’s society. A lot of people visiting new lands need a tour guide to introduce them to them. So about the matter “Rights and obligations of a tour guide in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds: Law on Tourism 2017 Who is a tour guide? A tour guide is a person who is granted a card to practice as a…

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  • Legal serviceProcedure for partial transfer of land use rights in Vietnam

    Procedure for partial transfer of land use rights in Vietnam

    There are many forms of land use, basically there are two main groups: receiving land use rights from the State and receiving land use rights from other land users. Forms of receiving land use rights by the State include being allocated land by the State, leasing land, changing land use purposes and having land use rights recognized by the State. However, the transfer of a part of land use rights is not so easy. So…

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  • Legal serviceCan non-agricultural land be granted a red book in Vietnam?

    Can non-agricultural land be granted a red book in Vietnam?

    Land is an extremely valuable asset of a country. Moreover, for the people it is also a very valuable asset. So about the matter “Can non-agricultural land be granted a red book in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is non-agricultural land? Pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of the 2013 Land Law, each type of land is as follows: – The agricultural land…

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  • Legal serviceHow to notify online stay in Vietnam

    How to notify online stay in Vietnam?

    Residence registration is an administrative procedure aimed at legalizing a citizen’s stay. Many people wonder if online stay notification is possible? According to current regulations, how many forms of stay notification are there? So about the matter “How to notify online stay in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 144/2021/ND-CPResidence Law 2020 What is an online stay notice? According to the provisions of Article 15, Circular 55/2021 of…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on notice of stay in Vietnam

    Regulations on notice of stay in Vietnam

    Currently, when someone comes to stay for less than 30 days, people must carry out the procedures for notifying their stay to the competent agency according to regulations. If people do not notify, this behavior may be punished according to the latest regulations in 2022. So about the matter “Regulations on notice of stay in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 144/2021/ND-CPResidence Law 2020 What is accommodation? According…

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  • Legal serviceExemption of work permits for people married to Vietnamese people

    Exemption of work permits for people married to Vietnamese people

    Decree 152/2020/ND-CP, effective from February 15, 2021, stipulates that foreigners who marry Vietnamese are exempt from work permits. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Exemption of work permits for people married to Vietnamese people”, as follows: Regulations on work permit exemption for people married to Vietnamese people According to Article 154 of the Labor Code (effective from January 1, 2021), foreigners who marry Vietnamese and live in the Vietnamese territory will be exempt…

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  • Service of making work permits and visas for foreigners in Vietnam

    LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Service of making work permits and visas for foreigners in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law labor 2019 What is a work permit? A work permit – a document for foreigners legally allowed to work in Vietnam, issued by the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. On the work permit, there will be information about the employee such as: full name, passport number, date of birth,…

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  • Legal serviceWhich Vietnamese agency should I apply for a license to import aquatic breeds?

    Which Vietnamese agency should I apply for a license to import aquatic breeds?

    Do you want to import aquatic breeds for business but do not know which agency to apply for a license to import aquatic breeds? What are the documents required to apply for a license to import aquatic breeds? What is the order of licensing the latest aquatic breeds in 2022? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Which Vietnamese agency should I apply for a license to import aquatic breeds?“, as follows: Legal…

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