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Penalties for adding additives to reduce the quality of goods in accordance with Vietnamese law

You are interested in Penalties for adding additives to reduce the quality of goods in accordance with Vietnamese law so let's go check out the following article!

Some very familiar food additives or spices such as sugar, salt, food coloring… are warned as not good for health. The list of additives or seasonings that should be avoided includes match salt, monosodium glutamate, etc. Surprisingly, the scientists also did not rate it. High prices for spices are needed to taste dishes such as sugar and salt. In addition, the list is extended with other food additives. Therefore, the law has issued regulations related to additives to ensure that food is not harmful to health. In Decree 126/2021/ND-CP amending Decree 119/2017/ND-CP on administrative sanctions in the field of standards, measurement, product, and goods quality. Accordingly, how are the fines for changing the composition of goods that affect quality? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Penalties for adding additives to reduce the quality of goods in accordance with Vietnamese law”, as follows:

Law on Food Safety 2010

Decree 126/2021/ND-CP

What are food additives?

Accordingly to Clause 13, Article 2 of the Law on Food Safety 2010:

“A food additive is a substance that is intentionally added to food during the manufacturing process, with or without nutritional value, in order to preserve or improve the characteristics of the food.”

The above concept shows that a food additive is not food and it intentionally added to food for certain purposes. safe for users. Although not a food, with little or no nutritional value, food additives increasingly widely used and play an important role in food processing and preservation because they can help preserve food. preserve food longer, improve the taste and appearance of food.

Food additives, if used in the right type and in the right dose, will have a number of positive effects such as: creating many products; that are suitable for the preferences and tastes of consumers; maintaining the integrity of the food until use; creating ease in food production, and processing and increase the attractive commercial value in the market and prolong the shelf life of food.

However, if used in the wrong dosage, especially the use of banned additives; or a combination of many additives in the processing process, can give rise; to harmful substances due to chemical reactions or chemical reactions. Due to physical impact, it not only poses a risk to food quality; such as destroying nutrients, vitamins, etc. but also causes many unpredictable harms to human health such as: causing acute poisoning. if the permissible dose exceeded); cause chronic poisoning (when used in small, frequent, continuous doses, some food additives accumulate in the body, causing long-term damage); risk of causing tumors, cancer, gene mutations, teratogens, especially when using synthetic additives,…

Penalties for adding additives to reduce the quality of goods

Payment of money from 02 times to 03 times the value of products or beneficial goods with one of the following acts:

  • Firstly, Substituting, swapping, adding or subtracting ingredients or additives, mixing impurities that reduce the quality of goods compared with announced applicable standards;
  • Secondly, Selling goods whose quality does not conform to relevant technical regulations or is inconsistent with regulations of competent agencies;
  • Thirdly, Selling goods when the goods have not implemented with management measures as prescribed in the respective national technical standard processes; or have not been properly certified or supervised in accordance with technical regulations within a period of time. regulations for group 2 goods.

A fine ranging from 03 times to 05 times the value of the consumed infringing goods

For acts of replacing, exchanging, adding, or subtracting ingredients or additives; or mixing impurities with substances that cause unsafety to humans or animals. Objects, assets, and the environment cause the quality of products and goods to fail to conform; to relevant technical regulations or regulations of competent agencies.

(According to the previous regulations, a fine of from 02 times to 03 times the value of products and goods only applied for acts of replacing, exchanging, adding or subtracting ingredients or additives, or mixing impurities to make the products or services better. reducing the quality of products and goods compared with the announced applicable standards. At the same time, the act of selling goods of unsuitable quality will fine from 03 to 05 times the value of the goods.

General principles when using food additives

  • Firstly, all food additives put into use must carefully considered by evaluating; and testing for toxicity and the maximum dose used.
  • Secondly, only food additives that have confirmed to be safe; in accordance with regulations and do not pose a health risk to consumers at any dose can use.
  • Thirdly, food additives must continuously monitored, evaluated for toxicity, and supported by scientific evidence.
  • Fourthly, food additives must meet technical requirements, uniformity, and purity according to regulations.
  • Finally, food additives only used when: They do not change the nutritional quality, stability of foods, or their organoleptic properties; to maintain the nutritional quality of food; or to purposefully reduce the quality of food, to create food for special dietary groups.

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Above is LSX Lawfirm’s advice on the content of the problem “Penalties for adding additives to reduce the quality of goods in accordance with Vietnamese law“. And all the above knowledge to use in work and life. If you have any questions and need more advice and help, please contact the hotline for the reception. Lawyer X is a place that provides reputable and fast business services at reasonable prices. Customers will be extremely satisfied when using our services.

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What are food additives?

A food additive is a substance that is intentionally added to food during the manufacturing process, with or without nutritional value, in order to preserve or improve the characteristics of the food.

What is the penalty for adding and subtracting ingredients?

A fine ranging from 03 times to 05 times the value of the consumed infringing goods for acts of replacing, exchanging, adding or subtracting ingredients or additives, or mixing impurities with substances that cause unsafety to humans or animals. Objects, assets, and the environment cause the quality of products and goods to fail to conform to relevant technical regulations or regulations of competent agencies.

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Finally, hope this article is useful for you; answer the question: “Penalties for adding additives to reduce the quality of goods in accordance with Vietnamese law“. If you need more information, please contact  LSX Law firm: at +84846175333 or Email: [email protected].

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