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Regulations on naming textbooks at university level in Vietnam

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The Minister of Education and Training promulgates Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT on the compilation, selection, evaluation, approval, and use of teaching materials and higher education curricula. Including the requirement for naming textbooks at the University. So how are the regulations on naming textbooks at the university level shown? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Regulations on naming textbooks at university level in Vietnam“, as follows:

Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT

What is the syllabus?

A syllabus is defined as materials that cover the topics or sections covered in a particular subject. It is determined by the exam board and created by professors. Professors are responsible for the quality of the course. It is provided to students by teachers, in hard copy or electronic form to get their attention on the subject and take their learning seriously.

So, A syllabus is considered as a guide on charge as well for the students. It helps students to know the details of the topic, why it is a part of their learning, what are the student’s expectations, the consequences of failure, etc. It contains general rules. policies, guidelines, topics, assignments, projects, test dates, and so on.

Who has the right to choose textbooks and how?

In most countries, teachers do not teach according to a set of textbooks, but based on the actual situation of the class, they choose the most suitable lesson from the existing textbooks to teach. Lessons are selected from this book, lessons are selected from another book, and sometimes they even copy a page of a certain book to teach students.

Besides, it is necessary to have a lot of other factors attached, especially the training of teachers, innovation of teaching methods, and upgrading of facilities of schools. However, if only relying on the renovation of curricula and textbooks, it is not possible to improve the current quality of general education

Regulations on naming textbooks at the university level

Specifically, according to Article 4 of Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT requirements for university curricula are as follows:

General rules

  • Firstly, The textbook is the main document used in a training institution for lecturers and learners to teach; study research of a module in the training program. Textbooks must be published in book form, and the name given to the curriculum must not lead to the misunderstanding that it is a common use curriculum in training institutions.
  • Secondly, The curriculum must specify the requirements for knowledge content; skills, and attitudes specified in each module of the training program; training sector, and level of training, meeting the requirements of innovation in teaching and testing methods; evaluate learning outcomes, and ensure training quality.
  • Thirdly, The content of the curriculum must be consistent with the objectives and contents of the training program; ensure standards of knowledge and skills, meeting the output standards of the module.

Another rule

  • Firstly, The knowledge in the textbook presents scientifically and logically; ensures a balance between theory and practice; is consistent with practice, and updates new knowledge of science; technology, economic development, and social progress have been verified and recognized.
  • Secondly, The contents cited in the reference materials to compile the textbook must have clear sources and annotations; quoted content included in the textbook must be appropriate and meet the requirements of the curriculum’s objectives; ensure compliance with relevant laws.
  • Thirdly, The language used to compile the textbook is Vietnamese, or a foreign language and must be consistent with the language of course instruction.
  • Finally, The training institution shall prescribe the content and structure; the form, and specific requirements for the curriculum of the training institution, ensuring the uniformity; consistent with the provisions of relevant laws.

Syllabus Compilation

The textbook compilation prescribes in Article 11 of Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT. Specifically:

  • Firstly, The principal of the training institution shall organize the compilation of the textbooks that have determined to compiled according to the provisions of Article 10 of this Circular according to the forms of assignment; placing orders, or bidding for units and individuals inside and outside the training institution; ensure compliance with the regulations of the training institution and relevant laws then.
  • Secondly, the Editor or co-editor; the editor is responsible for compiling the curriculum according to the detailed outline of the curriculum and is responsible to the training institution; State agencies are competent in the subject matter expertise and held accountable when required.
  • Thirdly, The compiled curriculum must meet the requirements specified in Article 3; Article 4 of this Circular, and other requirements as prescribed by the training institution.
  • Finally, The training institution shall specify requirements and standards; criteria of the compiled curriculum and the process of compiling the curriculum; regulations on standards, composition, and a number of members participating in curriculum development; defining the rights and responsibilities of the training institution and the author; editor, editor; or co-editor and related parties in compiling the training institution’s curriculum.

Funding for compilation, selection, evaluation, approval, and use of teaching materials and textbooks

  • Firstly, Funding for the compilation, selection, appraisal, approval, and use of teaching materials, and curricula arranged by the training institutions from the lawful revenue sources; other funding sources.
  • Secondly, Expenditure content and level of expenditure for compilation, selection, appraisal, Approval, and use of teaching materials and textbooks comply with current provisions of law and are specified in the regulations of the training institution.
  • Thirdly, Thus, we have provided the necessary information about the requirements and regulations when naming textbooks at the University.

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Related article

What is a lecture?

Accordingly, to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 2 of Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT; a Lecture is a document compiled by the lecturer to teach for the subject assigned to teach, on the basis of the detailed outline of the course, the official curriculum, the learning outcomes of the course and the curriculum. educate.

What types of teaching materials are included?

Accordingly, to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDDT; Teaching materials include textbooks, lecturers’ lectures, and reference materials.

What is the curriculum?

A curriculum is the set of courses, courses, and their contents offered at another educational school or institute.

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