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Responsibilities of traders providing logistics services in Vietnam

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According to current regulations, how are the responsibilities of traders doing business in logistics services regulated? The cases are exempt from liability? Let’s find out with the legal consulting room of Lawyer X.

Commercial Law 2005

– Decree 163/2017/ND-CP

Consulting content

The concept of logistics services


+ Logistics service is a commercial activity whereby a trader organizes to perform one or more jobs including receiving goods, transporting, storing, storing, customs clearance, and other paperwork. customer consultation, packaging, marking, delivery, or other services related to goods as agreed with the customer for remuneration.

+ Therefore, to conduct logistics service business in Vietnam, traders need to meet the conditions for logistics service business prescribed by this law and related legal documents.

Logistics services are provided in Vietnam.

The logistics services provided include:

+ Container handling services, except services provided at airports.

+ Besides, container warehousing service belongs to sea transportation support services.

+ Thirdly, warehousing service is a service that supports all modes of transport.

+ Delivery service.

+ Cargo agency services.

+ Moreover, customs clearance agency services (including customs clearance services).

+ Lastly, other services agreed upon by the trader providing logistics services and the customer by the basic principles of the Commercial Law

+ etc.

Responsibilities of traders providing logistics services

The parties to a contract to provide logistics services can agree on responsibility if the law related to the supply contract does not provide. If there is no relevant legal document, and the parties to the contract do not reach an agreement, the 2005 Commercial Law stipulates the responsibilities of a trader providing logistics services as follows:

+ In case the customer does not have prior notice of the value of the goods, the maximum liability limit is VND 500 million for each claim.

+ Besides, in case the customer has been notified in advance of the value of the goods and is confirmed by the trader providing logistics services, the limit of liability will not exceed the value of such goods.


Liability limitation for the case where a trader providing logistics services organizes the performance of many stages with different regulations on limitation of liability, which is the limit of liability of the stage with the highest limit of liability.

See more:

Minimum charter capital when setting up a company in Vietnam

Conditions for foreign investors providing logistics services

Cases where traders providing logistics services are exempt from liability

Traders providing logistics services exempt from liability for violations specified in Article 294 of the 2005 Commercial Law.

In addition, Article 237 of the Commercial Law 2005; The following cases are exempted from liability for compensation for loss in logistics service provision activities:

+ Loss is caused by the fault of the customer or the person authorized by the customer;

+ Loss incurred because the trader providing logistics services strictly follows the instructions of the customer; or the person authorized by the customer;

+ The loss caused by a defect in the goods;

+ Then, loss arising in the cases where liability is exempted according to the provisions of law and transport practices if the trader providing logistics services organizes the transport;

+ After that, the trader providing logistics services does not receive a notice of the complaint within fourteen days from the date the trader providing logistics services delivers the goods to the recipient;

+ After being complained, the trader providing logistics services does not receive notice of being sued at Arbitration or Court within nine months from the date of delivery.

In addition, traders providing logistics services are not responsible for the loss of profits that should be enjoyed by customers, for delays; or for performing logistics services at the wrong place through no fault of their own.

Frequently asked questions

Can traders providing logistics services hold their customers’ goods?

A trader providing logistics services has the right to hold a certain quantity of goods and documents related to such quantity of goods to collect the due debt of a customer but must immediately notify such in writing to the customer. row

Do traders providing logistics services have the right to dispose of goods held by customers?

After forty-five days from the date of notification of the seizure of goods or documents related to the goods, if the customer fails to pay the debt, the trader providing logistics services has the right to dispose of such goods or documents. according to regulations of the Law.

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