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What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam?

You are interested in What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam? so let's go check out the following article!

Education is always one of the most concerning issues today. So, what are the standards for being a director of a vocational education center in an organization of a vocational education institution? And to answer this question, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam?“, as follows:

  • Law on Vocational Education 2014

Who is the director of the vocational education center?

What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam? The director of the vocational education center is the head of the center, represents the vocational education center before the law, and is responsible for managing the activities of the vocational education center.

The term of office of the director of the vocational education center is 5 years.

What are the requirements to become a Career Center Director?

The director of a vocational education center must fully meet the following criteria:

Firstly, Having good qualities and ethics;
Secondly, Have a college diploma or higher;
Thirdly, Having undergone training and retraining in vocational education management;
Finally, Have enough health.

What are the duties and powers of the director of a vocational education center?

The director of a vocational education center has the following duties and powers:

Promulgate regulations and regulations in vocational education centers;
To decide on the establishment, merger, division, separation, and dissolution of organizations of the vocational education center; to appoint, relieve and dismiss the titles of heads and deputy heads of organizations of the center;
Formulate planning and develop a contingent of teachers and administrators; decide on the structure and number of people working and decide to pay wages according to work efficiency and quality; recruit officials and workers according to the needs of the vocational education center; sign working contracts, labor contracts, manage and employ officials and employees and terminate contracts in accordance with law;
Organize the implementation of training activities, international cooperation, vocational education quality accreditation, and coordinate with enterprises in vocational training organizations; organize career guidance for high school students.

Manage facilities, assets, finance, and organize the effective exploitation and use of resources mobilized to serve training activities of the vocational education center in accordance with the law. ;
Implement the information and reporting regime and be subject to supervision, inspection, and examination in accordance with law;
Formulate and implement democracy regulations at the grassroots level; be under the supervision of individuals, organizations, and mass organizations in the vocational education center;
Annually, report the results of the performance of tasks and powers to the direct management agency;
Other duties and powers as prescribed by law.

Pursuant to Clause 1, Clause 2, Clause 3, Article 19 of the Law on Vocational Education 2014 stipulating on registration of vocational education activities:

“1. Vocational education institutions, higher education institutions, and enterprises shall be granted a certificate of registration of vocational education activities when fully meeting the following conditions:

a) There is a decision on establishment or permission for establishment;

b) Having land, facilities, and equipment meeting the training requirements as committed;

c) Having sufficient training programs and textbooks and teaching and learning materials as prescribed;

d) Having a contingent of teachers and vocational education administrators meeting professional and professional standards, sufficient in number and synchronous in the structure;

dd) Having sufficient financial resources as prescribed to ensure the maintenance and development of vocational education activities;

e) Having a charter and regulations on organization and operation.

  1. Vocational education establishments may only enroll students and organize training when they have been granted a certificate of registration of vocational education activities.
  2. When a vocational education institution changes the contents stated in the certificate of registration of vocational education activities, it must make additional registration with the competent state agency.

In addition, Article 30 of the Law on Vocational Education 2014 stipulates on training facilities and equipment:

In addition

Vocational education institutions must ensure training equipment according to the list of minimum training equipment and facilities as prescribed by the head of the state management agency in charge of vocational education at the central level.

On the other hand, Clause 10, Article 4 of Decree No. 48/2015/ND-CP details a number of articles of the law on vocational education.

“10. Specifying the standard qualifications for professional and professional training of teachers teaching vocational education levels, including Training qualifications and certificates of vocational skills for teaching practice as required. requirements of the profession, professional certificates of pedagogy; professional standards, professional titles of teachers and managers of vocational education; standards for heads of vocational education institutions; regulations on evaluation of vocational education officials; contents and forms of recruitment of vocational education officers;

The working regime of the vocational educator; the content of the program of training and fostering vocational skills and pedagogical skills for teachers in vocational education institutions and training and retraining institutions for teachers and vocational education managers; templates and regulations on management and issuance of vocational education pedagogical certificates. Guide the work of planning, training, fostering, and employing teachers, instructors of continuing training programs, and managers of vocational education. Directing and organizing contests for the promotion of professional titles of vocational education officials and awarding honorary titles to vocational educators according to the provisions of law.”

What is the process of submitting and processing the application for recognition as the director of a vocational education center?

Step 1: Submit the application as prescribed in Clause 5.2 at the One-Stop-shop section of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs

Step 2: The officer receives the application, and checks the legality and content of the application: If the application is complete, an appointment will be written to the applicant; In case the dossier is lacking, the receiving officer shall guide the person to submit the complete dossier. Then transfer the complete dossier to the business office.

Step 3: The Department of Enterprises appraises the dossier, drafts the official dispatch to submit to the Provincial People’s Committee on the decision to recognize the director (if the dossier is valid), and submits it to the Director of the Department or a draft reply to the private VET center (if the dossier is valid). invalid) submit to Deputy Director in charge

And Step 4: The director of the department signs the official letter and submits it to the Provincial People’s Committee or the deputy director of the department to sign the response to the center, then return it to the business office.

Step 5: The Enterprise Department stores 01 sets of documents, and photos and transfers 01 sets of documents together with the official dispatch to the Provincial People’s Committee or sends the official reply to the center.

Step 6: Provincial People’s Committee returns the results.

Appointment, recognition, dismissal, and dismissal of the director of the vocational education center

The authority to appoint, recognize, relieve from duty or dismiss the director of a vocational education center is prescribed as follows:

Persons competent to decide on the establishment of a public vocational education center shall appoint, relieve from duty or dismiss the director of the affiliated public vocational education center;
Presidents of provincial-level People’s Committees shall recognize or not recognize directors of private vocational education centers in their respective localities at the request of capital contributors to establish centers or organizations or individuals that are owners of such centers. private vocational education center.
Procedures for appointment, recognition, relief from duty, and dismissal of the director of a vocational education center are specified in the charter of the vocational education center then.

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Above is LSX Lawfirm’s advice on the content of the problem “What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam?”. And all the above knowledge to use in work and life. If you have any questions and need more advice and help, please contact the hotline for reception. Lawyer X is a place that provides reputable and fast business services at reasonable prices. Customers will be extremely satisfied when using our services.

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Finally, hope this article is useful for you; answer the question: “ What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam? “. If you need more information, please contact  LSX Law firm: at +84846175333 or Email: [email protected].

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Processing time to confirm the direction of the vocational education center?

18 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents.

What are the required documents for the accreditation process of the director of a private vocational education center?

Firstly, the Official letter of the organization or the capital contributors to establish the center or the individual who is the owner of the center, requesting recognition by the competent authority.
Secondly, the Minutes of the meeting of the organization or the capital contributors to establish the center.
Thirdly, the Curriculum vitae of the person proposed to be recognized as the director of the center, certified by the People’s Committee of the commune where he/she resides
Finally, The diplomas and certificates of training and retraining of the person proposed for recognition are attached.

What does the certificate of the director of a private vocational education center include?

– Decision to recognize the director of a private VET center
– Official letter of the organization or the capital contributors to establish the center or the individual who is the owner of the center, requesting recognition by the competent authority then.
– Minutes of the meeting of the organization or the capital contributors to establish the center then.
– Curriculum vitae of the person proposed to recognize the center director.
– The diplomas and certificates of training and retraining of the person proposed for recognition are attached then.
– The other relevant papers.

Conclusion: So the above is What are the requirements to become a career center director in Vietnam?. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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