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What to do with agricultural land in Vietnam?

You are interested in What to do with agricultural land in Vietnam? so let's go check out the following article!

Agricultural land is known as the type of land identified as the means of production; serving in farming and animal husbandry, protecting the ecological environment, doing research and experiment on farming and livestock, and providing products for the service and industry sectors. So about the matter “What to do with agricultural land in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.

Legal grounds

  • Land Law 2013

How is agricultural land regulated?

Agricultural land is a type of land allocated by the State to people to serve the needs of agricultural production, including cultivation, animal husbandry, afforestation, etc. It is the main means of production, both a labor document and a medium. is the object of labor, especially irreplaceable of the agro-forestry sector.

Types of agricultural land as prescribed by law

According to Article 10 of the 2013 Land Law, agricultural land is divided into the following types of land:

“1. The agricultural land group includes the following types of land:

a) Land for growing annual crops, including land for rice cultivation and land for other annual crops;

b) Land for planting perennial crops;

c) Production forest land;

d) Protection forest land;

dd) Special-use forest land;

e) Land for aquaculture;

g) Land for salt production;

h) Other agricultural land, including land used for construction of greenhouses and other houses for cultivation purposes, including forms of cultivation not directly on the land; building barns for raising cattle, poultry and other animals permitted by law; land for cultivation, animal husbandry and aquaculture for the purpose of study, research and experiment; land for nursery plants, seedlings and land for growing flowers and ornamental plants..”

What to do with agricultural land in Vietnam?

  • Get rich in the countryside with free-range chicken farming

Free-range chicken farming is an effective rural enrichment model for farmers, because the quality of chicken always meets the needs of the market, even for the most demanding customers. However, to be successful with this model, you need to remember a few notes:

The cage must be designed so that it is cool in the summer, closed and warm in the winter. The barn should be kept high and dry, with good drainage. The floor of the coop should be covered with layers of straw, rice husks, etc. to keep the chickens warm. Chicken coops should be built in high places with a density of at least 1 chicken/square meter.

According to many people’s experience, it is best to place the chicken coop in the East / Southeast direction, helping to avoid rain and sun for chickens. In rural areas, garden land is usually quite large, and many different types of crops are grown, so to avoid destruction of vegetables/crops, use a separate net to raise chickens.

The model of getting rich in rural areas from raising chickens is also divided into different types. If you raise broiler chickens, you should choose special breeds such as Tam Hoang, Dong Cao, Luong Phuong, Noi chicken… If you are raising chickens for eggs, you can choose Ri chicken, Tau Vang chicken, Tam Hoang or BT1 chicken.

When buying breeding stock, you should choose the ones with uniform size, agility, big feet, bright eyes. Avoid choosing to buy breeds with signs of crooked beak, clubfoot or dry legs, because this breed is slow to grow, has poor resistance and often dies prematurely.

When chickens are young, they should not be released from the garden right away, but focus on raising them, feeding them cooked broken rice, straight bran, and drinking water with vitamin C, or Electrotyle to help strengthen antibodies. When the chickens are large (over 1kg in weight), they start to let the chickens feed themselves, so add bran, green vegetables and clean water to the small troughs.

  • Pig farming

Learning how to get rich from raising pigs is a trend that many people apply, in this article I will not specify breeding techniques, but to be effective, you need to pay special attention to a few issues:

Find the output for the product. If raising sows to sell breeding stock, they need to be able to contact the pig farms to export the breeding, if raising pigs, they must find consumption partners such as slaughterhouses, large supermarkets, small quantities, and so on. matchmaking with three-carriers… In short, you have to find an outlet before you start, because when pigs have been released without output, it will be very expensive to maintain, while production increases. trivial.

  • Breeding cattle

Getting rich from breeding cows, the most important step is the initial selection of breeds. According to many people’s experience in choosing breeding cows, they should choose those with a fast, tame body, wide snout, regular teeth, big but not saggy belly, straight legs and 4 right nipples. Normally, cows first estrus after 20 months of age, the interval between calving is about 1 year.

In rural areas with hilly and wide land, grazing should be done, but grass and straw should be planted as supplementary food. The barn needs to be cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and hygienic. If raising 10 cows, the purchase cost will be about 300 million. For a quick recall, it is advisable to buy pregnant cubs that are close to their due date. The calves are born, if the female continues to breed, and the male calves can be sold for money. Calculating at the current average price, each calf is sold for 15-20 million VND.

  • Fish and shrimp farming by region

A business form of getting rich from agriculture is also bringing high economic efficiency that is fish farming. Fish is a widely used food source so you don’t have to worry about consuming this product.

The current fish farming industry is often popular with catfish such as catfish, basa … or freshwater fish such as carp, carp, fruit fish, tilapia, perch … all you need to prepare and investment is water surface space, selection of seed, fish food, and knowledge of grazing and disease prevention.

  • The model of getting rich from agriculture with planting trees for timber

If you are in the countryside and don’t know what to do to get out of poverty or become rich, but don’t know what to grow super profitable, think about the idea of ​​planting trees for wood. The planting of trees for timber not only improves the economy of themselves and their families, but also protects the land, against erosion and climate change, making this a sustainable business form.

There are two forms of business from the cultivation of this type of forest: small tree planting and large timber plantation.

• Small tree planting: can be sold as wood chips, mined timber, etc., with an average income of 12-15 million VND/ha/year.

• Planting large trees: most of the trees have reached the diameter of over 18cm, then they will be sold at the price of sawn timber and processed wood with a value of 1.8 – 2 million VND/m3, the average profit from 22 – 25 million/ha/year.

Edible mushrooms such as needles, seafood, straw mushrooms, cat’s ears, black ear mushrooms… are loved by many consumers because they are easy to process into delicious dishes with high nutritional content. However, in the face of information about improper cultivation and storage of mushrooms, many consumers worry and choose to grow their own mushrooms for daily meals.

Should I buy agricultural land for housing?

The purchase of agricultural land for housing means the purchaser’s act of buying agricultural land and applying to change the land use purpose from agricultural land to non-agricultural land. Currently, the law on land does not stipulate whether to buy agricultural land for housing or not, but it does regulate a number of factors affecting the behavior of buying agricultural land, changing the use purpose. agricultural land into residential land.

Specifically, if the buyer wants to buy agricultural land for housing, the buyer must pay attention to the following legal issues:

One is, is it allowed or not allowed to change the land use purpose

Article 57 of the 2013 Land Law stipulates that when changing the use purpose from agricultural land to residential land, the purchaser/user of land must obtain permission from a competent State agency.

If the competent State agency does not allow the change of land use purpose, the purchaser/land user cannot be allowed to change the purpose into residential land to build a house.

Second, planning, land use plan

One of the conditions to change the land use purpose is that the land plot proposed for change of purpose must conform to the master plan and plan on land use. A land user who cannot build a house on agricultural land applies for a change of purpose if the agricultural land plot does not conform to the master plan or plan on land use.

Third, the application and order to change the purpose of using agricultural land into residential land for house construction

The land user/buyer must prepare documents, submit documents, etc., and change the land use purpose according to the order prescribed by law. After completing the work in accordance with the order of land law, the new buyer can use the purchased agricultural land for the purpose of housing.

Fourth, fulfill financial obligations

Land users must fulfill financial obligations to State agencies when they are allowed to change the land use purpose from agricultural land to residential land.

According to the above regulations, when all conditions are met for the above mentioned land use purpose change, the land user may build a house on the agricultural land originally purchased. Whether to buy or not to buy agricultural land for housing also depends on the financial ability and needs of the buyer.

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Please contact us immediately if you have any questions about “What to do with agricultural land in Vietnam

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Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between agricultural land and residential land?

Understandably, agricultural land is land used for agricultural production and cultivation, in the fields of cultivation, animal husbandry, salt making and aquaculture.
The difference between residential land and agricultural land can be roughly said that residential land is land for living, agricultural land is land for farming.

In which case will agricultural land not be separated?

No land use right certificate;
Land has expired or is in dispute;
Failing to meet the minimum quota and area for plot separation as prescribed by the People’s Committee of the province where the land is located;
Land plots under planning housing development projects, land use right auction projects according to planning;
The land plots in the area where the land recovery notice or decision on land recovery has been issued by the competent state agency;
The land plots are not eligible for red book.

What documents do I need to prepare for converting agricultural land to residential land?

According to Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular 30/2014/TT-BTNMT, households and individuals prepare 01 set of dossiers of application for change of land use purpose as follows:
– An application for change of land use purpose, made according to Form No. 01.
Certificate (Red Book, Pink Book).

Conclusion: So the above is What to do with agricultural land in Vietnam?. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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