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Punishment for discharging wastewater into the road in Vietnam

You are interested in Punishment for discharging wastewater into the road in Vietnam so let's go check out the following article!

Nowadays, environmental pollution is taking place especially seriously in big cities. Especially in that is water pollution caused by human activities. So about the matter “Punishment for discharging wastewater into the road in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.

  • Decree 69/2021/ND-CP
  • Decree 167/2013/ND-CP

Is it illegal to discharge domestic wastewater into the street?

“Article 7. Violations against regulations on general hygiene

1.A warning or a fine of between VND 100,000 and 300,000 shall be imposed for one of the following acts:

b) Dumping or letting water run out into the collective areas, roadbeds, sidewalks, train stations, bus stations, on means of transport in public places or in other places, causing public unsanitary;

The act of discharging domestic wastewater into the roadway such as dishwashing liquid, car washing, etc., wetting and dirtying the streets around residential areas… affecting people or not is still a violation of environmental protection law.

Failure to install culverts to properly discharge domestic waste but to affect others is a violation of regulations on general hygiene in Article 7 of Decree 167/2013/ND-CP.

Punishment for discharging wastewater into the road in Vietnam

Penalties for administrative violations and remedial measures

For each act of administrative violation in the field of social security, order and safety; Prevention of social evils; fire prevention and fighting; domestic violence prevention and control, violators shall be subject to one of the following main forms of sanction:

a) Impose a warning;

b) Fine.

Depending on the nature and seriousness of their violations, individuals and organizations commit administrative violations in the field of social security, order and safety; Prevention of social evils; fire prevention and fighting; domestic violence prevention and control may also be subject to one or more of the following additional sanctions:

a) Deprive the right to use licenses or practice certificates for a definite time or suspend operations for a definite time;

b) Confiscation of material evidences of administrative violations and means used for administrative violations (hereinafter collectively referred to as material evidences and means of administrative violations).

In addition to the remedial measures specified in Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, individuals and organizations that commit administrative violations in the field of social security, order and safety; Prevention of social evils; fire prevention and fighting; Domestic violence prevention and control may also be subject to one or more of the following remedial measures:

a) Forcible reduction of the volume and quantity of substances or goods at risk of fire and explosion according to prescribed norms;

b) Forcible relocation of substances at risk of fire and explosion caused by administrative violations to warehouses or locations as prescribed;

c) Forcible rearrangement of substances or goods at risk of fire and explosion according to regulations;

d) Forcible withdrawal or destruction of papers, documents and information related to administrative violations;

d) Forcing a public apology at the victim’s request;

e) Other remedial measures specified in Chapter II of this Decree.

4. The application of the expulsion sanction to foreigners can be the main sanction or additional sanction.

Fine penalty

For the form of fine specified in Articles 23 and 24 of the Law on Administrative Handling, as follows:

The fine level in sanctioning administrative violations ranges from VND 50,000 to VND 1 billion for individuals, from VND 100,000 to VND 2 billion for organizations. Maximum fines in tax areas; measure; Intellectual Property; food safety; product and goods quality; stock; restrict competition in accordance with the relevant laws.

For inner-city areas of centrally-run cities, the fine levels may be higher, but must not exceed 02 times the general fine level applied to the same violations in the field of road traffic; environmental protection; social order and security.

The specific fine level for an act of administrative violation is the average level of the fine bracket prescribed for that act; if there are extenuating circumstances, the fine level may be reduced but must not exceed the minimum level of the fine bracket; if there are aggravating circumstances, the fine level may be increased but must not exceed the maximum fine level of the fine bracket.

There are different maximum fines for each specific field. Time limit for administrative sanction

According to the provisions of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, the time limit for issuing an administrative sanctioning decision of a competent person is not more than 07 days from the date of making a record of administrative violations.

However, for some cases of administrative violations with complicated circumstances in the cases specified in the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, the extension may be extended, but the time limit is not more than 30 days from the date of application when making records.

If an apartment building has a sewage system that makes it unsafe to operate, will it be demolished?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Decree 69/2021/ND-CP stipulating the cases of apartment buildings subject to demolition for rebuilding as follows:

Apartment buildings subject to demolition for reconstruction or other construction according to the planning prescribed in this Decree include:

The apartment building must be demolished urgently due to incidents, natural disasters, fire and explosion according to the provisions of law.

The apartment building’s useful life has expired or its useful life has not yet expired as prescribed by law, but there is an inspection conclusion by the provincial housing management agency in one of the following cases:

+ The apartment building with the main load-bearing structures of the work appears in a general dangerous condition, in danger of collapse, does not meet the conditions for continued use, requires urgent relocation of the owners, users of the apartment building;

+ The apartment building is badly damaged, there is a local danger of the main load-bearing structure of the building and has one of the following factors: technical infrastructure for fire prevention and fighting; water supply, drainage, wastewater treatment; electricity supply, internal traffic does not meet the requirements of current technical regulations and standards or there is a risk of unsafety in operation, exploitation and use that needs to be demolished to ensure safety for users application and requirements for urban renovation and embellishment.

The apartment building has one of the main structural members damaged, including foundations, columns, walls, beams and beams, which does not meet the requirements for normal use but is not subject to demolition as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article. 2 of this Article, but located in the area where the apartment building is subject to demolition according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 110 of the Law on Housing.

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Frequently asked questions

How to determine pollution parameters for wastewater?

Point c, Clause 2, Article 6 of Decree 53/2020/ND-CP (effective from July 1, 2020) stipulates how to determine pollution parameters as follows:
Pollution parameters (subject to measurement, declaration and charging) are determined based on current national technical regulations on environment for wastewater. In case the establishment of wastewater does not have the corresponding national technical regulations on environment, the pollution parameters contained in the environmental dossiers (the dossiers already approved by the state management agency in charge of environment) shall be based on the pollution parameters contained in the environmental dossiers).

How to determine the amount of wastewater/day?

Point d, Clause 2, Article 6 of Decree 53/2020/ND-CP (effective from July 1, 2020) stipulates how to determine the amount of wastewater/day as follows:
The amount of wastewater/day is determined according to the actual measurement data or the inspection and examination results of the state management agency in charge of the environment.

How to denounce the act of pouring water into the street causing unsanitary?

To be able to help clean the environment, each citizen needs to raise their awareness. If you see other people regularly dumping domestic wastewater into the street, causing unsanitary and dirty streets, you should immediately report it to the leader of the neighborhood group, neighborhood, hamlet, etc., so that they can remind these people directly.
In case you still intentionally re-offend, please take photos, record videos of wet roads originating from which households, then report to the local police agency or make a denunciation to the Chairman of the District People’s Committee for settlement. worthy resolution.

Conclusion: So the above is Punishment for discharging wastewater into the road in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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