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Accommodation service in Vietnam

You are interested in Accommodation service in Vietnam so let's go check out the following article!

Currently, accommodation services are not only an attractive business field, but they are also extremely necessary and important. So what is the accommodation service industry? LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Accommodation service in Vietnam”, as follows:

Law on enterprises 2020

What is accommodation service?

The accommodation service is a business that provides short -term accommodation facilities for those in need (work, tourism,etc).

In addition, accommodation services also include long -term types for students, workers.

In addition to providing accommodation services, some establishments also provide other services such as eating and drinking, Entertainment, Health.

However, limited accommodation services and elimination of long -term accommodation providing activities are considered as permanent residents (eg monthly or annual apartment rental or annual classification in real estate industry).

Types of accommodation services in Vietnam

According to the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the criteria for classification of accommodation services are as follows:


The hotel is a tourist accommodation facility, with a scale of 10 bedrooms or more, ensuring the quality of facilities, equipment and services necessary for guests to stay and use the service. The hotel form includes the following types:

  • Firstly, City Hotel (City Hotel): a hotel built in urban areas, mainly serving business guests, public service guests, tourists with a scale based on star evaluation criteria from 1 – 5 stars.
  • Secondly Hotel Resort (Hotel Resort): The hotel built into a block or a complex of villas, apartments, bungalows in areas with beautiful natural landscapes, serving the needs of resort, entertainment, Visitors of tourists.
  • Thirdly Motel hotel (Motel) a hotel built near roads, associated with the provision of fuel, maintenance, repair of vehicles and providing necessary services for tourists.

Tourist Village

Tourism village is a facility to gather villas or apartments, bungalows, camping grounds often located in locations with tourism resources, beautiful natural landscapes. In the tourist village, in addition to accommodation facilities, there are restaurants, shopping shops, amusement parks and other utility services.


Villa is a villa with equipment and facilities for tourists to rent, can serve themselves during their stay. There are three or more tourist villas called tourist villas.

Services Apartment

Services Apartment is an apartment with equipment, amenities for tourists to rent, can serve themselves during their stay. There are ten or more tourist apartments called tourist apartments.

Tourist Camping

So, tourist Camping is a planned land area in a beautiful natural landscape, infrastructure, with tourism technical facilities and necessary camping services for camping guests .

Tourist Guest House

Tourist Guest House is a tourist accommodation, with equipment and facilities needed to serve tourists like a hotel but does not meet the standard of hotel rankings.


Housing room for tourists renting (homestay) is the homeowner or legal use during the time of renting tourist accommodation, equipment, amenities for tourists to rent accommodation, There may be other services according to the owner’s ability to meet.

What is the accommodation business in Vietnam?

Business accommodation is a business service business for a tourist accommodation. In a different sense of tourist accommodation business, it understood as a business activity of tourist accommodation establishments in providing accommodation, food and additional services to satisfy the temporary saving needs. The time of tourists in a province, a region or a tourism development country.

How does the accommodation business mean to society?

  • Attract a large number of direct and indirect labor into the process of creating products for tourist accommodation, creating jobs, contributing to solving unemployment for society.
  • Developed tourist accommodation business will lead to the conversion of economic structure to serve and provide the development of tourism accommodation.
  • The consumption of services, goods … will bring revenue to the state budget and revenue for residents where business activities for accommodation take place.
  • A place to propagate and advertise the country and the local people.

Some conditions for accommodation business in Vietnam

  • Having a license to register for a tourist accommodation business;
  • Take measures to ensure security, order, environmental sanitation, safety; fire prevention and fighting according to the provisions of law for tourist accommodation establishments.
  • In addition, accommodation establishments must ensure the minimum quality of construction architecture; facilities and equipment; according to each level and grade of each type.
  • For types such as hotels, tourist villages, villas, and apartments, all services must be provided according to the registration standards. In addition, the workforce must have appropriate professional knowledge.
  • For tourist campsites, tourist motels, houses with rooms for tourists to rent; other tourist accommodation establishments must have minimum standard equipment.

You can refer to the article related to Procedures to establish a real estate brokerage company in Vietnam; or Prohibited acts in real estate business in Vietnam or General regulations on real estate business activities in Vietnam.

Related questions

What means of Bungalow?

Bungalow is simply understood as a form of accommodation for tourists, designed in the style of a one-story house, with a small area and very simple structure. In origin, the term comes from India in the seventeenth century. Initially, Bungalow was built exclusively for British sailors and then gradually became a residence for ordinary workers.

How Much is the Current Bungalow Rent?

Compared with other types such as resort or hotel, Bungalow has a reasonable price, much more attractive. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience and discover interesting things, the space is close to nature and fully meet the basic requirements for accommodation. Depending on which resort the bungalow is built in, the rental price will be different. For places with a small area, basic services, the price ranges from $15 – $50/day (depending on the area and quality). As for the Bungalows in high-end resorts with many accompanying utilities, the price is higher, about $100-$500/day or even higher.

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Finally, hope this article is useful for you to answer the question about: “Accommodation service in Vietnam”. If you need any further information, please contact  LSX Law firm : +84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

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