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Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam

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Today, the number of passengers using airplanes as a means of transportation is constantly increasing. But not all know the regulations on liquids brought on board. So about the matter “Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.

  • Circular 13/2019/TT-BGTVT

What is the maximum amount of liquids allowed on an international plane?

Pursuant to Article 71 of Circular 13/2019/TT-BGTVT, regulations on bringing liquids on board international aircraft are as follows:

When passing through the aviation security checkpoint to enter the international isolation area, each passenger as well as crew members can only bring:

– No more than 01 liter of liquid per person and hand luggage

– The capacity of each vial, bottle, liquid container must not exceed 100 ml

– Bottles and jars must be completely sealed

However, for liquids that are medicines, milk or baby food, the above regulations are not applicable, which means they are carried in a larger capacity but must meet the following conditions:

a) Medicines accompanied by prescriptions, clearly stating the full name and address of the prescriber, the full name of the drug user matching the full name on the passenger boarding pass;

b) Milk and food for children and infants must be accompanied by children and infants.

In addition, passengers are also allowed to bring with them and hand luggage an unlimited amount of liquids purchased at stores in the international isolation area, on international flights, provided that these liquids must be stored properly. Packed in a sealed security plastic bag.

Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam

Basically, the regulations on bringing liquids on board international flights of airlines are similar and similar to those of Circular 13/2019.

  • Vietnam Airlines

Each passenger carries liquids, aerosols, gels with him and carry-on baggage with a maximum of 01 liter with a capacity of each bottle, jar, liquid container not exceeding 100ml and must be completely sealed.

Does not apply to the following cases:

– Liquid is a curative medicine enclosed with a prescription, clearly stating the full name and address of the prescriber, the full name of the person using the drug and the name on the passenger ticket.

– Liquid is food, milk for children, infants (accompanied by children, infants)

Liquids, aerosols, gels purchased at stores in the international isolation area or on international flights can be carried on person and carry-on baggage with unlimited capacity but must be kept in sealed security plastic bags.

  • VietJet Air

– It is allowed to bring on board liquids that are not on the prohibited list of the airline, country or territory where the aircraft passes or will fly to.

– Each passenger is only allowed to bring a maximum of 1 liter of liquid, these liquids must be divided into many small containers with a capacity of not more than 100 ml/bottle.

– These small bottles, jars and jars must be sealed, put in a transparent bag, zip closed or sealed to avoid spilling during transportation and convenient for airport security checks.

If passengers bring with them to use for patients in liquid form, they must present a medical examination certificate and conclusion of the treating doctor.

To bring water mixed with milk, instant powder for children, it is necessary to declare it to the airline staff and the security department and must be accompanied by children.

  • Bamboo Airways

On international flights, you can bring up to 1 liter of liquid per person, divided into containers up to 100ml.

Passengers are allowed to bring drinking water, liquids that are not on the prohibited list such as lotion, shampoo, perfume, facial cleanser.

Passengers are allowed to bring medicines such as syrups, nasal sprays, etc., but they need a prescription with the information of the doctor or the prescriber, as well as the information of the person using the medicine (the same as the passenger’s name). )

Passengers with infants are allowed to bring milk and baby food.

Passengers are restricted from bringing on board foods that are smelling liquids. If you want to bring it, you need to get the consent of the security staff and comply with the packaging and guarantee.

– Liquids to be brought such as gels, aerosols including medicine (note that you must bring prescriptions with the name and address of the doctor and patient), milk and food for infants when traveling with them, special medical diets and liquids purchased from duty-free shops on board or purchased on board.

  • Jetstar Airline

Subject to applicable laws and regulations in place, jetstar Airline allows passengers to bring liquids in hand luggage on board if such baggage meets the following conditions:

– The total amount of liquid carried must not exceed 1 liter and must separate the liquid contained in each container with a maximum volume of 100ml.

– All put in transparent plastic bags for security staff to check before boarding.

– For liquids that are not packed in accordance with regulations, passengers may be required to discard these liquids.

– Allow passengers to bring milk, infant food when traveling with an infant, medicine with the full name and address of the doctor and patient, and foods. Especially needed during the flight, liquids purchased at duty-free shops in the airport.

Liquids passengers are NOT allowed to bring on board

• Pepper spray.

• Bombs, mines, other liquid explosives.

• Corrosive liquids, oxidizing agents, acids, organic detergents.

• Liquid radioactive material.

• Inflammable, explosive and toxic liquid.

• Infectious liquids, liquids that are prohibited from being transported according to the regulations on bringing liquids on board Vietjet aircraft, as well as the regulations of the country/territory the aircraft passes through or arrives at.

Can alcohol be brought on an international plane?

According to general regulations of airlines, passengers are allowed to bring alcohol on board. However, it will depend on the concentration as well as the regulations of each airline. With the form of alcoholic liquid, the regulations for domestic and international flights are the same.

– Alcohol, alcoholic beverages under 24%: Passengers are allowed to bring a maximum of 5 liters, unlimited containers.

– Wine, alcoholic beverages with a concentration of 24% – 70%: Passengers can bring up to 5 liters, stored in bottles of the manufacturer, with stamps, proving full origin.

– Alcohol concentration over 70%: Not allowed on the plane.

Regulations on bringing alcohol on international flights of Vietnam Airlines are as follows: Passengers are allowed to bring alcohol/alcohol liquid with a concentration of less than 70%, packed and contained in the manufacturer’s packaging.

If alcohol or alcoholic beverages are not labeled with the manufacturer’s name, they may be refused at the airport check-in counter.

In addition, passengers are allowed to bring in and carry-on alcohol/alcohol liquids purchased at shops in the international isolation area, on international flights, but they must be stored in transparent, sealed plastic bags according to regulations, with receipts/invoices clearly stating the place of sale, the date of sale, etc.

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Please contact us immediately if you have any questions about “Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam”

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Frequently asked questions

Which agency has the authority to ban passengers from flying according to regulations?

According to Clause 4, Article 18 of Decree No. 92/2015/ND-CP, the ban on flying for passengers is as follows:
– Based on the nature and seriousness of the violation, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall decide to ban the carriage for a definite or permanent period of the objects specified in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of this Article. The decision to ban the carriage is applied to domestic and international flights departing from Vietnam of all Vietnamese and foreign airlines.

In what cases are passengers banned from flying?

According to Article 18 of Decree 92/2015/ND-CP, the ban on flying for passengers is as follows:
Prohibition of shipping by air
1. The transportation of the following items is prohibited for a period of from 3 to 12 months:
a) The passenger causes trouble;
b) Failing to implement decisions on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of civil aviation;
c) Making threatening statements using bombs, mines, explosives, explosives, radioactive substances, biological weapons in the transportation check-in area, isolation area, airport, on the aircraft;
d) Deliberately spreading information or providing false information about the presence of bombs, mines, explosives, explosives, radioactive substances, and biological and chemical weapons, which affects the normal operation of civil aviation activities. ;
đ) Using fake documents to travel by plane;
e) Committing acts of violating public order and discipline at the airport, aerodrome, or on board an aircraft.

How is the refusal to transport passengers for security reasons regulated?

According to Article 17 of Decree 92/2015/ND-CP stipulating as follows:
Refusing to transport passengers for security reasons
The airline reserves the right to refuse carriage of the following passengers for security reasons:
1. Passengers specified at Point a, Clause 1, Article 16 of this Decree.
2. Failure to meet the requirements in Clause 3, Article 16 of this Decree.
3. Passengers who are refused entry but do not voluntarily return home are not transported into Vietnam by the airline.
4. At the request of competent Vietnamese or foreign authorities.

Conclusion: So the above is Bringing liquids on board international flights in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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