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Contract to provide moving services in Vietnam

You are interested in Contract to provide moving services in Vietnam so let's go check out the following article!

Here, Lawyer X, will send you a sample of a package of house moving contract in Vietnam, helping customers understand the necessary contents of a contract to provide moving services, in addition, it is also a legal document. legal documents to help in the event of a lot of damage or loss of belongings, to have a legal basis for quick settlement and to avoid losses for yourself.

  • Civil Code 2015
  • Commercial Law 2005

What is a service contract?

Service contract is one of the common types of civil contracts governed by the Civil Code.

In the most general way, a service provision contract can be understood as a document recording an agreement between the parties, whereby the service provider performs work for the service user, the service user must pay for the service to the service provider.

In order to determine the rights and obligations of the parties in the contract, how to unilaterally terminate the service contract, the parties must clearly agree on the contents and provisions of the service contract. . The form and content of the service contract must comply with the provisions of the civil law on civil contracts.

Instructions on how to draft a service provision contract

Service contract can be drafted in Vietnamese or service contract form in English.

A full service contract as prescribed is usually divided into 4 parts as follows:

National title, title and contract name:

In the standard form, the national title, motto, and contract name, placed at the highest point of the service contract, are centered and bolded.

The name of the contract is clearly written as a service consulting contract and attached with the service contract number that is used to serve the process of finding and comparing later.

Main contents of service contract:

Information Party A and Party B must record all information of both parties to the contract.

In the case of an organization, it is required to specify information about the registered address in the enterprise code, the legal representative of the business organization, together with contact information including phone number, gmail…

The content of the contract should clearly state the object of the contract, the specific requirements of the service user, and the content of the task of undertaking and performing specific services of the service provider, reflecting the time of the contract. Official service contract with clear effect and termination

Service charge and payment method are also particularly important terms.

The contract should clearly state the amount written in words and equal to the amount paid by the service provider to the service user and the depreciation if any.

The method of payment by cash or by account must be proposed and clearly stated in the service provision contract.

Specific responsibilities and interests of the two parties and settlement methods:

In the contract, it is necessary to reflect the specific rights and obligations of the two parties based on the spirit of voluntary and specific voluntariness such as: responsibility for settlement when unilaterally terminating the contract or proposing methods of settlement, if there is a dispute between the two parties in a timely, reasonable and reasonable manner.

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Note about the package moving contract

When you hire a package moving service, whether you need to move a lot of furniture or at least have a contract. The preparation of a full contract will ensure the interests of the homeowner and this is also the basis for solving and handling problems, if any, after the moving process such as loss or loss of belongings. So what you need to pay attention to when signing a package moving house.

First, read the terms of the contract carefully.

You need to carefully read the terms stated in the contract that cover issues such as the obligations of the moving company, your rights, the terms of property compensation, the cost of the service, the time it takes to move. moving process… If you have any questions about the terms of the contract, ask the moving company for an explanation so that all issues can be understood.

Second, the contract must clearly state the time of moving.

In the package moving contract, ask the moving company to specify the start time of the move and the expected completion time to bind their responsibilities. In addition, based on the intended time of moving, you can actively arrange the work, working and studying time of the members. And when the company’s employees move to work, of course, your house also needs someone at home to supervise, to avoid mistakes. Avoid the case that the moving service does not specify the time in the contract, making you not proactive in arranging work or resigning from the company. Sometimes the long moving time due to not working continuously also creates many inconveniences for you.

Third, the package moving contract must clearly state the carrier’s commitment.

That is, the moving company must commit to ensuring the safety of the customer’s belongings and assets during the transportation to the new house and until the furniture is arranged. Fragile items must be classified separately, not overlapping furniture causing damage or breakage. Avoid the case of irresponsible moving services, just want to move house quickly without ensuring the safety of customers’ belongings.

Fourth, the contract must have a provision for property compensation for the customer.

Of course, if it is a professional moving service, they will work carefully and meticulously to ensure maximum safety for the owner’s property. However, when signing a contract with any moving company, you should note that it is necessary to have a property compensation clause to ensure your rights. In case of loss or breakdown of property, the company will have to compensate according to the value of the object at that time. When moving house, you need to check the family’s furniture and assets; If there is a loss, scratch or breakdown, immediately report it to the moving company and ask them to have a satisfactory solution and compensation plan.

Fifth, the house moving contract clearly states the deposit and payment method.

Any carrier will ask you to place a deposit in advance depending on the contract value. Please specify the deposit amount and related terms. If the carrier receives the deposit without agreeing on a date and time, does not perform the contract within the signed time, you have the right to get the deposit back. Reputable companies will always ensure the interests of customers in these cases.

Services of LSX

Prestigious professional services: Firstly, the team of consultants and consultants for many years in the field of civil status, and customer support.

On-time: Certainly, with the motto “Get your lawyer right at your fingertips”, we ensure the service always performs on time. The rights and interests of customers always come first.

Cost: Besides, Lawyer X’s service costs are highly competitive; depending on the nature of the particular case. So, we want our guests to have the best possible service experience. Therefore, costs guaranteed to be the most suitable and economical for customers.

Confidentiality of client information: Finally, all brand information of client LSX will be 100% confidential.

Please contact us immediately if you have any questions about Contract to provide moving services in Vietnam”

Contact LSX

Finally, hope this article is useful for you to answer the question about “Contract to provide moving services in Vietnam”. If you need any further information, please contact  LSX Law firm: at +84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

Frequently asked questions

Form of service provision contract

Service contract can be established orally, in writing or by specific acts. However, the document is always the surest form because it clearly records the agreement of the parties and is the basis for resolving arising disputes (if any).

The subject of the service contract

The subject of a service contract includes a service provider and a service user.
The parties to this contractual relationship can be individuals, agencies, organizations, etc.
If the subject is an individual, that person must directly sign the contract.
If the subject of the contract is an organization, the person signing the contract is the legal representative of that agency/organization.

Conclusion: So the above is Contract to provide moving services in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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