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Exemption from consular legalization and papers exempted from legalization in Vietnam

You are interested in Exemption from consular legalization and papers exempted from legalization in Vietnam so let's go check out the following article!

Exemption from consular legalization means a specific type of document that exempted from the consular certification procedure of the competent diplomatic agency. If you do not understand the regulation prescribed by the law, you may not know what kind of document does not have to carry out the procedures for consular legalization. So, in this article LSX legal firm will give you an insight into: “Exemption from consular legalization and papers exempted from legalization in Vietnam”

  • Decree 111/2011/ND-CP

Exemption from consular legalization

Exemption from consular legalization means that a specific type of document exempted from the consular certification of the competent diplomatic agency of the country for use. Documents that are only exempt from consular legalization will still have to be certified by consular regulations.
Thus, the owner can bring that document exempted from consular legalization from the issuing country to another country for use without having to carry out any procedures related to consular certification and consular legalization.

Papers exempted from consular legalization

According to the provisions of Article 9 of Decree No. 111/2011/ND-CP dated December 5, 2011, of the Government, 4 types of papers as well as documents exempted from consular certification and legalization:

  • Firstly, papers and documents are exempted from consular certification and legalization under treaties to which Vietnam and foreign countries concerned are contracting parties, or on the reciprocity principle.
  • Secondly, papers and documents delivered directly or via the diplomatic channel between competent Vietnamese and foreign agencies. 
  • Thirdly, papers and documents exempted from consular certification and legalization under Vietnamese laws. 
  • Fourthly, papers and documents not required for consular certification and legalization by receiving Vietnamese or foreign agencies under relevant Vietnamese or foreign laws. 

Nations exempted from consular legalization

According to the latest update of the Consular Department of Vietnam in October 2019, there are currently 30 countries exempted from consular legalization as well as certification. However, the provisions on the exemption from consular legalization/certification only apply to certain types of documents.

  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • The Republic of Poland 
  • Denmark 
  • The Republic of Bulgaria 
  • The Republic of Belarus 
  • Kingdom of Cambodia 
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan 
  • The Republic of Cuba 
  • People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)
  • Taiwan 
  • Netherlands
  • The Republic of Hungary 
  • Spain
  • The Republic of Iraq 
  • The Republic of Italy
  • Laos
  • Mongolia 
  • Federal Russia
  • Japan 
  • Nicaragua
  • Australia 
  • Republic of France
  • Romania 
  • The Republic of Czech
  • Federal Switzerland
  • People’s Republic of China 
  • Ukraine 
  • The Republic of Slovakia.
  • The Republic of Indonesia.

What is consular legalization?

Clause 2, Article 2 of Decree No. 111/2011/ND-CP regulated: “Consular legalization means the competent Vietnamese agencies’ certification of stamps, signatures, and titles on foreign papers and documents for being recognized and used in Vietnam”.

Consular legalization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Article 14 of Decree 11/2011/ND-CP specifically stipulates dossiers for consular legalization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as follows:

A requester for consular legalization shall submit a dossier comprising: 

  • Firstly, a declaration for consular legalization made according to a set form; 
  • Secondly, a personal identification paper, for production in case of direct submission; 
  • Thirdly, One copy of the personal identification paper, in case of submission by post; 
  • Fourthly, papers and documents requested for consular legalization, which have been certified by a foreign diplomatic representative mission or consulate or another foreign agency authorized to perform the consular function; 
  • Also, a Vietnamese or English translation of each paper or document requested for consular legalization, if such papers and documents are not made in these languages; 
  • Lastly, copies of papers and documents mentioned at Points d and e above, one copy each for filing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Consular legalization at Vietnamese representative offices abroad

Clause 1, Article 15 of Decree No. 11/2011/ND-CP stipulates that consular legalization dossiers at overseas Vietnamese representative missions include:

  • Firstly, one declaration for consular legalization made according to a set form;
  • Secondly, a personal identification paper, for production in case of direct submission;
  • Thirdly, one copy of the personal identification paper, in case of submission by post; 
  • Also, papers and documents requested for consular legalization, which have been certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or another competent foreign agency in the country in which the overseas Vietnamese representative mission is based or in charge; 
  • One translation of each paper or document requested for consular legalization in Vietnamese, English, or a language that the dossier-receiving officer can understand, in case papers and documents are not made in these languages; 
  • Lastly, copies of papers and documents mentioned above, one copy each for filing at the representative mission. 

LSX legal firm, a professional company providing services related to professional procedures, administration, and personal papers. In the process of working with original documents to serve the settlement, residence, marriage, and birth of Vietnamese people abroad, we received many requests for support in legalizing documents with the number of thousands of cases. 

To make your case more convenient, LSX will perform:

  • Legal advice related to new regulations in consular legalization;
  • Representing in drafting and editing documents;
  • We commit the papers to be valid, and legal for use in all cases;
  • Represent to submit documents, receive results, and hand them over to customers.

With a team of experienced, reputable, and professional consultants; The firm is always ready to support and work with clients to solve legal difficulties.

Furthermore, using our service, you do not need to do the paperwork yourself, We guarantee to help you prepare documents effectively and legally.

Also, you will not have to waste time preparing the application, submitting application, or receiving results. At those stages, we will help you do it smoothly.

After all, LSX provides the service with the desire that customers can experience it the best way. Additionally, we guarantee the cost to be the most suitable and economical for customers.

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Why is consular legalization necessary?

The consular legalization of your documents will make the foreign documents legally valid for use in Vietnam.

Responsibility of the Ministry of Finance on the consular legalization?

The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in issuing guidelines on the collection of consular certification and legalization charges.

Composition of filed consular certification and legalization dossiers?

A filed consular certification or legalization dossier comprises:
Firstly, a declaration for consular certification or legalization.
Secondly, copies of papers and documents submitted by the requester for consular certification or legalization
Thirdly, documents of competent agencies on verification (if any) and related papers.

Contact LSX

Finally, hope this article is useful for you to answer the question about “Exemption from consular legalization and papers exempted from legalization in Vietnam?”. If you need any further information, please contact  LSX Law firm+84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

Conclusion: So the above is Exemption from consular legalization and papers exempted from legalization in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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