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How to check individual household business registration in Vietnam?

You are interested in How to check individual household business registration in Vietnam? so let's go check out the following article!

Searching for individual household business licenses is essential so that business households can promptly adjust the information for accuracy according to regulations. However, not everyone knows how to look up a business license. The following article of Lawyer X guides you on how to check the registration of a sole proprietorship business in 2022.

Decree 01/2021/ND-CP

What is a sole proprietorship business?

Pursuant to the provisions of law, Article 79 of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP guiding business registration has the following provisions: “Household business is registered by an individual or members of the household. establish and be responsible with all their assets for the business activities of the household.”

The question posed is a household is a collection of many individuals, so how will the business household representative be regulated? According to the current law, the members of the household business will authorize an individual in the family to become the representative of the household. The company’s work or activities will be performed by the representative on behalf of the members of the household.

The 2014 Enterprise Law Regulations mentioned household business, but the 2020 Enterprise Law no longer regulates household business. However, it can be understood that household business is not a type of business.

Look up individual household business registration papers

Business license is a type of paper that is granted to enterprises conducting conditional business lines when the enterprises satisfy the conditions of the lines of business; and is usually issued after the enterprise is granted a business registration certificate.

To look up the business license of a particular business; Customers can directly access the Website: National portal on business registration.


Because corporate information is posted in the form of electronic data; the online platform on the website, so when looking up, you need the equipment; The tool has an Internet connection for easy, convenient and fast lookup.

How to check the registration of individual household business in 2022

Look up individual household business registration by business household code

You can check your household business registration by looking up business registration information by following these steps:

– Step 1: Visit the official website of the National Portal to look up business registration by following the link:

– Step 2: Enter the previously issued business code in the search box in the left corner of the screen, then press Enter or click the Search button.

– Step 3: At the last step of the process, the screen will display a result containing your business name. The information displayed on the screen will include:

  • Company’s name; Business name abbreviated or written in a foreign language;
  • Business code;
  • Type of business;
  • Date of establishment of the business;
  • Name of the legal representative;
  • Address of the head office;
  • The name of the business line is in accordance with the Vietnam Economic Sector System.

Look up individual household business registration by tax code

The way to look up business registration by tax code is one of the free and most accurate ways to look up individual business household information.

This approach can provide us with information whether the individual household business is still in operation. As well as other necessary information of individual business households.

Clause 2, Article 5 of Circular 105/2020/TT–BTC stipulates: “tax identification number is the enterprise identification number, the cooperative code number, the code number of the dependent units of the enterprise or cooperative, which is granted according to regulations. of the law on business registration and registration of cooperatives.”

Tax code structure

N1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9N10 – N11N12N13

In there:

  • The first two digits of N1N2 are the part number of the tax code.
  • Seven digits N3N4N5N6N7N8N9 are specified according to a definite structure, increasing from 0000001 to 9999999.
  • Digit N10 is the check digit.
  • Three digits N11N12N13 are ordinal numbers from 001 to 999.
  • The dash (-) is the character to separate the first 10 digits and the last 3 digits.

Accordingly, the tax code consists of 10 or 13 numbers. However, a business household’s tax identification number has 10 digits and is granted a unique tax code to use during its operation from the time of tax registration to the termination of its validity.

Business households are “required” to pay tax, so they are granted a tax code in accordance with the law.

When conducting business activities, the individual owner of the business household or the representative of the business household uses the tax identification number to declare and pay according to the provisions of law.

How to look up business household information through tax codes?

Looking up the individual business household tax number is essential to see if your tax information has been updated online. The steps to perform the search process are as follows:

Step 1: Visit the homepage of the General Department of Taxation of Vietnam:

Currently, the tax code check has been converted to an online form so that both business households and businesses can easily search.

You access the following link: and continue to fill in the information below:

Step 2: Select the information fields:

Choose to look up taxpayer information: For business households and enterprises:

-Tax code;

-Name of the organization or individual paying tax;

  • Address of the head office of the household business;
  • Identity card or identity card number of the representative: Tax code of the business representative.

Note: The above information only needs to be entered 1, so you can shorten the time to check the tax code.

After filling in all the information, you proceed to enter the confirmation code to commit to the correct information.

Step 3: Click the button to look up tax code:

You double-check the information you just filled in and then click the button to look up the tax code below the table. If you have registered for tax and the business household operates in accordance with the law, the following information will be displayed:

  • Name of business household;
  • Full name of the legal representative;
  • Place of management registration;
  • Address of the business household;
  • Tax code.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the term of the business license of the household business?

Business license is the nature of the request-grant mechanism and at the same time is the legal right of citizens to do business. The term of a business license in each different industry is completely different depending on the State’s regulations for each specific business line and is clearly stated by the competent authority. The maximum term for a business license can be up to 50 years.

What is a business household tax code?

Circular 105/2020/TT-BTC guiding tax registration has regulations on the structure of tax identification numbers of individual business households as follows:
a) A 10-digit tax code is used for enterprises, cooperatives, organizations with legal status or organizations without legal status but directly incurring tax obligations; representatives of households, business households and other individuals (hereinafter referred to as independent units).
h) Taxpayers being households, business households, business individuals and other individuals specified at Points i, k, l, n, Clause 2, Article 4 of this Circular are granted a 10-digit tax code for representatives of households, representatives of business households and individuals and grant 13-digit tax codes to business locations of business households and individuals.

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So, please contact us immediately with questions about How to check individual household business registration in Vietnam?”

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Finally, we hope this article is useful for you to answer the question: “How to check individual household business registration in Vietnam?”. If you need any further information, please contact  LSX Law firm: at +84846175333 or Email: [email protected]

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