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Instructions on how to register an individual business household online in Vietnam

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With the current trend of science and technology, the implementation of administrative procedures is also gradually carried out via the electronic network system, saving time and convenience in the implementation process. Please follow the article below by Lawyer X on how to register an online individual business household in 2022.

Legal grounds

  • Decree 01/2021/ND-CP

Registered individual household business lines

Business households are free to register business lines that are not prohibited by law. If a business household wishes to register a conditional business line, an individual business household must fully satisfy the conditions for that line of business.

For example, a food service business must have a certificate of food hygiene and safety. To do business in medical examination and treatment, it is necessary to have a practicing certificate, to ensure medical facilities and equipment. Spa business must have a license to meet the conditions for security and order.

Charter capital upon business household registration

The law does not stipulate the minimum or maximum charter capital for individual business household registration. Therefore, business households can register a capital level by their financial capacity. However, it should be noted that charter capital is one of the criteria for tax authorities to apply monthly flat tax rates to business households, so it is not advisable to register too high a charter capital.

Instructions on how to register an online individual business household in 2022

What do I need to prepare for the online registration of an individual business household?

To apply for registration of an individual business household online, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

– Notarized copy of personal identification papers such as CCCD/Passport.

– Copy of rental agreement.

– An application for business household registration according to the available individual business household registration form.

– Power of attorney for the applicant (If any).

Steps to submit an online personal business registration application

To submit an online application, businesses must first create an account to log in and then follow these steps:

Step 1: Create an account to register an online individual business household

Customers fill in their account information and personal information to be granted an account for online individual business household registration.

Step 2: Log in to your account and proceed to register your business online

Just like the profile of a 2-member limited liability company: Enter full information about the individual business household, including the name of the business household, business household address, charter capital, business lines, and other details. information about the owner of the business household… according to the content declared on the individual business household registration form.

After completing the above steps, please scan the prepared registration files including the declaration of business household establishment, house rental contract, land use right certificate, copy of ID card, and passport of the business household owner to submit.

Within 3 days after registering an individual business household online, the business registration office at the district level will respond to the validity of the application. After that, the business owner can submit a paper copy to receive the results.

Note: In case you want to receive the results of individual business household registration including the tax code, please enter all the information that will appear in the tax information fields to enter into the system. After that, the customer when receiving the results will simultaneously receive the tax code and business registration. If an individual business household has a registration for food safety, it can do it directly on this system without registering in step 3.

Step 3: Register for a tax identification number at the local tax office

The registration of tax identification numbers according to regulations will be done at the district tax office where the business household is located. However, according to the working method of each locality, it is possible to register at the ward tax team. Customers can also choose to register for tax online as soon as they submit their individual business household registration documents.

Some notes to know before and after registering an online individual business household

In order not to lose unnecessary time in the process of business household registration, you should note the following issues:

  • Each individual can only name 1 business household. So if you want to register a new business household, you must proceed with the dissolution of the previously registered business household.
  • The name of the business household (declared in item 1) must not contain the elements “company”; or “enterprise” and must not coincide with the name of another business household within the same district.
  • Do not use English to name HKD. If used, make sure that there is a period between the characters.
  • Many records are returned with the reason: “Location: no street or street name”; so when writing the address where the business household is registered (in Section 2), it is necessary to specify the house number and street name. , street if any.
  • After being granted a business household registration certificate by the business registration authority, the business household owner must make tax registration directly with the tax office within 10 (ten) working days from the date of registration on the business household registration certificate.

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Frequently asked questions

Name of the individual business household?

The name of the business household needs to meet the following conditions:
The name of a business household must include 2 elements: Business household + Own name of the business household. Do not use confusing words with other types of businesses. Do not coincide with the names of other business households within the scope. the same district. Besides, do not use words or symbols that violate the culture, morality, fine customs, and traditions of the nation.

Address of individual business household registration?

Do not use the address of the apartment building, or group house to register the address of the head office of the business household. It is recommended to use a home address or an office building for registration. Only 1 business household can be registered at one location. Business households can operate at many locations but must choose 1 location. Points to register the head office of household business and must notify the tax administration agency, the market management agency where business activities are conducted for the remaining business locations.

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