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  • Legal knowledgeTransport contracts according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Transport contracts according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Transport contracts are usually used in transport activities. Transports can be transports of passengers or transports of property. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are contracts for transport of passengers? Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Civil Code What are contracts for transport of passengers? Contract for transport of passengers means an agreement between parties whereby a carrier transports passengers and luggage to an…

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  • Legal knowledgeContracts for lease of property according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Contracts for lease of property according to Vietnam Civil Code

    Contracts for lease of property are very popular in civil transactions. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are contracts for lease of property in Vietnam? How is rent regulated by Vietnam law? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Civil Code What are contracts for lease of property? Contract for lease of property means an agreement between parties whereby a lessor…

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  • Legal serviceWhat are fire prevention and fighting records under Vietnam law?

    What are fire prevention and fighting records under Vietnam law?

    Fire safety is now an urgent issue. It is strictly regulated in legal documents, because fire is unpredictable. And once a fire has occurred, the consequences are always great damage, exceeding human expectations. Therefore, there will be regulations that when a project wants to go into operation, it must have a fire prevention and fighting approval dossier. In order to submit to the competent authority for evaluation, it must meet the requirements to be able…

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  • Legal serviceHow to look up the certificate of advertising content in Vietnam?

    How to look up the certificate of advertising content in Vietnam?

    Advertising means to introduce to the public products, goods, and services for profit purposes; products and services with no profit-making purposes; organizations and individuals trading in introduced products, goods, and services, except for current news; social policies; personal information. To conduct certain advertisement projects, enterprises have to carry out procedures to obtain a certificate. In this article, LSX legal firm will give you a guidance on: “How to look up the certificate of advertising content…

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  • BusinessConditions to establish a security firm in Vietnam

    Conditions to establish a security firm in Vietnam

    Nowadays many people want to take part in the economic market to make profits. Security firms have shown a potential future for persons with combat professions such as martial artists. However, opening a company that provides security services takes time to prepare the requirements and get the procedures done. In this article, LSX legal firm introduces: “Conditions to establish a security firm in Vietnam” Legal ground Decree 96/2016/ND-CP Conditions to establish a security firm When…

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  • Legal serviceWhere to buy compulsory car insurance in Vietnam?

    Where to buy compulsory car insurance in Vietnam?

    The certificate of civil liability insurance belongs to the indispensable documents when participating in traffic by motorbikes and cars. How much is the required car insurance premium and is there a penalty if you do not have compulsory insurance? In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with information regarding: “Where to buy compulsory car insurance in Vietnam?” Legal ground Circular 04/2021/TT-BTC The fees for compulsory car insurance Compulsory insurance premium for civil liability…

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  • Legal service4 The case of red book revoked in Vietnam

    4 The case of red book revoked in Vietnam

    In Vietnam, the land belongs to the ownership of the entire people and uniformly managed by the State on behalf of the owner. Therefore, the State presents as the decision maker on the issuance and revocation of red and pink books. In what case will the state revoke the red book? In this article, LSX legal firm would like to inform you: “4 The case of red book revoked in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on…

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  • Legal serviceCan people wear military uniforms under Vietnam law?

    Can people wear military uniforms under Vietnam law?

    Recently, functional forces have continuously discovered and arrested subjects who used military uniforms similar to police and army to commit fraud, even some subjects even wore mobile police clothes to stop cars, pay a fine to people who violate traffic laws? So the question is, can ordinary people buy and wear them on their own? So “Can people wear military uniforms under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on chemical transportation in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Regulations on chemical transportation in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Not all organizations and individuals are allowed to transport chemicals. When transporting chemicals, it is necessary to meet a number of conditions prescribed by law. So how does the current law regulate the transportation of chemicals? And to better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Regulations on chemical transportation in accordance with Vietnamese law“, as follows: Legal grounds Decree 113/2017/ND-CP;Circular 52/2013/TT-BTNMT;Chemical Law 2007. Principle of chemical action Firstly, Ensure safety…

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  • Legal serviceMandatory signs of extortion crime under Vietnam law

    Mandatory signs of extortion crime under Vietnam law

    Currently, the situation of property infringement crimes is increasing, which seriously threatens the assets of individuals and organizations. One of them is extortion crime. This crime can be said to be diverse in form and has a relatively high level of danger, showing the offender’s sense of disregard for the law. That’s why it’s so important to research “Mandatory signs of extortion crime under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.…

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