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  • Legal serviceCan you do consular legalization for others in Vietnam?

    Can you do consular legalization for others in Vietnam?

    Currently, with the trend of globalization, individuals and organizations in different countries increase in trading and transacting with each other. The papers and documents of each individual as well as organization can appear from many different countries, to legalize those papers in Vietnam you have to carry out its procedures. In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Can you do consular legalization for others in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Decree 111/2011/ND-CPCircular 01/2012/TT-BNG Consular…

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  • Legal serviceTaxes that construction businesses have to pay in Vietnam

    Taxes that construction businesses have to pay in Vietnam

    When establishing a business, the enterprise must pay taxes to the state authorities. Taxes increase funding for the State and help State agencies maintain, operate, stabilize and develop society. Nowadays many people start to establish and operate their own businesses, followed by tax obligations associated with the businesses. Particularly, this article of LSX legal firm will provide: “Taxes that construction businesses have to pay in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Law on Investment 2020…

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  • Legal serviceCharacteristics of a travel business in Vietnam

    Characteristics of a travel business in Vietnam

    A travel business deals mainly in the field of construction, sale, and implementation of package tours for tourists. In addition, a travel enterprise can also conduct intermediary activities to sell products of tourism suppliers or carry out other general business activities to ensure to serve the tourism needs of tourists from the first step to the last. In this article, LSX legal firm presents: “Characteristics of a travel business in Vietnam” Characteristics of a travel…

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  • Legal serviceDoes a land purchase contract in Vietnam need to be signed by both husband and wife?

    Does a land purchase contract in Vietnam need to be signed by both husband and wife?

    The marriage event gave rise to the legal relationship between husband and wife. The content of the legal relationship between husband and wife includes obligations and rights regarding personal identity and obligations on property. The principle of equal progress is reflected in the property obligations between husband and wife, including property on land. Therefore, many people wonder when transferring real estate, in which case it is necessary to have both husband and wife’s signature. Does…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the procedure to bring cash into Vietnam?

    What is the procedure to bring cash into Vietnam?

    I have a friend in the US who is going to visit Vietnam soon. May I ask if there are any provisions in Vietnamese law on immigration procedures to Vietnam? How much money is my friend allowed to bring to Vietnam? With your above question, Lawyer X would like to answer through the article below. Please follow up and read right away to understand the issues related to the procedure to bring cash into Vietnam!…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures and procedures for foreign currency exchange by Vietnamese law

    Procedures and procedures for foreign currency exchange by Vietnamese law

    Issues related to foreign currency always considered important, as the premise for the development of a country in general, as well as the process of foreign currency exchange in particular, which always strictly controlled and managed in the territory of Vietnam. The following article by Lawyer X will help you better understand “Procedures and procedures for foreign currency exchange”. We invite you to follow and read right away! Legal grounds Ordinance on Foreign Exchange 2005…

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  • Legal serviceEntry declaration to Vietnam regulated in Vietnam

    Entry declaration to Vietnam regulated in Vietnam

    Currently, opening the door for international exchange, and integration time for countries around the world to visit and learn from other countries. Vietnam is no exception for citizens going abroad and returning home from abroad (exit, entry). Immigration activities are increasingly popular, but some citizens do not know the regulations when entering and leaving your country. The following article will help you somewhat understand what entry to Vietnam will need. We invite you to read…

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  • Legal serviceWhat information do you need to declare when entering Vietnam?

    What information do you need to declare when entering Vietnam?

    Nowadays, the exchange and trade of goods between countries are becoming more and more popular and developed. It not only helps to increase the friendship between countries but also brings many positive effects to the economy. Import activities, in particular, have met the requirements and become a special arm to support these activities with development conditions but do not exceed the provisions of the law, which upholds the role of the customs authority. Besides the…

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  • Legal serviceCarry-on goods within the duty-free baggage allowance in Vietnam

    Carry-on goods within the duty-free baggage allowance in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer, I have a question that I want you to answer. I want to ask about the limit of goods brought on exit and entry. What are the regulations on carry-on items in the duty-free baggage allowance? Looking forward to the response from the Lawyer. Thank you for sending us your question. Lawyer X would like to answer your questions about the regulations on carry-on goods in the duty-free luggage standard through the article…

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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, is a contract signed by an electronic signature legally valid?

    In Vietnam, is a contract signed by an electronic signature legally valid?

    Signing contracts with electronic signatures is an effective solution in the current developing information technology era. In the current development trend of Vietnam and many countries, information technology, the 4.0 era is increasingly developing while still applying social distancing measures and restricting movement to prevent risks. chance of spreading the Covid-19 disease. Therefore, many contracts of the parties are forced to sign with electronic signatures. In Vietnam is a contract signed by an electronic signature…

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