Block Title

  • BusinessForms of investment permitted in Vietnam under current regulations

    Forms of investment permitted in Vietnam under current regulations

    Business investment contributes largely to economic development. The Law regulates specifically about forms of investment. Choosing the best form of suitable investment will provide investors with favorable conditions for generating business profits. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear sir! I would like to find out what specific forms of investment in Vietnam comprise? General regulations on these forms of investment? Thereby I can choose suitable forms of investment…

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  • Legal serviceAdvantages and disadvantages of the partner company in Vietnam

    Advantages and disadvantages of the partner company in Vietnam

    Currently, a lot of businesses are being born, however, there are many different types of businesses being born. One type of company that many people are interested in and most known today is a partner company. Choosing the type of business is an extremely important and essential issue in order to suit the business conditions and long-term operation orientation of that business. However, not everyone knows about this type of partner company. What are the…

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  • Legal serviceMeaning and characteristics of shares in a joint stock company in Vietnam

    Meaning and characteristics of shares in a joint stock company in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Meaning and characteristics of shares in a joint stock company in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 Meaning and characteristics of shares in a joint stock company in Vietnam Meaning and characteristics of shares in a joint stock company Firstly, as part of the company’s charter capital: Each share must represent an actual value in money (called par value).Secondly Shares proving shareholder’s membership:…

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  • Legal serviceThings to know for foreigners about joint stock companies in Vietnam

    Things to know for foreigners about joint stock companies in Vietnam

    Joint-stock company is a company in which the charter capital is divided into equal parts, the smallest called shares; The members of the company (shareholders) may own one or more shares and are liable only to the extent of the value of the shares they hold; The company has the right to issue shares to raise capital. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Things to know for foreigners about joint stock companies in…

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  • Legal serviceHow many years is the validity of a passport according to Vietnamese law?

    How many years is the validity of a passport according to Vietnamese law?

    How many years is the validity of the passport? A passport is a document used for travel between countries in the world today. Passports come in different types and have different expiry dates; So the question is So how many years is the validity of the passport? If it expires, can it be extended? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “How many years is the validity of a passport according to Vietnamese…

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  • Legal serviceWhat documents do you need to apply for a visa in Vietnam?

    What documents do you need to apply for a visa in Vietnam?

    Traveling to discover the cultures, cuisines, and landscapes of other countries has become an indispensable need. Each country has its own requirements for visa applications. Visa, also known as a visa, is a document issued by a country to a citizen of another country as proof that the citizen of that country is allowed to enter or exit the country that issued the visa. . To better understand this issue, today, LSX Lawfirm will give…

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  • Legal serviceForeign traders set up branches in Vietnam

    Foreign traders set up branches in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Foreign traders set up branches in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Commercial Law 2005 Right of foreign traders to set up representative offices and branches in Vietnam Foreign traders in general have the right to set up representative offices and branches in Vietnam according to Clause 2, Article 16 of the Commercial Law 2005. However, it should be noted that in specific cases, foreign traders are…

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  • Legal serviceForeign traders set up representative offices in Vietnam

    Foreign traders set up representative offices in Vietnam

    International economic integration is a common development trend of the whole world. Can foreign traders who want to do business with Vietnam be able to set up a representative office or branch in Vietnam to make it easier to carry out commercial activities? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Hello, our company is planning to cooperate with a foreign company, and assist them in setting up a base in Vietnam. LSX…

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  • Legal serviceHow to do DNA testing according to Vietnamese law?

    How to do DNA testing according to Vietnamese law?

    “I want to change my child’s birth certificate to follow the father’s last name. Before that, my wife and I didn’t go through the marriage registration procedure, so now I have to carry out the procedure to recognize the father. DNA testing is mandatory for me to adopt a child. So let me ask, what is the order of DNA testing and how is it legal for authorities to recognize DNA between father and child?…

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  • Legal serviceNotes before buying life insurance in Vietnam

    Notes before buying life insurance in Vietnam

    “Hello LSX Lawfirm, I have a need to buy life insurance for myself and my family members in the near future. However, I do not fully understand what life insurance is and what I need to pay attention to before buying insurance. life. Please advise me. Thank you, Lawyer.”. Thanks for your question. It can be said that life insurance is considered one of the safest and most effective forms of financial backup. However, not…

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