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  • Legal form

    Conditions for legal firm establishment in Vietnam

    Nowadays, many law students and people practicing law want to own a law firm or a lawyer’s office. However, in order to establish a law firm, having a legal practicing certificate or a lawyer card is not enough…. Follow this article to have an insight into “Conditions for a legal firm establishment”. Legal ground Enterprises law 2020Law on Lawyers 2006, Amendments and Supplements in 2012 Conditions for legal firm establishment Conditions on the type of…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for granting a license to trade in traditional medicine

    Conditions for granting a license to trade in traditional medicine in Vietnam

    To serve the needs of social security: medical examination and treatment, medical examination, and treatment establishments are organized systematically from the central level to the commune, ward, and township levels. The system of medical examination and treatment establishments includes state-owned and private medical examination and treatment establishments and other medical examination and treatment establishments. Traditional medicine diagnosis and treatment rooms are one of the forms of medical examination and treatment in this system. What are…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for establishing a pawnshop business

    Conditions for establishing a pawnshop business in Vietnam

    Currently, pawn service is a fairly developed service industry in Vietnam, especially in big cities. Therefore, the need to establish a pawnshop business is also more. Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Conditions for establishing a pawnshop business in Vietnam”. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015. Enterprise Law 2020. Decree 96/2016/ND-CP stipulates security and order conditions for a number of conditional investment and business lines. Some legal issues about the conditions for setting…

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  • Legal form

    Procedures for business suspension for the second time Vietnam (2022)

    Suspension of business is when enterprises suspend their operations of production and business for a certain period of time. The Enterprise Law 2020 allows enterprises to suspend their business many times. Although this solution is not desirable, it provides an opportunity for businesses to get through hard times and find new flow directions. How is the second business suspension procedure done, is there any difference compared to the first time? LSX law firm provides this…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for registration of spa business

    Conditions for registration of spa business in Vietnam

    Business spa, massage, massage, beauty care, facial care, etc,… is a profitable business because the beauty needs of people are increasing in today’s society. now on. You are learning to open a beauty spa but do not know what are the conditions for the spa business, what are the requirements for the beauty business? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Conditions for registration of spa business in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceFine for cars without business registration in Vietnam

    Fine for cars without business registration in Vietnam

    Currently, many vehicles such as cars are used for business purposes, but the owner does not conduct business registration in accordance with the law. This significantly affects the management of the whole business; and the means of transport of relevant competent state agencies. Is this behavior illegal? What is the penalty for unregistered cars? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Fine for cars without business registration in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceLaws on conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam

    Laws on conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Laws on conditions for enterprise dissolution”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprise 2020 Some theoretical issues about the law on dissolution of enterprises in Vietnam The law on enterprise dissolution understand as the totality of legal regulations promulgated; adjust the legal social relations in the process of resolving the dissolution of the enterprise. The current; regulations on enterprise dissolution are provided in the Enterprise Law…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam

    Conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam

    The current; conditions for enterprise dissolution in our country assessed as significantly improved by the business community; and achieved better results than before. The article below will introduce and clarify “Conditions for enterprise dissolution in Vietnam”. Legal grounds Law on enterprise 2020 The concept of business dissolution in Vietnam Enterprise dissolution is the procedure to terminate the existence of an enterprise; as a business entity by liquidating the assets of the business to repay its…

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  • Legal serviceEnterprise dissolved or suspended business in Vietnam

    Enterprise dissolved or suspended business in Vietnam

    Facing the complicated developments of the covid19 pandemic, many businesses are unable to continue operating at the moment. Should the business be dissolved or suspended? Let’s find out about: “Enterprise dissolved or suspended business in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on enterprise 2020 Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP Distinguish between dissolution and business suspension in Vietnam Definitions Suspend business: Suspending business” is the legal status of an enterprise that is in the process of temporarily suspending business. The…

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  • Legal serviceDissolution of enterprises according to the latest Enterprise Law in Vietnam

    Dissolution of enterprises according to the latest Enterprise Law in Vietnam

    Facing the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the company’s operation situation is no longer as positive as before; due to a number of mandatory conditions prescribed by law, it is not possible to maintain the operation any longer; One of the best measures that businesses will choose to solve the above problem is to dissolve the business. So what is corporate dissolution? Under what circumstances must the enterprise be dissolved? Join LSX Lawfirm to learn…

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