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  • Legal knowledge

    Searching for Vietnamese patent/utility solution information

    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Purpose of patent/utility solution information search – First of all, Avoid infringing upon IP rights of other subjects’ protected patent/utility solutions; – Secondly, Assess the protection ability of the patent/utility solution; – Thirdly, Objecting to the granting of diplomas to patent/utility solutions that do not meet the standards of protection, even after they have been granted; –…

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  • Legal serviceThe issue of withdrawing capital from a partnership in Vietnam

    The issue of withdrawing capital from a partnership in Vietnam

    What is withdrawal from a partnership? How can a member of the company withdraw capital from the partnership? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “The issue of withdrawing capital from a partnership in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 Law on investment 2020 Partnerships 1. A partnership is an enterprise in which: a) So, there are least 02 partners that are joint owners of the company and do business…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Searching for Vietnamese industrial design information

    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Purpose of industrial design information search – First of all, Avoid infringing upon IP rights of other subjects’ protected industrial designs; – Secondly, Assess the protection ability of the industrial design; – Thirdly, Objecting to the granting of diplomas to industrial designs that do not meet the standards of protection, even after they have been granted; –…

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  • Legal serviceChange shareholders being foreign investors in unlisted joint stock companies in Vietnam

    Change shareholders being foreign investors in unlisted joint stock companies in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Change shareholders being foreign investors in unlisted joint stock companies in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on enterprises 2020 Law on investment 2020 Some notes for founding shareholders of joint stock companies Within 3 years from the date the company granted the Certificate of Business Registration, the founding shareholder has the right to freely transfer his shares to other founding shareholders and may only transfer…

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  • Legal knowledgeCan FDI enterprises in Vietnam lend abroad?

    Can FDI enterprises in Vietnam lend abroad?

    Can FDI enterprises in Vietnam lend abroad? Is this procedure limited for FDI enterprises? Let’s learn about this with LSX Lawfirm. Legal grounds VBHN 07/VBHN-VPQH VBHN 02/VBHN-NHNN Regulations on foreign lending activities of economic organizations Article 19.2 VBHN 07/VBHN-VPQH Consolidated The Ordinance on Foreign Exchange stipulates that economic organizations may lend abroad , except for the export of goods and services with deferred payment; guarantee for non-residents when permitted by the Prime Minister. Procedure for…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on declaring a dead person under Vietnamese Law?

    Regulations on declaring a dead person under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, when the Court’s decision to declare an individual dead takes effect; the individual is “legally dead”. So, what regulations on declaring a dead person under Vietnamese Law? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Civil Procedure Code 2015Other relevant legal documents When a person is legally dead? Hence the regulations of Article 71 of the 2015 Law on Courts sets out the cases; in which a person can ask the Court to…

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  • Legal servicedossier for adoption under Vietnamese Law

    Dossier for adoption under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, adoption is one of the most important issues that need to stay under the control of the State. Therefore, the dossier for adoption is vital. Let’s find out with LSX in this article! Legal grounds 2015 Civil Law2010 Adoption Law What is adoption? Basically, adoption is a process in which one person assumes parenting responsibility for another person, usually a child, from that child’s biological or legal parent; and in doing so, transferred all…

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  • Legal serviceregulations on conditions for adoption

    Regulations on conditions for adoption under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, adoption is a sensitive issue that strictly regulated. Thus, anyone that wishes to adopt a child, shall surpass the conditions of the law. So, what are the regulations on conditions for adoption under Vietnamese Law? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal grounds 2015 Civil Law2010 Adoption Law What is adoption? Basically, adoption is a process in which one person assumes parenting responsibility for another person, usually a child, from that child’s biological or legal…

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  • Legal serviceprocedures for adoption under Vietnamese Law

    Procedures for adoption under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, adoption is one of the most important issues that need to stay under the control of the State. Therefore, the procedures for adoption are vital. Let’s find out with LSX in this article! Legal grounds 2015 Civil Law2010 Adoption Law Conditions for adoption Thus, current law stipulates that in order to be able to carry out the adoption procedure; the adopter and the person being adopted must satisfy the conditions prescribed by the law,…

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  • Legal serviceConditions on foreign investment capital in Vietnam

    Conditions on foreign investment capital in Vietnam

    A foreign investor, when intending to invest and do business in Vietnam; must comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law on conditions for investment capital for foreign investors. To clarify this, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Conditions on foreign investment capital in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on investment 2020 Law on enterprise 2020 Conditions on foreign investment capital in Vietnam Investment capital is money and other assets as prescribed by…

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