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  • Legal serviceObligations of foreign entities as homeowners in Vietnam

    Obligations of foreign entities as homeowners in Vietnam

    Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Obligations of foreign entities as homeowners in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on housing 2014 Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Decree No. 30/2021/ND-CP Some definitions about the obligations of foreign entities as homeowners in Vietnam Accordingly, Homeowner means any organization, household, or individual having legitimate housing through investment in housing construction, purchase, lease purchase; receipt of gift, receipt of inheritance, receipt of capital contribution; or exchange and…

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  • Legal serviceRights of foreign entities as homeowners are foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam

    Rights of foreign entities as homeowners are foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam

    Hello LSX Lawfirm, I am an investor contributing capital to Vietnam. How is my house ownership regulated by law? Please advise me. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Rights of foreign entities as homeowners are foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on housing 2014 Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Decree No. 30/2021/ND-CP Rights of foreign entities as homeowners are foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam The foreign entity are foreign-invested enterprises entitled to exercise…

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  • Legal serviceDocuments proving eligibility for owning houses in Vietnam

    Documents proving eligibility for owning houses in Vietnam

    Hello LSX Lawfirm, I am a foreigner planning to live in Vietnam. What proof do I need when I own a home here. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Documents proving eligibility for owning houses in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on housing 2014 Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Some definitions about the requirements pertaining to foreign entities eligible for the homeownership in Vietnam Accordingly, Homeowner means any organization, household, or individual having legitimate…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Penalties for not registering for foreign loans in Viet Nam

    Loan registration is a mandatory administrative procedure for economic organizations being enterprises, cooperatives, unions of cooperatives, and credit institutions when borrowing money from abroad to return to Vietnam. Enterprises are responsible for registering loans, opening and using loan accounts, repaying foreign debts, withdrawing capital and transferring money for debt repayment, and reporting on loan performance accordingly regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam. So, what are penalties for not registering for foreign loans in Viet…

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  • Legal serviceForms of the homeownership in Vietnam for foreigner

    Forms of the homeownership in Vietnam for foreigner

    Hello Lawyer X, I’m Tom Smith, British nationality. I plan to set up a branch representative office in Vietnam. So can I own a house here and through any form. Please advise me. Sincerely thank! So, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Forms of the homeownership in Vietnam for foreigner”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Housing 2014 Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Decree No. 30/2021/ND-CP Foreign entities eligible for the homeownership in Vietnam Firstly,…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Dossier to change the name of a company with foreign capital

    Dossier of change of name of a company with foreign capital are necessary documents for competent state agencies to consider; and record the new name in the Certificate of Business Registration and the Certificate of Investment Registration. Business name is the basis to identify a specific business with other businesses; is the basis for creating a brand in the market. During its operation, a foreign-invested company can completely change its name accordingly the business plan.…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Dossier of changing industries of foreign capital companies

    One of the market access conditions for foreign investors is the condition that foreign investors must meet; in order to invest in industries and trades on the list of industries and trades with restricted market access for foreign investors accordingly the Law on Investment. So, when it is necessary to change the industry or business line of a foreign-invested company, what procedures should investors perform? LSX Law Firm would like to have some legal opinions…

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  • Legal serviceConsulting service for drafting labor contracts with foreigners

    Consulting service for drafting labor contracts with foreigners

    Consulting service for drafting labor contracts with foreigners. Common difficulties and problems when drafting labor contracts with foreigners. Let us learn about this topic with LSX law firm as follow: How to write a labor contract with a foreigner:      According to current regulations, foreign workers work in the form of labor contracts after having work permits; then, the employer and the foreign worker must sign a written labor contract; according to the provisions of Vietnamese labor law…

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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Minimum Registration Dossier For Patent/Utility solution – First of all, 02 Declaration for registration which according to form No. 01-SC Appendix A of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN; – Secondly, 02 descriptions of the patent or utility solution. Specifically, a description of the patent/utility solution must satisfy the general requirements specified at Points 23.6 of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN and…

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  • Legal knowledge

    An overview of Geographical indications

    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. What is Geographical indications? Generally, geographical indication means a sign which identifies a product as originating from a specific region, locality, territory, or country. Accordingly, the reputation of products bearing a geographical indication shall be determined on the basis of consumers’ trust in such products through the selection of consumers.In addition, Geographical conditions bearing such geographical indication include:…

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