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  • Legal serviceProhibited acts about live related to Housing Law in Vietnam

    Prohibited acts about live related to Housing Law in Vietnam

    LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Prohibited acts about live related to Housing Law in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Housing 2014 Necessary and sufficient conditions to buy a house in Vietnam Conditions for foreign individuals and organizations to buy and own houses in Vietnam are specified by law in the Law on Housing 2014. Specifically in Article 5, Decree 99/2015/ND-CP stipulates that conditions for foreigners to buy houses in Vietnam.Firstly,…

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  • Legal serviceNecessary and sufficient conditions to buy a house in Vietnam

    Necessary and sufficient conditions to buy a house in Vietnam

    To facilitate living and working, many foreigners have chosen to buy houses in Vietnam. So, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Necessary and sufficient conditions to buy a house in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Housing 2014 Decree No. 99/2015/ND-CP Necessary and sufficient conditions to buy a house in Vietnam Conditions for foreign individuals and organizations to buy and own houses in Vietnam are specified by law in the Law on…

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  • Legal serviceWho pays insurance for all contracts for foreign teachers?

    Who pays insurance for all contracts for foreign teachers?

    Who pays insurance for all contracts for foreign teachers? Currently, our company employs many foreign workers. Do we have to pay social insurance, health insurance; unemployment insurance for all contracts for foreign teachers, including Contracts under 12 months? Let us learn about this topic with LSX law firm as follow: Who pays insurance for all contracts for foreign teachers? The company must pay compulsory insurance such as health insurance, social insurance. The content of the contract you…

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  • Legal serviceGuidance on signing labor contracts with foreigners

    Guidance on signing labor contracts with foreigners

    Guidance on signing labor contracts with foreigners. Foreigners have a tourist visa to Vietnam. Then that person wants to work in Vietnam. My company signed a 3-month labor contract with that person. Appoint that person to the Head of the branch and authorize that person to sign all documents, including taxes, invoices, banking, revenue, expenditure, etc. During this time, the person does not have a work permit. So, when that person works at the company…

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  • Legal serviceCopyright registration for software under Vietnamese Law

    Copyright registration for software under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, with the rise of industrialization and modernization, protection in general and software protection, in particular; is a matter of great concern to the whole society as well as professionals. So, what is the copyright registration for software in Vietnam? Let’s find out with LSX in the following article. Legal grounds 2005 Intellectual Property LawDecree 22/2018/ND-CP What is software? Accordingly, the software is a set of statements or instructions written in one or more programming…

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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 Fees and charges for geographical indication registration – Initially, Official charges for filing application: VND 150,000/ 01 application;– Next, Fee for publication of application: VND 120,000/ 01 application;– Besides, Fee for the geographical indication search for the substantive assessment process: VND 180,000/ 01 group of goods or services;– Lastly, Fee for formality examination: VND 1,200,000/ 01 group of…

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  • Legal knowledge


    Legal grounds Property intellectual law No. 07/VBHN-VPQH dated June 25, 2019 Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN dated February 14, 2007 1. Minimum Registration Dossier For Geographical indication – First of all, 02 Declaration for registration which are according to form No. 05-CDĐL Appendix A of Circular No. 16/2016/TT-BKHCN;– Secondly, The description of peculiar characteristics and quality, or reputation of the product bearing the geographical indication;– Thirdly, The map of the geographical area bearing the geographical indication;– Finally, Fee…

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  • Legal serviceSummary of all cases of land expropriation by the State in Vietnam

    Summary of all cases of land expropriation by the State in Vietnam

    Land recovery by the State means the State’s decision to recover land use rights from persons to whom the State grants land use rights or to recover land from land users who violate the land law. So, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Summary of all cases of land expropriation by the State in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on land 2013 When does the State recover the land? Pursuant to Clause…

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  • Legal serviceNew regulations employees should know in labor contracts from 2021

    New regulations employees should know in labor contracts from 2021

    New regulations employees should know in labor contracts from 2021. Let us learn about this topic with LSX law firm as follow: Only 02 types of labor contracts left According to Article 20 of the Labor Code 2019, from January 1, 2021; a labor contract will be entered into one of the following categories: – Labor contract with an indefinite term. – A definite-term labor contract, in which the two parties determine the term; and the time…

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  • Legal serviceMinimum wage for foreign workers?

    Minimum wage for foreign workers?

    Minimum wage for foreign workers? Let us learn about this topic with LSX law firm as follow: Foreign workers Currently, from the perspective of the Social Insurance Law, “foreign workers” are “foreign citizens working in Vietnam with a work permit; practicing certificate or practicing license issued by a competent Vietnamese agency”. If foreigners want to be Vietnamese, they must do the dossier to apply for Vietnamese citizenship for foreigners. According to this regulation, there are two criteria…

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