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  • Legal knowledgeHow long is the process of unilateral divorce with Vietnamese?

    How long is the process of unilateral divorce with Vietnamese?

    So, The time to resolve unilateral divorce is always a concern when conducting a divorce unilaterally? How long is the process of unilateral divorce with Vietnamese? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm. Legal Ground The Civil Procedure Code 2015.Law on Marriage and Family 2014. General provisions for unilateral divorce with Vietnamese Divorce unilaterally will resolve issues of: Dispute over child rearing, property division upon divorce, property division after divorce.Disputes over division of…

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  • Legal knowledgeHow long is the process of consensual divorce with Vietnamese?

    How long is the process of consensual divorce with Vietnamese?

    Time to resolve a consensual divorce is a problem that many couples worry about when they need a divorce. How long is the process of consensual divorce with Vietnamese? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm Legal Ground: Law on Marriage and Family 2014; General provisions on consensual divorce Consensual divorce is a case of divorce at the request of both husband and wife. Both have agreed on the issues of husband and…

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  • Legal knowledgeDivorce unilaterally with Vietnamese people

    Divorce unilaterally with Vietnamese people

    Divorce at the request of one party or unilateral divorce is considered as one of the options when one of the spouses wants to end the marriage. In order to ensure the resolution of the divorce issue when one party requests it, what are the provisions of the law? What is Divorce unilaterally with Vietnamese people? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm Legal Ground Civil Code 2015Law on Marriage and Family…

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  • Legal serviceUnilateral divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people

    Consensual divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people

    Consensual divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people is a useful legal service of LSX. We offer to draft you the most accurate drafting of Consensual divorce petitions; based on actual circumstances and legal difficulties that you are facing during the divorce process. Here are the details of the Consensual divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people. Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm . Legal Ground: Law on marriage and family.…

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  • Legal serviceUnilateral divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people

    Unilateral divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people

    Unilateral divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people is a useful legal service of LSX. We offer to draft you the most accurate drafting of unilateral divorce petitions; based on actual circumstances and legal difficulties that you are facing during the divorce process. Here are the details of the Unilateral divorce service for foreigners with Vietnamese people. Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm . Legal Ground: Law on marriage and family.Civil…

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  • Legal serviceRegister coffee shop trademark

    Procedure for registering coffee shop trademarks in Vietnam

    When operating a coffee shop in Vietnam, individuals may wish to register for trademark protection. However, the procedure may be confusing; especially to foreigners. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give a brief on the procedure for registering coffee shop trademarks in Vietnam. Legal ground 2005 Intellectual Property Law Definition of trademarks Accordingly, trademarks are signs to distinguish goods, services of different organizations, individuals. In fact, signs used as trademarks must be visible signs in…

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  • Legal knowledgeProcedures for applying for Vietnamese citizenship

    How to get Vietnamese citizenship?

    Getting Vietnamese citizenship means the Socialist Republic of Vietnam considers you as a Vietnamese citizen. They will enjoy the rights and obligations of Vietnamese law. How to get Vietnamese citizenship? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm. Legal Ground  Law on Vietnamese Nationality 2008.Decree 16/2020/ND-CP. What is nationality? Nationality is the legal relationship between an individual and a sovereign state. If a person has the nationality of a country; then that person is…

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  • Legal serviceRegistration of investment capital for company establishment in Vietnam

    Registration of investment capital for company establishment in Vietnam

    Most of the business lines in Vietnam, at present, do not have regulations on the minimum amount of capital when registering for investment. Except for a few cases such as: Real estate business, employment services, tourism services, healthcare… For industries that do not require minimum registered capital, foreign investors are allowed Register according to your capital needs. However, wherever foreign investors register, they need to prove their financial capacity there. And above all, it is…

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  • Legal serviceDocuments for foreign investors need to prepare in Vietnam

    Documents for foreign investors need to prepare in Vietnam

    Many foreign investors are about to enter Vietnam to set up a company but wonder what documents to prepare. LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about: “Documents for foreign investors need to prepare in Vietnam; as follows: Legal grounds Law on investment 2020 Some definitions related to documents for foreign investors need to prepare in Vietnam Foreign investor means an individual or organization as defined by the Law on Investment. Firstly, “Investor” means an…

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  • Legal serviceSequence of basic foreign investment procedures in Vietnam.

    Sequence of basic foreign investment procedures in Vietnam

    For a new foreign investor, the basic procedure required is the application for investment approval at the Economic and External Relations Department of the Department of Planning and Investment of the province or city. So, this is reflected in the procedures for applying for an investment registration certificate or for approval of eligibility for capital contribution registration, share purchase, or capital contribution to an enterprise in Vietnam. Normally, the result obtained will be an investment…

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