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  • Legal service

    Conditions for adoption with foreign elements in Vietnam

    Conditions for adoption with foreign elements in Vietnam. Authority to register for adoption. Adoption cases involving foreign elements. Consequences of Adoption. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Law on Adoption 2010 Decree 19/2011/ND-CP Adopted person in Vietnam Adopted person includes: Firstly, Children under 16 years old. Secondly, Persons from full 16 years old to under 18 years old if they fall into one of the following cases: Being…

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  • Legal service

    Dossier of the adopter with foreign elements

    Dossier of the adopter with foreign elements. Dossier of the adopted person with foreign elements. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Dossier of the adopter with foreign elements: 02 sets Submit to the Ministry of Justice through the central adoption agency of the country where the adopter permanently resides; in case of adoption by name, the adopter may directly submit the dossier to the Ministry of Justice. Documents include: Firstly,…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures for birth registration for children with dual citizenship?

    Procedures for birth registration for children with dual citizenship? Where to apply for consular legalization? What procedure do you need? Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Situation: I am married to a Japanese husband, currently living in Vietnam. Next month I give birth to a baby. I want to make a birth certificate for him with both nationalities. If you have Japanese nationality, your father will do it. I want…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures for making a birth certificate when father is Indian in Vietnam

    Procedures for making a birth certificate when father is Indian in Vietnam. Time limit for processing the recognition of father, mother, and child. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Situation: – My husband has Indian nationality, currently residing and working in Singapore – I have Vietnamese nationality, permanent residence in Nam Dinh Province – We are not in a marrying relationship. My child was born in Vietnam. I want to…

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  • Legal service

    Conditions for granting a license to use foreign digital certificates

    What is a foreign digital certificate? Conditions for granting a license to use foreign digital certificates. Verification of documents and issuance of licenses to use foreign digital certificates in Vietnam. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Decree 130/2018/ND-CP What is a foreign digital certificate? A foreign digital certificate is a digital certificate; issued by a foreign digital signature certification service provider (Clause 10, Article 3 of Decree 130/2018/ND-CP).…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Conditions for air transport service business

    If in the past, the Air transport business industry received little attention. But today, the Air transport business is the industry that many people seek and learn. Airplanes are gradually becoming the main means of transportation used by people because of the benefits of time; convenience they bring. It is also of interest to international investors. LSX Lawfirm will give you a article about: “Conditions for air transport service business”, as follows: Legal grounds Decree…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for setting up a laundry company with foreign capital

    In our modern life, there are people who are too busy with work and have no time to do things like laundry, sweeping, cleaning the house. For these people, the laundry shop is such a lifesaver. Therefore, in big cities, there are more and more laundry shops in apartments and residential areas. Besides, foreign businesses also can not ignore this “fertile” market when a number of laundry chain stores have come into operation and impressed…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for setting up a foreign-invested security service company in Vietnam

    Procedures for establishing a foreign-invested security service company in Vietnam So, when a foreign investor establishes a company in Vietnam, what conditions do they need to meet? Is the procedure complicated? How long does it take to get permission? Are there any special requests? What is the procedure for setting up a foreign-invested security service company in Vietnam? Currently, foreigners investing in Vietnam are increasing in popularity. So what is the procedures for foreigners to…

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  • Legal service

    What is foreign investment? Types of foreign investment

    What is foreign investment? Types of foreign investment. Conditions for foreign investors. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Investment Law 2020 What is foreign investment? Foreign investment means that organizations and individuals of one country bring capital in different forms into another country to conduct business activities to seek profit. Foreign investment as in the form of direct investment or indirect investment. According to Vietnamese law, foreign investment…

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  • Legal service

    Procedures for vehicle registration for foreigners in Vietnam

    Can foreigners register vehicles? Procedures for vehicle registration for foreigners in Vietnam. Which foreign individuals and organizations can register their vehicle in Vietnam? Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA Which foreign individuals and organizations can register their vehicle in Vietnam? Regulations on registration of car ownership in Vietnam are governed by Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA stipulating the process of granting and revoking registration and license plates of road…

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