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  • Legal service

    Regulations on disputes settlement with foreign investors in Vietnam

    In investment activities, conflicts are often unavoidable. Therefore, to solve this problem, the Vietnamese legal system has set up some regulations to apply; in case of disputes in investment activities. In this article, LSX will give you a brief on the regulations on disputes settlement with foreign investors in Vietnam Legal ground 2020 Investment Law Regulations on disputes settlement with foreign investors Initially, disputes related to business investment activities in Vietnam are resolved through negotiation…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Adjusting investment projects when transfer projects to foreign investors

    Along with the introduction of Decree 31/2021, several provisions in the investment law have been clearly defined. Among them, regulations on procedures for adjusting investment projects when transfer are also more detailed. Therefore, in this paper, LSX will give you a look at “Adjusting investment projects when transfer projects to foreign investors.” Legal grounds 2020 Investment LawDecree 31/2021/ND-CP The investor conducts the project adjustment procedure Executing subject Accordingly, the investors who fall into the following…

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  • Legal service

    Dossier for transfer of investment projects to foreigners in Vietnam

    During the investment process, the investor has the right to transfer the project to another investor. However, to be able to exercise the right, the investor must ensure the conditions of the law and at the same time complete the necessary dossier. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you a look at the dossier for transfer of investment projects to foreigners in Vietnam. Legal grounds 2020 Investment LawDecree 31/2021/ND-CP Conditions for transfer procedure of…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Visa duration for foreigners come to work in Vietnam 2021

    Unable to return home, many foreigner workers remain in Vietnam, fearing financial instability due to prolonged social distancing. By the way, many foreigners want to come in Vietnam to work. Vietnam is a country effectively fights the epidemic. LSX Lawfirm will give you some tips related to this issue according to the article: “Visa duration for foreigners come to work in Vietnam 2021” as follows: Legal grounds Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Visa symbols foreigners need to know in Vietnam

    Expired visa, is considered for a new visa. The duration of a visa shall be at least 30 days shorter than that of a passport or international laissez-passer. And What are the Visa symbols foreigners need to know in Vietnam? LSX Lawfirm will explain to you this article as follows: Legal grounds Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014 What does Visa means? Visa means a document issued by a…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Conditions for Karaoke service business to foreigners in Vietnam

    During the social distancing days of the Covid-19; the law has banned many non-essential services from operating; including karaoke service business. This is considered a hindrance of foreign investors to karaoke services. However; if one day; the Covid-19 gets better; then what are the conditions for Karaoke service business to foreigners in Vietnam? LSX Lawfirm will give you this article, as follows: Legal grounds Decree No. 54/2019/ND-CP What does Karaoke service business? Karaoke service business;…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Can foreigners get a bank loan in Vietnam?

    There are many foreigners currently living and studying in Vietnam; and financial problems cannot be ignored; especially in difficult times. So; can foreigners get a bank loan in Vietnam? Regarding this issue, Lsx Lawfirm would like to give you the article: “Can foreigners get a bank loan in Vietnam?” as follows: Legal grounds Circular No. 39/2016/TT-NHNN dated December 30, 2016 Can foreigners get a bank loan in Vietnam? According to Article 7 of Circular 39/2016/TT-NHNN; credit…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Can foreigners set up private enterprise?

    With the policy of opening the market for foreign investors to access investment in Vietnam with many types of enterprises in accordance with current regulations. Therefore, there is no question that foreign investors can invest by opening a private enterprise. Regarding this issue, LSX Lawfirm would like to share with you the article: “Can foreigners set up private enterprise?” as follows: Legal grounds: Law on Enterprises 2020 Law on Investment 2020 What is private enterprise?…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Industries that the law allow foreign investors in Vietnam

    Foreign investors are welcome to do business in almost any field in Vietnam without restrictions and limitations. However; there are some areas with certain conditions that foreign investors need to be aware of; before deciding whether or not; they should enter the market. Regarding this issue; LSX Lawfirm would like to share with you the article: “Industries that the law allow foreign investors in Vietnam” as follows: Legal grounds Law on Investment 2020 Decree No.…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Do foreign workers working in Vietnam have to pay health insurance?

    Health insurance for foreign workers is a common issue nowadays; when Vietnamese businesses tend to use foreign workers. Therefore; regarding the issue of Health Insurance for foreign workers working in Vietnam; LSX Lawfirm would like to share with you this issue according to the article: “Do foreign workers working in Vietnam have to pay health insurance?”; as follows: Legal grounds Law on Health Insurance 2008 was amended and supplemented in 2014 Decision No. 595/QD-BHXH Subjects…

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